Built with Alectryon, running Coq+SerAPI v8.10.0+0.7.0. Coq sources are in this panel; goals and messages will appear in the other. Bubbles () indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents. Use Ctrl+↑ Ctrl+↓ to navigate, Ctrl+🖱️ to focus.
(*         *   The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team       *)
(*  v      *   INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018       *)
(* <O___,, *       (see CREDITS file for the list of authors)           *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *    This file is distributed under the terms of the         *)
(*         *     GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1          *)
(*         *     (see LICENSE file for the text of the license)         *)
Compatibility file for making Coq act similar to Coq v8.8
Local Set Warnings "-deprecated".

Require Export Coq.Compat.Coq89.
In Coq 8.9, prim token notations follow Import rather than Require. So we make all of the relevant notations accessible in compatibility mode.
Require Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.
Export String.StringSyntax Ascii.AsciiSyntax.
Require Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef Coq.PArith.BinPosDef Coq.NArith.BinNatDef.
Require Coq.Reals.Rdefinitions.
Require Coq.Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Int63.
Require Coq.Numbers.Cyclic.Int31.Int31.
Declare ML Module "r_syntax_plugin".
Declare ML Module "int63_syntax_plugin".
Numeral Notation BinNums.Z BinIntDef.Z.of_int BinIntDef.Z.to_int : Z_scope.
Numeral Notation BinNums.positive BinPosDef.Pos.of_int BinPosDef.Pos.to_int : positive_scope.
Numeral Notation BinNums.N BinNatDef.N.of_int BinNatDef.N.to_int : N_scope.
Numeral Notation Int31.int31 Int31.phi_inv_nonneg Int31.phi : int31_scope.