Built with Alectryon, running Coq+SerAPI v8.10.0+0.7.0. Coq sources are in this panel; goals and messages will appear in the other. Bubbles () indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents. Use Ctrl+↑ Ctrl+↓ to navigate, Ctrl+🖱️ to focus.
(* Generated from SpecFloatCompat.v.in, *do not edit*. *)

(* This is a compatibility module for Coq < 8.11 which does not provide
   Coq.Floats.SpecFloat. It should ideally be called SpecFloat but
   this is not supported by extraction. It is bound to disappear once
   Flocq requires Coq >= 8.11. *)

Require Export SpecFloatCopy.