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This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details.

Remainder of the division and square root are in the FLX format

Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Core Operations Relative Sterbenz Mult_error.

Section Fprop_divsqrt_error.

Variable beta : radix.
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).

Variable prec : Z.


forall fexp : Z -> Z, (forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z) -> forall (x y : R) (fx fy : float beta), x = F2R fx -> y = F2R fy -> (Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R -> (Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R -> generic_format beta fexp (x + y)

forall fexp : Z -> Z, (forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z) -> forall (x y : R) (fx fy : float beta), x = F2R fx -> y = F2R fy -> (Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R -> (Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R -> generic_format beta fexp (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R

generic_format beta fexp (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R = 0%R

generic_format beta fexp (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
generic_format beta fexp (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

generic_format beta fexp (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

generic_format beta fexp (F2R (Fplus fx fy))
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

(let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum) <> 0%Z -> (cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum; Fexp := let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp |}) <= (let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

(cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum; Fexp := let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp |}) <= (let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

forall Fnum Fexp : Z, Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := Fnum; Fexp := Fexp |} -> (cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := Fnum; Fexp := Fexp |}) <= Fexp)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(cexp beta fexp (F2R (Fplus fx fy)) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(cexp beta fexp (F2R (Fplus fx fy)) <= Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(cexp beta fexp (x + y) <= Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(fexp (mag beta (x + y)) <= Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(mag beta (x + y) - prec <= Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(mag beta (x + y) <= prec + Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}
(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy) <= ez)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
Hfexp:forall e : Z, (fexp e <= e - prec)%Z
x, y:R
fx, fy:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
Hy:y = F2R fy
H1:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
H2:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
H:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
mz, ez:Z
Hz:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |}

(Fexp {| Fnum := mz; Fexp := ez |} <= ez)%Z
apply Z.le_refl. Qed. Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }. Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLX_exp prec)). Notation cexp := (cexp beta (FLX_exp prec)). Variable choice : Z -> bool.
Remainder of the division in FLX
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y = 0%R

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = 0%R

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R

x <> R0
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:x = R0

round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:x = R0

round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (R0 / y) = 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:x = R0

round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (R0 * / y) = 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy

format (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

format (x - round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

forall e : Z, (FLX_exp prec e <= e - prec)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y))%R = F2R (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y))%R = F2R (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
(* *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs (x + - (x / y * (1 + eps) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs (- (x + - (x / y * (1 + eps) * y))) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs (x * eps) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x * Rabs eps < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x * Rabs eps < Rabs x * 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < Rabs x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs eps < 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs eps < 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) <= 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) <= bpow 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(- prec + 1 <= 0)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < prec)%Z -> (- prec + 1 <= 0)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x * 1 <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + cexp x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec (mag beta x)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec (Build_mag_prop beta x ex Hex)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec ex))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec ex))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs x < bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec ex))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(bpow ex <= bpow (prec + FLX_exp prec ex))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(ex <= prec + FLX_exp prec ex)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(ex <= prec + (ex - prec))%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps < bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = (x / y * (1 + eps))%R
Hex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(ex <= ex)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))))%R
(* *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Fexp fr + Fexp fy)%Z = Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fy))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y)) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (y * - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(y * - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y))%R = (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) * y))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (y * - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y * Rabs (- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y * Rabs (- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 < Rabs y)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y)) < bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y) < bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y) < ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) - x / y) < ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(x / y)%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

bpow (cexp (F2R fr)) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
F2R fr <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

bpow (cexp (F2R fr)) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

cexp (F2R fr) = Fexp fr
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fy)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fy + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y * bpow (Fexp fr) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fy) * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 <= bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs y <= bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y <= bpow (prec + Fexp fy))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y <= bpow (prec + (mag beta y - prec)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs y <= bpow (mag beta y))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
rnd:R -> Z
Zrnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Zy:y <> 0%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fy:float beta
Hy1:y = F2R fy
Hy2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fy
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) rnd (x / y) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:y <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow mag_val)%R

(Rabs y <= bpow mag_val)%R
left; now apply a. Qed.
Remainder of the square in FLX (with p>1) and rounding to nearest
Variable Hp1 : Z.lt 1 prec.

prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x : R, format x -> format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x : R, format x -> format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) match Rcase_abs x with | left _ => 0 | right a => Rsqrt {| nonneg := x; cond_nonneg := Rge_le x 0 a |} end)²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz, r:(x < 0)%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) 0)²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R
r:(x >= 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (Rsqrt {| nonneg := x; cond_nonneg := Rge_le x 0 r |}))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz, r:(x < 0)%R

format (x - 0²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R
r:(x >= 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (Rsqrt {| nonneg := x; cond_nonneg := Rge_le x 0 r |}))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz, r:(x < 0)%R

format (x - 0 * 0)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R
r:(x >= 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (Rsqrt {| nonneg := x; cond_nonneg := Rge_le x 0 r |}))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R
r:(x >= 0)%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (Rsqrt {| nonneg := x; cond_nonneg := Rge_le x 0 r |}))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x < 0)%R
r:(x >= 0)%R

(0 < 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R

format (0 - 0²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R

format (0 - 0 * 0)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:x = 0%R

format 0
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = 0%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx

format (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

format (x - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

forall e : Z, (FLX_exp prec e <= e - prec)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)%R = F2R (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(- (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)%R = F2R (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
(* *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 <= (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
((round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))² <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

((round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))² <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))² <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((sqrt x * (1 + eps))² <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((1 + eps)² * x <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((1 + eps)² * x <= 2 * x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
((1 + eps)² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((1 + eps)² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((1 + eps)² <= 5² / 4²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

((1 + eps)² <= (5 / 4)²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs (1 + eps) <= Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs 1 + Rabs eps <= Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(1 + Rabs eps <= Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(-1 + (1 + Rabs eps) <= -1 + Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(Rabs eps <= -1 + Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(/ 2 * bpow (- prec + 1) <= -1 + Rabs (5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(/ 2 * bpow (- prec + 1) <= -1 + 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(2 * (/ 2 * bpow (- prec + 1)) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 * (/ 2 * bpow (- prec + 1)) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) <= bpow (-1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(bpow (-1) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(- prec + 1 <= -1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(bpow (-1) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (-1) <= 2 * (-1 + 5 / 4))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(bpow (-1) <= / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(2 <= IZR (Z.pow_pos beta 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <= IZR (Z.pow_pos beta 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <= Z.pow_pos beta 1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <= Pos.iter (Z.mul beta) 1 1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <= beta * 1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <= beta)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(2 <=? beta)%Z = true
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

2%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 <= 5 / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 <= 5 * / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 <= 5)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(0 <= / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 <= / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < / 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

4%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(5² / 4² <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(5 * 5 / (4 * 4) <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(25 * / 16 <= 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(0 < 16)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
(25 * / 16 * 16 <= 2 * 16)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(25 * / 16 * 16 <= 2 * 16)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

(25 <= 2 * 16)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
16%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
Heps1:(Rabs eps <= / 2 * bpow (- prec + 1))%R
Heps2:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R

16%R <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(x < bpow (prec + Fexp fx))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(x < bpow (prec + (mag beta x - prec)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(x < bpow (mag beta x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R

(x < bpow mag_val)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R

(Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R
(x >= 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R

x <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R
(x >= 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow mag_val)%R

(x >= 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))))%R
(* *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Fexp fr + Fexp fr)%Z = Fexp (Fopp (Fmult fr fr))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x))²) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (x + - (F2R fr)²) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (- ((F2R fr - sqrt x) * (F2R fr + sqrt x))) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(- ((F2R fr - sqrt x) * (F2R fr + sqrt x)))%R = (x + - (F2R fr)²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (- ((F2R fr - sqrt x) * (F2R fr + sqrt x))) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(- ((F2R fr - sqrt x) * (F2R fr + sqrt x)))%R = (sqrt x * sqrt x + - (F2R fr)²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (- ((F2R fr - sqrt x) * (F2R fr + sqrt x))) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr - sqrt x) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr - sqrt x) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 <= Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (F2R fr - sqrt x) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr - sqrt x) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr - sqrt x) <= / 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= / 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(/ 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (F2R fr) <= / 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(/ 2 * bpow (cexp (F2R fr)))%R = (/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
F2R fr <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(/ 2 * bpow (cexp (F2R fr)))%R = (/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

bpow (cexp (F2R fr)) = bpow (Fexp fr)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(/ 2 * bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2 < bpow (prec + (Fexp fr + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(bpow (Fexp fr) * Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2 < bpow (Fexp fr + (prec + Fexp fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(bpow (Fexp fr) * (Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2) < bpow (Fexp fr) * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 < bpow (Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2 < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2 < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(2 * (Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(2 * (Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) * / 2) <= Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr + sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
(* . *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + cexp (F2R fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + (mag beta (F2R fr) - prec)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (mag beta (F2R fr)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:F2R fr <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow mag_val)%R

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow mag_val)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
a:F2R fr <> 0%R -> (bpow (mag_val - 1) <= Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow mag_val)%R

F2R fr <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
(* . *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(Rabs (F2R fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr) + Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
(bpow (prec + Fexp fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) <= 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(bpow (prec + Fexp fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) <= 2 * bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
(* . *)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(bpow (prec + Fexp fr) + Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr) + bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

sqrt x <> 0%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R

(sqrt x > 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R

(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:sqrt x <> 0%R -> (bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(Rabs (sqrt x) <= bpow es)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
(bpow es <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(bpow es <= bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(es <= prec + Fexp fr)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R

(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z -> (es <= prec + Fexp fr)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(es <= prec + Fexp fr)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

~ (Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (F2R fr))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

format (bpow (es - 1))
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(FLX_exp prec (es - 1 + 1) <= es - 1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z
(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(bpow (prec + Fexp fr) <= bpow (es - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
H:(Rabs (F2R fr) < bpow (prec + Fexp fr))%R
H0:sqrt x <> 0%R
Es:(bpow (es - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x) < bpow es)%R
H1:(prec + Fexp fr < es)%Z

(prec + Fexp fr <= es - 1)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr
(0 <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hx:format x
Hxz:(x > 0)%R
Hr:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) <> 0%R
fx:float beta
Hx1:x = F2R fx
Hx2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fx
fr:float beta
Hr1:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = F2R fr
Hr2:canonical beta (FLX_exp prec) fr

(0 <= x)%R
now apply Rlt_le. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R

exists (mu : R) (e : Z), format mu /\ x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R /\ (1 <= mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R

exists (mu : R) (e : Z), format mu /\ x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R /\ (1 <= mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z

exists (mu : R) (e0 : Z), format mu /\ x = (mu * bpow (2 * e0))%R /\ (1 <= mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R

exists (mu0 : R) (e0 : Z), format mu0 /\ x = (mu0 * bpow (2 * e0))%R /\ (1 <= mu0 < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R

(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
exists (mu0 : R) (e0 : Z), format mu0 /\ x = (mu0 * bpow (2 * e0))%R /\ (1 <= mu0 < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R

(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
now rewrite <- bpow_plus; case e; simpl; [reflexivity| |]; intro p; rewrite Z.pos_sub_diag.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R

exists (mu0 : R) (e0 : Z), format mu0 /\ x = (mu0 * bpow (2 * e0))%R /\ (1 <= mu0 < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

exists (mu0 : R) (e0 : Z), format mu0 /\ x = (mu0 * bpow (2 * e0))%R /\ (1 <= mu0 < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
(1 <= mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
(mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

x = (x * (bpow (-2 * e) * bpow e2))%R
now unfold e2; rewrite Hbe, Rmult_1_r.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(1 <= mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
(mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(1 <= mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(0 < bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
(1 * bpow (2 * e) <= mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(0 < bpow (2 * e))%R
apply bpow_gt_0.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(1 * bpow (2 * e) <= mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

(bpow e2 <= x * bpow (-2 * e) * bpow e2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

(bpow (2 * e) <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

(bpow (2 * e) <= bpow (mag beta x - 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z
(bpow (mag beta x - 1) <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

(bpow (2 * e) <= bpow (mag beta x - 1))%R
now apply bpow_le; unfold e; apply Z_mult_div_ge.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z

(bpow (mag beta x - 1) <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z
l:=mag beta x:mag_prop beta x

(bpow (l - 1) <= Rabs x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
e2:=(2 * e)%Z:Z
l:=mag beta x:mag_prop beta x

x <> 0%R
intro Hx; revert Px; rewrite Hx; apply Rlt_irrefl.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(mu < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(x * bpow (-2 * e) < bpow 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(x * bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e) < bpow 2 * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(x < bpow 2 * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(x < bpow (mag beta x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
(bpow (mag beta x) <= bpow 2 * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(x < bpow (mag beta x))%R
rewrite <- (Rabs_pos_eq _ (Rlt_le _ _ Px)) at 1; apply bpow_mag_gt.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu

(bpow (mag beta x) <= bpow 2 * bpow (2 * e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
mxm1:=(mag beta x - 1)%Z:Z

(mag beta x <= 2 + 2 * (mxm1 / 2))%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
mxm1:=(mag beta x - 1)%Z:Z

(mag beta x <= 2 + (2 * (mxm1 / 2) + mxm1 mod 2 - mxm1 mod 2))%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
mxm1:=(mag beta x - 1)%Z:Z

(mag beta x <= 2 + (mxm1 - mxm1 mod 2))%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Px:(0 < x)%R
e:=((mag beta x - 1) / 2)%Z:Z
mu:=(x * bpow (-2 * e))%R:R
Hbe:(bpow (-2 * e) * bpow (2 * e))%R = 1%R
Fmu:format mu
mxm1:=(mag beta x - 1)%Z:Z

(mag beta x + (mxm1 mod 2 - mag beta x) <= 2 + (mxm1 - mxm1 mod 2) + (mxm1 mod 2 - mag beta x))%Z
unfold mxm1; destruct (Z.mod_bound_or (mag beta x - 1) 2); omega. Qed. Notation u_ro := (u_ro beta prec).
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

(1 <= x)%R -> x = 1%R \/ x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

(1 <= x)%R -> x = 1%R \/ x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R

x = 1%R \/ x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

x = 1%R \/ x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R

x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1

x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1

(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1

(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
unfold u_ro; rewrite bpow_plus; field.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)

x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)

(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)

(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)

(succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1 <= x)%R
now apply succ_le_lt; [now apply FLX_exp_valid| | |].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R

x = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R \/ (1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
(1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hsucc:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1) = ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) 1

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hsucc:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1 = bpow (mag beta 1)
ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hsucc:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1) = ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) 1

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
now rewrite H2eps, <- succ_FLX_1, <- ulp_FLX_1.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hsucc:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1 = bpow (mag beta 1)

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1 < bpow (mag beta 1))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(1 + 2 * u_ro < IZR beta)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(2 * u_ro < R1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
(2 <= IZR beta)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(2 * u_ro < R1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) < R1)%R
change R1 with (bpow 0); apply bpow_lt; omega.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R

(2 <= IZR beta)%R
apply IZR_le, Zle_bool_imp_le, radix_prop.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R

(1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R

succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
Hsucc1p2eps:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R
(1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R

succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R

(0 <= 1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
Hsucc1p2eps:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R

(1 + 4 * u_ro <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
Hsucc1p2eps:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R

(succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
Hsucc1p2eps:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R

format (1 + 2 * u_ro)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
HxGe1:(1 <= x)%R
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
HxGt1:(1 < x)%R
F1:format 1
H2eps:(2 * u_ro)%R = bpow (- prec + 1)
HmuGe1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro <= x)%R
HxGt1p2eps:(1 + 2 * u_ro < x)%R
Hulp1p2eps:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (2 * u_ro)%R
Hsucc1p2eps:succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (1 + 2 * u_ro) = (1 + 4 * u_ro)%R

format (succ beta (FLX_exp prec) 1)
now apply generic_format_succ; [apply FLX_exp_valid|]. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
((u_ro * / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= 1 * (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; apply sqrt_lt_R0; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((u_ro * / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= 1 * (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))² <= (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))² <= (sqrt ((1 + 4 * u_ro) * (1 + 2 * u_ro)))²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))² <= (1 + 4 * u_ro) * (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * u_ro * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) + 2 * u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 8 * (u_ro * u_ro) + 6 * u_ro + 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * u_ro * (1 + 2 * u_ro) + 2 * u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 8 * (u_ro * u_ro) + 6 * u_ro + 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * u_ro * (1 + 2 * u_ro) + 2 * u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) + (1 + 4 * u_ro) + (- u_ro * u_ro - 1 - 4 * u_ro - 2 * u_ro ^ 3) <= 8 * (u_ro * u_ro) + 6 * u_ro + 1 + (- u_ro * u_ro - 1 - 4 * u_ro - 2 * u_ro ^ 3))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((2 * u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))² <= (-2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
(0 <= -2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((2 * u_ro * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))² <= (-2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)²)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(4 * u_ro ^ 2 * sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) ^ 2 * sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) ^ 2 <= 4 * u_ro ^ 6 - 28 * u_ro ^ 5 + 41 * u_ro ^ 4 + 28 * u_ro ^ 3 + 4 * u_ro ^ 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(4 * (u_ro * u_ro) * (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 4 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro))))) - 28 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro)))) + 41 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro))) + 28 * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro)) + 4 * (u_ro * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(4 * (u_ro * u_ro) * (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + 4 * u_ro) + (-32 * u_ro ^ 4 - 24 * u_ro ^ 3 - 4 * u_ro ^ 2) <= 4 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro))))) - 28 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro)))) + 41 * (u_ro * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro))) + 28 * (u_ro * (u_ro * u_ro)) + 4 * (u_ro * u_ro) + (-32 * u_ro ^ 4 - 24 * u_ro ^ 3 - 4 * u_ro ^ 2))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 <= 4 * u_ro ^ 6 - 28 * u_ro ^ 5 + 9 * u_ro ^ 4 + 4 * u_ro ^ 3)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 <= ((4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9) * u_ro + 4) * u_ro ^ 3)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 <= (4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9) * u_ro + 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Heps_le_half:(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R
(0 <= (4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9) * u_ro + 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(bpow (- prec + 1) <= 1)%R
change 1%R with (bpow 0); apply bpow_le; omega.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Heps_le_half:(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R

(0 <= (4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9) * u_ro + 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Heps_le_half:(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R

(-8 * u_ro + 4 <= (4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9) * u_ro + 4)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Heps_le_half:(u_ro <= 1 / 2)%R

(-8 <= 4 * u_ro ^ 2 - 28 * u_ro + 9)%R
now assert (H : (0 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R); [apply pow2_ge_0|lra].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 <= -2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro ^ 3 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
H:(u_ro ^ 3 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R
(0 <= -2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro ^ 3 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro * u_ro * u_ro <= u_ro * u_ro * 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(u_ro <= 1)%R
now apply Rlt_le, u_ro_lt_1.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
H:(u_ro ^ 3 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R

(0 <= -2 * u_ro ^ 3 + 7 * u_ro ^ 2 + 2 * u_ro)%R
now assert (H' : (0 <= u_ro ^ 2)%R); [apply pow2_ge_0|lra]. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(0 <= / 1 - / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 <= 1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
assert (H := u_ro_pos beta prec); lra. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R
((1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro)) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro) * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro))%R
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [apply sqrt_lt_R0|]; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

((1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro)) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro) * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * (1 + u_ro)))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * u_ro + sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - u_ro - 1 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * u_ro + (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + (- u_ro + - (1))) <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) + (- u_ro + - (1)) <= 0)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro + 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Pu_ro:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(1 + 2 * u_ro <= (u_ro + 1) * (u_ro + 1))%R
assert (H : (0 <= u_ro * u_ro)%R); [apply Rmult_le_pos|]; lra. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

(1 <= 1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
assert (H := u_ro_pos beta prec); lra. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R

(0 < u_ro)%R
unfold u_ro; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [lra|apply bpow_gt_0].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

(Rabs (0 - 0) <= 0)%R
now unfold Rminus; rewrite Rplus_0_l, Rabs_Ropp, Rabs_R0; right.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R

t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R

t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R

(sqrt mu * sqrt (bpow (2 * e)))%R = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
now rewrite sqrt_bpow.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(Rabs (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (bpow e) - bpow e) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(Rabs (bpow e - bpow e) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R
format (bpow e)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(Rabs (bpow e - bpow e) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(0 <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (bpow e))%R
now apply Rmult_le_pos; [|apply Rabs_pos].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

format (bpow e)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = 1%R

(FLX_exp prec e <= e)%Z
unfold FLX_exp; omega.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(1 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) < 1 + u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(1 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
rewrite <- sqrt_1 at 1; apply sqrt_le_1_alt; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) < 1 + u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) < 1 + u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R

(1 + 2 * u_ro < (1 + u_ro) * (1 + u_ro))%R
ring_simplify; assert (0 < u_ro ^ 2)%R; [apply pow_lt|]; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R

format (bpow e)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R

format (bpow e)
apply generic_format_bpow; unfold FLX_exp; omega.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

rt = bpow e
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
Hrt:rt = bpow e
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

rt = bpow e
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt mu * bpow e) <= bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
(bpow e <= round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt mu * bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt mu * bpow e) <= bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(sqrt mu * bpow e < (bpow e + succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (bpow e)) / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(sqrt mu * bpow e < (1 + u_ro) * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
((1 + u_ro) * bpow e <= (bpow e + succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (bpow e)) / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(sqrt mu * bpow e < (1 + u_ro) * bpow e)%R
now apply Rmult_lt_compat_r; [apply bpow_gt_0|].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

((1 + u_ro) * bpow e <= (bpow e + succ beta (FLX_exp prec) (bpow e)) / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

((1 + u_ro) * bpow e <= (bpow e + (bpow e + ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (bpow e))) / 2)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

((1 + u_ro) * bpow e <= (bpow e + (bpow e + bpow (e + 1 - prec))) / 2)%R
unfold Z.sub, u_ro; rewrite !bpow_plus; right; field.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(bpow e <= round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt mu * bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(bpow e <= sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)

(1 * bpow e <= sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
now apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [apply bpow_ge_0|].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
Hrt:rt = bpow e

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':mu = (1 + 2 * u_ro)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 <= sqrt mu < 1 + u_ro)%R
Fbpowe:format (bpow e)
Hrt:rt = bpow e

(Rabs (bpow e - sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * bpow e) <= Rabs ((1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) * bpow e)))%R
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; right; f_equal; field; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R

(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R

(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R

(1 + u_ro < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
P1peps:(0 <= 1 + u_ro)%R

(1 + u_ro < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
P1peps:(0 <= 1 + u_ro)%R

(sqrt ((1 + u_ro) * (1 + u_ro)) < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
P1peps:(0 <= 1 + u_ro)%R

((1 + u_ro) * (1 + u_ro) < 1 + 4 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
P1peps:(0 <= 1 + u_ro)%R

(u_ro * (u_ro * 1) < 2 * u_ro)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
P1peps:(0 <= 1 + u_ro)%R

(u_ro < 2)%R
now apply (Rlt_le_trans _ 1); [apply u_ro_lt_1|lra].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

bpow (cexp t) = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
(0 < t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

bpow (cexp t) = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

bpow (cexp t) = bpow (- prec + 1 + e)
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(mag beta t - prec)%Z = (- prec + 1 + e)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

mag beta t = (1 + e)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hmagt:mag beta t = (1 + e)%Z
(mag beta t - prec)%Z = (- prec + 1 + e)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

mag beta t = (1 + e)%Z
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(bpow (1 + e - 1) <= Rabs t < bpow (1 + e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(bpow (1 + e - 1) <= sqrt x < bpow (1 + e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(bpow (1 + e - 1) <= t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
(t < bpow (1 + e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(bpow (1 + e - 1) <= t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(bpow e <= sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(0 <= bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
(1 <= sqrt mu)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(0 <= bpow e)%R
apply bpow_ge_0.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(1 <= sqrt mu)%R
now rewrite <- sqrt_1; apply sqrt_le_1_alt.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(t < bpow (1 + e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(sqrt mu * bpow e < IZR beta * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(sqrt mu < IZR beta)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(sqrt mu < sqrt (IZR beta * IZR beta))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
(0 <= IZR beta)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(sqrt mu < sqrt (IZR beta * IZR beta))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(mu < IZR beta * IZR beta)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

bpow 2 = (IZR beta * IZR beta)%R
now unfold bpow, Z.pow_pos; simpl; rewrite Zmult_1_r, mult_IZR.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(0 <= IZR beta)%R
apply IZR_le, (Z.le_trans _ 2), Zle_bool_imp_le, radix_prop; omega.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hmagt:mag beta t = (1 + e)%Z

(mag beta t - prec)%Z = (- prec + 1 + e)%Z
rewrite Hmagt; ring.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(0 < t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R

(0 < sqrt mu)%R
now apply (Rlt_le_trans _ 1); [lra|rewrite <- sqrt_1; apply sqrt_le_1_alt].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R

(0 < t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R

(0 < t)%R
rewrite Ht; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [lra|apply bpow_gt_0].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs ((rt - sqrt x) / sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
H:(Rabs ((rt - sqrt x) / sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs ((rt - sqrt x) / sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / sqrt x <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / sqrt x <= u_ro * bpow e / t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
(u_ro * bpow e / t <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / sqrt x <= u_ro * bpow e / t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= u_ro * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(/ 2 * ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) (sqrt x) <= u_ro * bpow e)%R
fold t; rewrite Hulpt; right; field.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / t <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / t <= u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
(u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / t <= u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / t <= u_ro * bpow e / (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
(u_ro * bpow e / (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e) <= u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / t <= u_ro * bpow e / (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(/ t <= / (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
(sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e <= t)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(0 < sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e)%R
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [apply sqrt_lt_R0; lra|apply bpow_gt_0].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e <= t)%R
now rewrite Ht; apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [apply bpow_ge_0|apply sqrt_le_1_alt].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro * bpow e / (sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) * bpow e) <= u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro))%R
right; field; split; apply Rgt_not_eq, Rlt_gt; [apply sqrt_lt_R0; lra|apply bpow_gt_0].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R

(u_ro / sqrt (1 + 4 * u_ro) <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
apply sqrt_error_N_FLX_aux3.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
H:(Rabs ((rt - sqrt x) / sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
H:(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / Rabs (sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x
Peps:(0 <= u_ro)%R
Peps':(0 < u_ro)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Pb':(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fmu:format mu
Hmu:x = (mu * bpow (2 * e))%R
HmuGe1:(1 <= mu)%R
HmuLtsqradix:(mu < bpow 2)%R
t:=sqrt x:R
rt:=round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x):R
Ht:t = (sqrt mu * bpow e)%R
Hmu':(1 + 4 * u_ro <= mu)%R
Hsqrtmu:(1 + u_ro < sqrt mu)%R
Hulpt:ulp beta (FLX_exp prec) t = (2 * u_ro * bpow e)%R
Pt:(0 < t)%R
H:(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / Rabs (sqrt x) <= 1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

(Rabs (rt - sqrt x) * / Rabs (sqrt x) <= (1 - 1 * / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) * Rabs (sqrt x) * / Rabs (sqrt x))%R
apply (Rle_trans _ _ _ H); right; field; split; [apply Rabs_no_R0;fold t|]; lra. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Fx:format x

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
now apply relative_error_le_conversion; [apply valid_rnd_N|apply om1ds1p2u_ro_pos|apply sqrt_error_N_FLX]. Qed.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x rx : R, (exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ rx = (x * (1 + eps))%R) -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x rx : R, (exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ rx = (x * (1 + eps))%R) -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Zfx:rx = 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Zfx:rx = 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Zfx:rx = 0%R

x = (rx * (1 + 0))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:0%R = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Zfx:rx = 0%R

x = 0%R
destruct (Rmult_integral _ _ (sym_eq Hd)); lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Zx:x = 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Zx:x = 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
now exfalso; revert Hd; rewrite Zx; rewrite Rmult_0_l.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d' <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R
Hd':(Rabs d' <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d' <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs ((x - x * (1 + d)) / (x * (1 + d))) <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs (- d / (1 + d)) <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d * Rabs (/ (1 + d)) <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d * / (1 + d) <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d * / (1 + d) * (1 + d) <= (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1) * (1 + d))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(Rabs d <= (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1) * (1 + d))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R

(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= (sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1) * (1 + d))%R
apply (Rle_trans _ ((sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1) * (1/sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)))); [right; field|apply Rmult_le_compat_l]; lra.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
x, rx, d:R
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:rx = (x * (1 + d))%R
H:(- (1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro)) <= d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
H':(1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) <= u_ro / (1 + u_ro))%R
H'':(u_ro / (1 + u_ro) <= u_ro)%R
H''':(u_ro < 1)%R
Hpos:(0 <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R
Nzfx:rx <> 0%R
Nzx:x <> 0%R
d':=((x - rx) / rx)%R:R
Hd':(Rabs d' <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ x = (rx * (1 + eps))%R
now exists d'; split; [exact Hd'|]; unfold d'; field. Qed.
sqrt(1 + 2 u_ro) - 1 <= u_ro
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x : R, format x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ sqrt x = (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z

forall x : R, format x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ sqrt x = (round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) * (1 + eps))%R
now intros x Fx; apply sqrt_error_N_round_ex_derive, sqrt_error_N_FLX_ex. Qed. Variable emin : Z. Hypothesis Hemin : (emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z

forall x : R, generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z

forall x : R, generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Nx:(x <= 0)%R

round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + 0))%R
now rewrite (sqrt_neg x Nx), round_0, Rmult_0_l; [|apply valid_rnd_N].
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R /\ round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(bpow (emin + prec - 1) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(bpow (emin + prec - 1) <= bpow (emin / 2))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R
(bpow (emin / 2) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(bpow (emin + prec - 1) <= bpow (emin / 2))%R
apply bpow_le, Z.div_le_lower_bound; lia.
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(bpow (emin / 2) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(sqrt (bpow emin) <= Rabs (sqrt x))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Fx:generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

(bpow emin <= x)%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z
Heps:forall (beta0 : radix) (prec0 : Z), (0 <= Relative.u_ro beta0 prec0)%R
Pb:(0 <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Px:(0 < x)%R
Fx':format x
Bd:(Rabs d <= 1 - 1 / sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro))%R
Hd:round beta (FLX_exp prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) = (sqrt x * (1 + d))%R

forall e : Z, (emin <= FLT_exp emin prec e)%Z
intro e; unfold FLT_exp; apply Z.le_max_r. Qed.
sqrt(1 + 2 u_ro) - 1 <= u_ro
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z

forall x : R, generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ sqrt x = (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) * (1 + eps))%R
prec_gt_0_:Prec_gt_0 prec
choice:Z -> bool
Hp1:(1 < prec)%Z
Hemin:(emin <= 2 * (1 - prec))%Z

forall x : R, generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x -> exists eps : R, (Rabs eps <= sqrt (1 + 2 * u_ro) - 1)%R /\ sqrt x = (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice) (sqrt x) * (1 + eps))%R
now intros x Fx; apply sqrt_error_N_round_ex_derive, sqrt_error_N_FLT_ex. Qed. End Fprop_divsqrt_error. Section format_REM_aux. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { monotone_exp : Monotone_exp fexp }. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp).
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (0 <= x)%R -> (0 < y)%R -> ((0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z) -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (0 <= x)%R -> (0 < y)%R -> ((0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z) -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z

IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z

IZR n = (IZR (rnd (x / y * 1)) * 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

(0 <= n)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

(0 <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

(0 <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd 0)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
(round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd 0 <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

(round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd 0 <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)

(0 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z

(0 < n)%Z -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z

(1 <= n)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
(1 < n)%Z -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z

(1 < n)%Z -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
(* ey <= ex *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(- (IZR n * y) + x)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(- (F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} * y) + x)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(- (F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} * F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := cexp beta fexp y |}) + F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := cexp beta fexp x |})%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(- (F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} * F2R {| Fnum := my; Fexp := ey |}) + F2R {| Fnum := mx; Fexp := ex |})%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(- F2R (Fmult {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} {| Fnum := my; Fexp := ey |}) + F2R {| Fnum := mx; Fexp := ex |})%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

(F2R (Fopp (Fmult {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} {| Fnum := my; Fexp := ey |})) + F2R {| Fnum := mx; Fexp := ex |})%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

F2R (Fplus (Fopp (Fmult {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} {| Fnum := my; Fexp := ey |})) {| Fnum := mx; Fexp := ex |}) = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

F2R (let '(m1, m2, e) := Falign (Fopp (Fmult {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} {| Fnum := my; Fexp := ey |})) {| Fnum := mx; Fexp := ex |} in {| Fnum := m1 + m2; Fexp := e |}) = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

F2R (let '(m1, m2, e) := if (ey <=? ex)%Z then ((- (n * my))%Z, (mx * beta ^ (ex - ey))%Z, ey) else ((- (n * my) * beta ^ (ey - ex))%Z, mx, ex) in {| Fnum := m1 + m2; Fexp := e |}) = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

F2R {| Fnum := - (n * my) + mx * beta ^ (ex - ey); Fexp := ey |} = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z

F2R {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = IZR n
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}

format (F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |})
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}

(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z -> (cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}) <= ey)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(cexp beta fexp (x - IZR n * y) <= ey)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(mag beta (x - IZR n * y) <= mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(x - IZR n * y)%R <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(0 < / Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= / Rabs y * Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(0 < Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= / Rabs y * Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= / Rabs y * Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= / Rabs y * Rabs y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
Rabs y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(/ Rabs y * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (/ y) * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (/ y) * Rabs (x - IZR n * y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (/ y * (x - IZR n * y)) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (- (IZR n - x / y)) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (IZR n - x / y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(Rabs (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y) - x / y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(ulp beta (FIX_exp 0) (x / y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(bpow 0 <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z
(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

(- (IZR n - x / y))%R = (/ y * (x - IZR n * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ey <= ex)%Z
H0:(x - IZR n * y)%R = F2R {| Fnum := mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my; Fexp := ey |}
H3:(mx * beta ^ (ex - ey) - n * my)%Z <> 0%Z

y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
(* ex < ey: impossible as 1 < n *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

~ (1 < n)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(n <= 1)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y) <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

generic_format beta (FIX_exp 0) 1
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
(x / y <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

FIX_format beta 0 1
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
(x / y <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

1%R = F2R {| Fnum := 1; Fexp := 0 |}
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
(x / y <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(x / y <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(x / y * y <= 1 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(x * (/ y * y) <= 1 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
H0:(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z

(mag beta y <= mag beta x)%Z -> (mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
H0:(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
x, y:R
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
J:(fexp (mag beta y) <= fexp (mag beta x))%Z

(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
H0:(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z
(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(1 < n)%Z
ex:=cexp beta fexp x:Z
ey:=cexp beta fexp y:Z
mx:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x):Z
my:=Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y):Z
Hexy:(ex < ey)%Z
H0:(mag beta x < mag beta y)%Z

(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z

1%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
(* n = 1 -> Sterbenz + rnd_small *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n

format (x - 1 * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R

(0 < x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y) - x / y) < round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(Rabs (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y) - x / y) < ulp beta (FIX_exp 0) (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
(ulp beta (FIX_exp 0) (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)) <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(x / y)%R <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
(ulp beta (FIX_exp 0) (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)) <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(ulp beta (FIX_exp 0) (round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)) <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(bpow 0 <= round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R

(bpow 0 <= 1)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R
(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(Rabs (1 - x / y) < 1)%R

(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(/ y * (y / 2) <= / y * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(/ y * y * / 2 <= / y * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 * / 2 <= / y * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 * / 2 <= / y * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(/ 2 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(x / y < / 2)%R -> (/ 2 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
K:(x / y < / 2)%R

(/ 2 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
K:(x / y < / 2)%R

(n <= 0)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
K:(x / y < / 2)%R

n = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
K:(x / y < / 2)%R

(0 < x / y < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(/ y * x <= / y * (2 * y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 + - (/ y * (2 * y)) <= 1 + - (/ y * x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 + - (/ y * (2 * y)) <= 1 - x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R
(1 - x / y <= 1 + - (/ y * x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 + - (/ y * (2 * y)) <= 1 - x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

(1 + - (/ y * (2 * y)) <= - (1))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':(0 < x)%R
J:(0 < x / y)%R
H0:(- (1) < 1 - x / y < 1)%R

y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 < n)%Z
Hn':1%Z = n
Hx':0%R = x

format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z
0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:(0 <= n)%Z

0%Z = n -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)
(* n = 0 *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
Hy:(0 < y)%R
rnd_small:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y) = 0%Z
n:=rnd (x / y):Z
Hn:IZR n = round beta (FIX_exp 0) rnd (x / y)
H:0%Z = n

format (x - 0 * y)
now rewrite Rmult_0_l, Rminus_0_r. Qed. End format_REM_aux. Section format_REM. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { monotone_exp : Monotone_exp fexp }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp).
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
(* assume 0 < y *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R

(0 < x / y < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
K:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R

rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
K:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R

(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
K:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R

(x / y < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
K:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R
(0 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(0 <= x)%R
K:(0 < x / y < / 2)%R

(0 <= x / y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

format (- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

format (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

format (- x)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(0 <= - x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(0 < - x / y < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(0 <= - x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(0 < - x / y < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(0 < - x / y < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (- (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

Zrnd_opp rnd (- (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(- rnd (- - (x / y))%R)%Z = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(- 0)%Z = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R
(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(- (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R
(x / y < 0)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(x / y < 0)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
K:(0 < - (x / y) < / 2)%R

(- 0 < - (x / y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R
(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(- (- x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (- x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(- (- x - IZR (- rnd (- (- x / y))) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(- (- x - IZR (- rnd (x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R
Hx:(x < 0)%R

(- (- x - - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y))%R = (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> (0 < y)%R -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)

forall rnd : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd -> forall x y : R, ((Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z) -> format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
(* *)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 <= y)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(0 < y)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:0%R = y
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:0%R = y

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

format (x - IZR (rnd (x / y)%R) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

format (x - IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(Rabs (x / - y) < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R -> Zrnd_opp rnd (- (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
K:(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R

Zrnd_opp rnd (- (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
K:(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R

(- rnd (- - (x / y))%R)%Z = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
K:(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R

(- 0)%Z = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
K:(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R
(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
K:(Rabs (- (x / y)) < / 2)%R

(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(- (x / y))%R = (x / - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(0 < - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(IZR (Zrnd_opp rnd (x / - y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(IZR (- rnd (- (x / - y))) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(IZR (- rnd (x / y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(x / y)%R = (- (x / - y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(- IZR (rnd (x / y)) * - y)%R = (IZR (rnd (x / y)) * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R
(x / y)%R = (- (x / - y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
H:forall rnd0 : R -> Z, Valid_rnd rnd0 -> forall x0 y0 : R, ((Rabs (x0 / y0) < / 2)%R -> rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R = 0%Z) -> format x0 -> format y0 -> (0 < y0)%R -> format (x0 - IZR (rnd0 (x0 / y0)%R) * y0)
rnd:R -> Z
valid_rnd:Valid_rnd rnd
x, y:R
Hrnd:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> rnd (x / y)%R = 0%Z
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hy:(y < 0)%R

(x / y)%R = (- (x / - y))%R
field; now apply Rlt_not_eq. Qed.
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (Ztrunc (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (Ztrunc (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y

format (x - IZR (Ztrunc (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y

(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> Ztrunc (x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Ztrunc (x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Z.abs (Ztrunc (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Ztrunc (Rabs (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)) <= 0)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)) <= Zfloor (/ 2))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
Zfloor (/ 2) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(Rabs (x / y) <= / 2)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
Zfloor (/ 2) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Zfloor (/ 2) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(0 <= / 2 < IZR (0 + 1))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R
(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(0 <= Zfloor (Rabs (x / y)))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(0 <= Rabs (x / y))%R
apply Rabs_pos. Qed.
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall (choice : Z -> bool) (x y : R), format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (Znearest choice (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall (choice : Z -> bool) (x y : R), format x -> format y -> format (x - IZR (Znearest choice (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
choice:Z -> bool
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y

format (x - IZR (Znearest choice (x / y)) * y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
choice:Z -> bool
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y

(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R -> Znearest choice (x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
choice:Z -> bool
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

Znearest choice (x / y) = 0%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
choice:Z -> bool
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
K:(Rabs (x / y) < / 2)%R

(Rabs (x / y - 0) < / 2)%R
now rewrite Rminus_0_r. Qed. End format_REM.