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This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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Sterbenz conditions for exact subtraction

Require Import Raux Defs Generic_fmt Operations.

Section Fprop_Sterbenz.

Variable beta : radix.
Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).

Variable fexp : Z -> Z.
Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }.
Context { monotone_exp : Monotone_exp fexp }.
Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp).

fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R = 0%R

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R = 0%R

format 0
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x = R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y = R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min (Build_mag_prop beta x ex Ex) (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex (mag beta y)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:y <> 0%R -> (bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex (Build_mag_prop beta y ey Ey)))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:y <> 0%R -> (bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R

(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta

x = F2R fx
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta

F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := cexp beta fexp x |} = F2R fx
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta

F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp (mag beta x) |} = F2R fx
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta

y = F2R fy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta

F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := cexp beta fexp y |} = F2R fy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta

F2R {| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp (mag beta y) |} = F2R fy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

format (F2R fx + F2R fy)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

format (F2R (Fplus fx fy))
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

(let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum) <> 0%Z -> (cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum; Fexp := let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp |}) <= (let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

(cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := let (Fnum, _) := Fplus fx fy in Fnum; Fexp := let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp |}) <= (let (_, Fexp) := Fplus fx fy in Fexp))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy

forall Fnum Fexp : Z, Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := Fnum; Fexp := Fexp |} -> (cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := Fnum; Fexp := Fexp |}) <= Fexp)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

(cexp beta fexp (F2R {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}) <= exy)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

(cexp beta fexp (x + y) <= exy)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

(fexp (mag beta (x + y)) <= exy)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

(fexp (mag beta (x + y)) <= fexp (Z.min ex ey))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}
fexp (Z.min ex ey) = exy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

(mag beta (x + y) <= Z.min ex ey)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}
fexp (Z.min ex ey) = exy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

fexp (Z.min ex ey) = exy
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

fexp (Z.min ex ey) = Fexp (Fplus fx fy)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

fexp (Z.min ex ey) = Z.min (Fexp fx) (Fexp fy)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Ex:(bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R
Ey:(bpow (ey - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ey)%R
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) < bpow (Z.min ex ey))%R
fx:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := fexp ex |}:float beta
Hx:x = F2R fx
fy:={| Fnum := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y); Fexp := fexp ey |}:float beta
Hy:y = F2R fy
mxy, exy:Z
Pxy:Fplus fx fy = {| Fnum := mxy; Fexp := exy |}

fexp (Z.min ex ey) = Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z

fexp (Z.min ex ey) = Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z

Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey) = fexp (Z.min ex ey)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex <= ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ex

Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey) = fexp ex
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey
Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey) = fexp ey
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex <= ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ex

(fexp ex <= fexp ey)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey
Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey) = fexp ey
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey

Z.min (fexp ex) (fexp ey) = fexp ey
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey

(fexp ey <= fexp ex)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey

(ey <= ex)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
ex, ey:Z
H1:(ex > ey)%Z
H2:Z.min ex ey = ey

(ey < ex)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (Rabs (x + y))
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

(fexp (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y) + 1) <= Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:Rabs (x + y) = bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))
Zxy:(x + y)%R <> 0%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

(fexp (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)) < Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y))%Z
case (Zmin_spec (mag beta x) (mag beta y)); intros (H1,H2); rewrite H2; now apply mag_generic_gt. Qed.
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R -> format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x = R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y = R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

format (x + y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

(Rabs (x + y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

(Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0

((if Rle_dec (Rabs x) (Rabs y) then Rabs x else Rabs y) <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(Rabs y <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (mag beta x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(mag beta x <= mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(Rabs y <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
Hx:x <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs x < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs x <= bpow (Build_mag_prop beta x ex Hx))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(mag beta x <= mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(Rabs y <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':(Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(mag beta x <= mag beta y)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(Rabs y <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs y <= bpow (Z.min (mag beta x) (mag beta y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs y <= bpow (mag beta y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(mag beta y <= mag beta x)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
Hy:y <> 0%R -> (bpow (ex - 1) <= Rabs y < bpow ex)%R

(Rabs y <= bpow (Build_mag_prop beta y ex Hy))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(mag beta y <= mag beta x)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(mag beta y <= mag beta x)%Z
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

y <> 0%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R
(Rabs y <= Rabs x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs y <= Rabs x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Fx:format x
Fy:format y
Hxy:(Rabs (x + y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
Zx:x <> R0
Zy:y <> R0
Hxy':~ (Rabs x <= Rabs y)%R

(Rabs y < Rabs x)%R
now apply Rnot_le_lt. Qed.
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (y <= x <= 2 * y)%R -> format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (y <= x <= 2 * y)%R -> format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

format (x + - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

format x
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(Rabs (x + - y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs (- y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

format (- y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(Rabs (x + - y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs (- y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(Rabs (x + - y) <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs (- y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs (- y)))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs x) (Rabs y))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(0 <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(0 + y <= y + y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(0 + y <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(x <= y + y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(x <= y + y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin (Rabs y) (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin y (Rabs x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R

(x + - y <= Rmin y x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R

(x + - y <= (if Rle_dec y x then y else x))%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
Hyx:(y <= x)%R

(x + - y <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
Hyx:~ (y <= x)%R
(x + - y <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
Hyx:(y <= x)%R

(x + - y + y <= y + y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
Hyx:~ (y <= x)%R
(x + - y <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
Hyx:~ (y <= x)%R

(x + - y <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R
(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hy0:(0 <= y)%R

(0 <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
(0 <= x + - y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

(0 <= x + - y)%R
now apply Rle_0_minus. Qed.
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R -> format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp

forall x y : R, format x -> format y -> (y / 2 <= x <= 2 * y)%R -> format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

format (- (y - x))
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

format (y - x)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

(x <= y <= 2 * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

(x <= y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R
(y <= 2 * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

(y <= 2 * x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

Rcompare (2 * x) y <> Lt
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(x <= y)%R

Rcompare x (y / 2) <> Lt
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R

format (x - y)
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R

(y <= x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R

(y <= x)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R
(x <= 2 * y)%R
fexp:Z -> Z
valid_exp:Valid_exp fexp
monotone_exp:Monotone_exp fexp
x, y:R
Hx:format x
Hy:format y
Hxy1:(y / 2 <= x)%R
Hxy2:(x <= 2 * y)%R
Hxy:(y < x)%R

(x <= 2 * y)%R
exact Hxy2. Qed. End Fprop_Sterbenz.