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Relations over pairs

Require Import SetoidList.
Require Import Relations Morphisms.
(* NB: This should be system-wide someday, but for that we need to
    fix the simpl tactic, since "simpl fst" would be refused for
    the moment.

Arguments fst {A B}.
Arguments snd {A B}.
Arguments pair {A B}.

/NB *)

Notation Fst := (@fst _ _).
Notation Snd := (@snd _ _).

Arguments relation_conjunction A%type (R R')%signature _ _.
Arguments relation_equivalence A%type (_ _)%signature.
Arguments subrelation A%type (R R')%signature.
Arguments Reflexive A%type R%signature.
Arguments Irreflexive A%type R%signature.
Arguments Symmetric A%type R%signature.
Arguments Transitive A%type R%signature.
Arguments PER A%type R%signature.
Arguments Equivalence A%type R%signature.
Arguments StrictOrder A%type R%signature.

Generalizable Variables A B RA RB Ri Ro f.
Any function from A to B allow to obtain a relation over A out of a relation over B.
Definition RelCompFun {A} {B : Type}(R:relation B)(f:A->B) : relation A :=
 fun a a' => R (f a) (f a').
Instances on RelCompFun must match syntactically
Typeclasses Opaque RelCompFun. 

Infix "@@" := RelCompFun (at level 30, right associativity) : signature_scope.

Notation "R @@1" := (R @@ Fst)%signature (at level 30) : signature_scope.
Notation "R @@2" := (R @@ Snd)%signature (at level 30) : signature_scope.
We declare measures to the system using the Measure class. Otherwise the instances would easily introduce loops, never instantiating the f function.
Class Measure {A B} (f : A -> B).
Standard measures.
Instance fst_measure : @Measure (A * B) A Fst.

Instance snd_measure : @Measure (A * B) B Snd.
We define a product relation over A×B: each components should satisfy the corresponding initial relation.
Definition RelProd {A : Type} {B : Type} (RA:relation A)(RB:relation B) : relation (A*B) :=
 relation_conjunction (@RelCompFun (A * B) A RA fst) (RB @@2).

Typeclasses Opaque RelProd.

Infix "*" := RelProd : signature_scope.

Section RelCompFun_Instances.
  Context {A : Type} {B : Type} (R : relation B).

A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Reflexive R

Reflexive (R @@ f)
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Reflexive R

Reflexive (R @@ f)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Symmetric R

Symmetric (R @@ f)
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Symmetric R

Symmetric (R @@ f)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Transitive R

Transitive (R @@ f)
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Transitive R

Transitive (R @@ f)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Irreflexive R

Irreflexive (R @@ f)
A, B:Type
R:relation B
f:A -> B
H:Measure f
H0:Irreflexive R

Irreflexive (R @@ f)
firstorder. Qed. Instance RelCompFun_Equivalence `(Measure A B f, Equivalence _ R) : Equivalence (R@@f). Instance RelCompFun_StrictOrder `(Measure A B f, StrictOrder _ R) : StrictOrder (R@@f). End RelCompFun_Instances. Section RelProd_Instances. Context {A : Type} {B : Type} (RA : relation A) (RB : relation B).
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Reflexive RA
H0:Reflexive RB

Reflexive (RA * RB)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Reflexive RA
H0:Reflexive RB

Reflexive (RA * RB)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Symmetric RA
H0:Symmetric RB

Symmetric (RA * RB)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Symmetric RA
H0:Symmetric RB

Symmetric (RA * RB)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Transitive RA
H0:Transitive RB

Transitive (RA * RB)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
H:Transitive RA
H0:Transitive RB

Transitive (RA * RB)
firstorder. Qed. Instance RelProd_Equivalence `(Equivalence _ RA, Equivalence _ RB) : Equivalence (RA*RB).
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

relation_equivalence (RA @@1) (RA * (fun _ _ : B => True))
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

relation_equivalence (RA @@1) (RA * (fun _ _ : B => True))
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

relation_equivalence (RB @@2) ((fun _ _ : A => True) * RB)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

relation_equivalence (RB @@2) ((fun _ _ : A => True) * RB)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

subrelation (RA * RB) (RA @@1)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

subrelation (RA * RB) (RA @@1)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

subrelation (RA * RB) (RB @@2)
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

subrelation (RA * RB) (RB @@2)
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA ==> RB ==> RA * RB) pair
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA ==> RB ==> RA * RB) pair
firstorder. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA * RB ==> RA) Fst
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA * RB ==> RA) Fst
intros (x,y) (x',y') (Hx,Hy); compute in *; auto. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA * RB ==> RB) Snd
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B

Proper (RA * RB ==> RB) Snd
intros (x,y) (x',y') (Hx,Hy); compute in *; auto. Qed.
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
f:A -> B
Ri:relation B
Ro:relation Prop
H:Proper (Ri ==> Ri ==> Ro) RB

Proper (Ri @@ f ==> Ri @@ f ==> Ro) (RB @@ f)%signature
A, B:Type
RA:relation A
RB:relation B
f:A -> B
Ri:relation B
Ro:relation Prop
H:Proper (Ri ==> Ri ==> Ro) RB

Proper (Ri @@ f ==> Ri @@ f ==> Ro) (RB @@ f)%signature
unfold RelCompFun; firstorder. Qed. End RelProd_Instances. Hint Unfold RelProd RelCompFun : core. Hint Extern 2 (RelProd _ _ _ _) => split : core.