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(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
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Proper instances for propositional connectives.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Coq.Program.Basics. Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics. Local Obligation Tactic := try solve [simpl_relation | firstorder auto].
Standard instances for not, iff and impl.
Logical negation.
Instance not_impl_morphism : Proper (impl --> impl) not | 1. Instance not_iff_morphism : Proper (iff ++> iff) not.
Logical conjunction.
Instance and_impl_morphism : Proper (impl ==> impl ==> impl) and | 1. Instance and_iff_morphism : Proper (iff ==> iff ==> iff) and.
Logical disjunction.
Instance or_impl_morphism : Proper (impl ==> impl ==> impl) or | 1. Instance or_iff_morphism : Proper (iff ==> iff ==> iff) or.
Logical implication impl is a morphism for logical equivalence.
Instance iff_iff_iff_impl_morphism : Proper (iff ==> iff ==> iff) impl.
Morphisms for quantifiers
Instance ex_iff_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A iff ==> iff) (@ex A). Instance ex_impl_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A impl ==> impl) (@ex A) | 1. Instance ex_flip_impl_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A (flip impl) ==> flip impl) (@ex A) | 1. Instance all_iff_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A iff ==> iff) (@all A). Instance all_impl_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A impl ==> impl) (@all A) | 1. Instance all_flip_impl_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A (flip impl) ==> flip impl) (@all A) | 1.
Equivalent points are simultaneously accessible or not
A:TypeE, R:A -> A -> PropH:Equivalence EH0:Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) RProper (E ==> iff) (Acc R)A:TypeE, R:A -> A -> PropH:Equivalence EH0:Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) RProper (E ==> iff) (Acc R)A:TypeE, R:A -> A -> PropH:Equivalence EH0:Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) RProper (E ==> impl) (Acc R)A:TypeE, R:A -> A -> PropH:Equivalence EH0:Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) Rx, y:AEQ:E x yWF:Acc R xAcc R yA:TypeE, R:A -> A -> PropH:Equivalence EH0:Proper (E ==> E ==> iff) Rx, y:AEQ:E x yWF:Acc R xz:AHz:R z yAcc R znow apply Acc_inv with x. Qed.Tactic failure: Setoid library not loaded.
Equivalent relations have the same accessible points
Instance Acc_rel_morphism {A:Type} :
Proper (relation_equivalence ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) (@Acc A).
apply proper_sym_impl_iff_2.
- red; now symmetry.
- red; now symmetry.
- intros R R' EQ a a' Ha WF. subst a'.
induction WF as [x _ WF']. constructor.
intros y Ryx. now apply WF', EQ.
Equivalent relations are simultaneously well-founded or not
Instance well_founded_morphism {A : Type} :
Proper (relation_equivalence ==> iff) (@well_founded A).
unfold well_founded. solve_proper.