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(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* Finite map library. *)
This module implements maps using AVL trees.
It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library.
See the comments at the beginning of FSetAVL for more details.
Require Import FunInd FMapInterface FMapList ZArith Int. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit.
Notations and helper lemma about pairs
Declare Scope pair_scope. Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope. Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope.
Module Raw (Import I:Int)(X: OrderedType). Local Open Scope pair_scope. Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope. Local Open Scope Int_scope. Notation int := I.t. Definition key := X.t. Hint Transparent key : core.
#[universes(template)] Inductive tree {elt : Type} := | Leaf : tree | Node : tree -> key -> elt -> tree -> int -> tree. Arguments tree : clear implicits. Section Elt. Variable elt : Type. Notation t := (tree elt). Implicit Types m : t.
Definition height (m : t) : int := match m with | Leaf => 0 | Node _ _ _ _ h => h end. Fixpoint cardinal (m : t) : nat := match m with | Leaf => 0%nat | Node l _ _ r _ => S (cardinal l + cardinal r) end.
Definition empty : t := Leaf.
Definition is_empty m := match m with Leaf => true | _ => false end.
The mem function is deciding membership. It exploits the bst property
to achieve logarithmic complexity.
Fixpoint mem x m : bool := match m with | Leaf => false | Node l y _ r _ => match X.compare x y with | LT _ => mem x l | EQ _ => true | GT _ => mem x r end end. Fixpoint find x m : option elt := match m with | Leaf => None | Node l y d r _ => match X.compare x y with | LT _ => find x l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find x r end end.
create l x r creates a node, assuming l and r
to be balanced and |height l - height r| ≤ 2.
Definition create l x e r :=
Node l x e r (max (height l) (height r) + 1).
bal l x e r acts as create, but performs one step of
rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes |height l - height r| ≤ 3.
Definition assert_false := create. Fixpoint bal l x d r := let hl := height l in let hr := height r in if gt_le_dec hl (hr+2) then match l with | Leaf => assert_false l x d r | Node ll lx ld lr _ => if ge_lt_dec (height ll) (height lr) then create ll lx ld (create lr x d r) else match lr with | Leaf => assert_false l x d r | Node lrl lrx lrd lrr _ => create (create ll lx ld lrl) lrx lrd (create lrr x d r) end end else if gt_le_dec hr (hl+2) then match r with | Leaf => assert_false l x d r | Node rl rx rd rr _ => if ge_lt_dec (height rr) (height rl) then create (create l x d rl) rx rd rr else match rl with | Leaf => assert_false l x d r | Node rll rlx rld rlr _ => create (create l x d rll) rlx rld (create rlr rx rd rr) end end else create l x d r.
Fixpoint add x d m :=
match m with
| Leaf => Node Leaf x d Leaf 1
| Node l y d' r h =>
match X.compare x y with
| LT _ => bal (add x d l) y d' r
| EQ _ => Node l y d r h
| GT _ => bal l y d' (add x d r)
Extraction of minimum binding
Fixpoint remove_min l x d r : t*(key*elt) :=
match l with
| Leaf => (r,(x,d))
| Node ll lx ld lr lh =>
let (l',m) := remove_min ll lx ld lr in
(bal l' x d r, m)
Merging two trees
Fixpoint merge s1 s2 := match s1,s2 with
| Leaf, _ => s2
| _, Leaf => s1
| _, Node l2 x2 d2 r2 h2 =>
match remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 with
(s2',(x,d)) => bal s1 x d s2'
Fixpoint remove x m := match m with
| Leaf => Leaf
| Node l y d r h =>
match X.compare x y with
| LT _ => bal (remove x l) y d r
| EQ _ => merge l r
| GT _ => bal l y d (remove x r)
Fixpoint join l : key -> elt -> t -> t :=
match l with
| Leaf => add
| Node ll lx ld lr lh => fun x d =>
fix join_aux (r:t) : t := match r with
| Leaf => add x d l
| Node rl rx rd rr rh =>
if gt_le_dec lh (rh+2) then bal ll lx ld (join lr x d r)
else if gt_le_dec rh (lh+2) then bal (join_aux rl) rx rd rr
else create l x d r
- l is the set of elements of m that are < x
- r is the set of elements of m that are > x
- o is the result of find x m.
Record triple := mktriple { t_left:t; t_opt:option elt; t_right:t }. Notation "<< l , b , r >>" := (mktriple l b r) (at level 9). Fixpoint split x m : triple := match m with | Leaf => << Leaf, None, Leaf >> | Node l y d r h => match X.compare x y with | LT _ => let (ll,o,rl) := split x l in << ll, o, join rl y d r >> | EQ _ => << l, Some d, r >> | GT _ => let (rl,o,rr) := split x r in << join l y d rl, o, rr >> end end.
Definition concat m1 m2 :=
match m1, m2 with
| Leaf, _ => m2
| _ , Leaf => m1
| _, Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _ =>
let (m2',xd) := remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 in
join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2'
elements_tree_aux acc t catenates the elements of t in infix
order to the list acc
Fixpoint elements_aux (acc : list (key*elt)) m : list (key*elt) :=
match m with
| Leaf => acc
| Node l x d r _ => elements_aux ((x,d) :: elements_aux acc r) l
then elements is an instantiation with an empty acc
Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
Fixpoint fold (A : Type) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (m : t) : A -> A :=
fun a => match m with
| Leaf => a
| Node l x d r _ => fold f r (f x d (fold f l a))
Variable cmp : elt->elt->bool.
Inductive enumeration :=
| End : enumeration
| More : key -> elt -> t -> enumeration -> enumeration.
cons m e adds the elements of tree m on the head of
enumeration e.
Fixpoint cons m e : enumeration :=
match m with
| Leaf => e
| Node l x d r h => cons l (More x d r e)
One step of comparison of elements
Definition equal_more x1 d1 (cont:enumeration->bool) e2 :=
match e2 with
| End => false
| More x2 d2 r2 e2 =>
match X.compare x1 x2 with
| EQ _ => cmp d1 d2 &&& cont (cons r2 e2)
| _ => false
Comparison of left tree, middle element, then right tree
Fixpoint equal_cont m1 (cont:enumeration->bool) e2 :=
match m1 with
| Leaf => cont e2
| Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _ =>
equal_cont l1 (equal_more x1 d1 (equal_cont r1 cont)) e2
Initial continuation
Definition equal_end e2 := match e2 with End => true | _ => false end.
The complete comparison
Definition equal m1 m2 := equal_cont m1 equal_end (cons m2 End). End Elt. Notation t := tree. Arguments Leaf : clear implicits. Arguments Node [elt]. Notation "<< l , b , r >>" := (mktriple l b r) (at level 9). Notation "t #l" := (t_left t) (at level 9, format "t '#l'"). Notation "t #o" := (t_opt t) (at level 9, format "t '#o'"). Notation "t #r" := (t_right t) (at level 9, format "t '#r'").
Fixpoint map (elt elt' : Type)(f : elt -> elt')(m : t elt) : t elt' := match m with | Leaf _ => Leaf _ | Node l x d r h => Node (map f l) x (f d) (map f r) h end. (* * Mapi *) Fixpoint mapi (elt elt' : Type)(f : key -> elt -> elt')(m : t elt) : t elt' := match m with | Leaf _ => Leaf _ | Node l x d r h => Node (mapi f l) x (f x d) (mapi f r) h end.
Fixpoint map_option (elt elt' : Type)(f : key -> elt -> option elt')(m : t elt)
: t elt' :=
match m with
| Leaf _ => Leaf _
| Node l x d r h =>
match f x d with
| Some d' => join (map_option f l) x d' (map_option f r)
| None => concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r)
Optimized map2
- f which is a specialisation of f0 when first option isn't None
- mapl treats a tree elt with f0 when second option is None
- mapr treats a tree elt' with f0 when first option is None
Section Map2_opt. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Variable mapl : t elt -> t elt''. Variable mapr : t elt' -> t elt''. Fixpoint map2_opt m1 m2 := match m1, m2 with | Leaf _, _ => mapr m2 | _, Leaf _ => mapl m1 | Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1, _ => let (l2',o2,r2') := split x1 m2 in match f x1 d1 o2 with | Some e => join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e (map2_opt r1 r2') | None => concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2') end end. End Map2_opt.
Section Map2. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Definition map2 : t elt -> t elt' -> t elt'' := map2_opt (fun _ d o => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun _ d => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun _ d' => f None (Some d'))). End Map2.
Section Invariants. Variable elt : Type.
Inductive MapsTo (x : key)(e : elt) : t elt -> Prop := | MapsRoot : forall l r h y, X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e r h) | MapsLeft : forall l r h y e', MapsTo x e l -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e' r h) | MapsRight : forall l r h y e', MapsTo x e r -> MapsTo x e (Node l y e' r h). Inductive In (x : key) : t elt -> Prop := | InRoot : forall l r h y e, X.eq x y -> In x (Node l y e r h) | InLeft : forall l r h y e', In x l -> In x (Node l y e' r h) | InRight : forall l r h y e', In x r -> In x (Node l y e' r h). Definition In0 k m := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m.
lt_tree x s: all elements in s are smaller than x
(resp. greater for gt_tree)
Definition lt_tree x m := forall y, In y m -> X.lt y x. Definition gt_tree x m := forall y, In y m -> X.lt x y.
bst t : t is a binary search tree
Inductive bst : t elt -> Prop := | BSLeaf : bst (Leaf _) | BSNode : forall x e l r h, bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (Node l x e r h). End Invariants.
Module Proofs. Module MX := OrderedTypeFacts X. Module PX := KeyOrderedType X. Module L := FMapList.Raw X. Functional Scheme mem_ind := Induction for mem Sort Prop. Functional Scheme find_ind := Induction for find Sort Prop. Functional Scheme bal_ind := Induction for bal Sort Prop. Functional Scheme add_ind := Induction for add Sort Prop. Functional Scheme remove_min_ind := Induction for remove_min Sort Prop. Functional Scheme merge_ind := Induction for merge Sort Prop. Functional Scheme remove_ind := Induction for remove Sort Prop. Functional Scheme concat_ind := Induction for concat Sort Prop. Functional Scheme split_ind := Induction for split Sort Prop. Functional Scheme map_option_ind := Induction for map_option Sort Prop. Functional Scheme map2_opt_ind := Induction for map2_opt Sort Prop.
Hint Constructors tree MapsTo In bst : core. Hint Unfold lt_tree gt_tree : core. Tactic Notation "factornode" ident(l) ident(x) ident(d) ident(r) ident(h) "as" ident(s) := set (s:=Node l x d r h) in *; clearbody s; clear l x d r h.
A tactic for cleaning hypothesis after use of functional induction.
Ltac clearf :=
match goal with
| H : (@Logic.eq (Compare _ _ _ _) _ _) |- _ => clear H; clearf
| H : (@Logic.eq (sumbool _ _) _ _) |- _ => clear H; clearf
| _ => idtac
A tactic to repeat inversion_clear on all hyps of the
form (f (Node ...))
Ltac inv f := match goal with | H:f (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ _ _ (Leaf _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H:f _ _ _ (Node _ _ _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | _ => idtac end. Ltac inv_all f := match goal with | H: f _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H: f _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H: f _ _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | H: f _ _ _ _ |- _ => inversion_clear H; inv f | _ => idtac end.
Helper tactic concerning order of elements.
Ltac order := match goal with | U: lt_tree _ ?s, V: In _ ?s |- _ => generalize (U _ V); clear U; order | U: gt_tree _ ?s, V: In _ ?s |- _ => generalize (U _ V); clear U; order | _ => MX.order end. Ltac intuition_in := repeat (intuition; inv In; inv MapsTo). (* Function/Functional Scheme can't deal with internal fix. Let's do its job by hand: *) Ltac join_tac := intros l; induction l as [| ll _ lx ld lr Hlr lh]; [ | intros x d r; induction r as [| rl Hrl rx rd rr _ rh]; unfold join; [ | destruct (gt_le_dec lh (rh+2)) as [GT|LE]; [ match goal with |- context [ bal ?u ?v ?w ?z ] => replace (bal u v w z) with (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))); [ | auto] end | destruct (gt_le_dec rh (lh+2)) as [GT'|LE']; [ match goal with |- context [ bal ?u ?v ?w ?z ] => replace (bal u v w z) with (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr); [ | auto] end | ] ] ] ]; intros. Section Elt. Variable elt:Type. Implicit Types m r : t elt.
Facts about MapsTo and In.
elt:Typeforall (k : key) (e : elt) (m : t elt), MapsTo k e m -> In k minduction 1; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve MapsTo_In : core.elt:Typeforall (k : key) (e : elt) (m : t elt), MapsTo k e m -> In k melt:Typeforall (k : key) (m : t elt), In k m -> exists e : elt, MapsTo k e minduction 1; try destruct IHIn as (e,He); exists e; auto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (k : key) (m : t elt), In k m -> exists e : elt, MapsTo k e melt:Typeforall (k : key) (m : t elt), In0 k m <-> In k melt:Typeforall (k : key) (m : t elt), In0 k m <-> In k melt:Typek:keym:t eltIn0 k m -> In k melt:Typek:keym:t eltIn k m -> In0 k munfold In0; apply In_MapsTo; auto. Qed.elt:Typek:keym:t eltIn k m -> In0 k melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e minduction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto. Qed. Hint Immediate MapsTo_1 : core.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), X.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), X.eq x y -> In x m -> In y mintros m x y; induction m; simpl; intuition_in; eauto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), X.eq x y -> In x m -> In y melt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key), In y (Node l x e r h) <-> In y l \/ X.eq y x \/ In y rintuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key), In y (Node l x e r h) <-> In y l \/ X.eq y x \/ In y r
Results about lt_tree and gt_tree
elt:Typeforall x : X.t, lt_tree x (Leaf elt)unfold lt_tree; intros; intuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall x : X.t, lt_tree x (Leaf elt)elt:Typeforall x : X.t, gt_tree x (Leaf elt)unfold gt_tree; intros; intuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall x : X.t, gt_tree x (Leaf elt)elt:Typeforall (x y : X.t) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> X.lt y x -> lt_tree x (Node l y e r h)unfold lt_tree in *; intuition_in; order. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x y : X.t) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> X.lt y x -> lt_tree x (Node l y e r h)elt:Typeforall (x y : X.t) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> X.lt x y -> gt_tree x (Node l y e r h)unfold gt_tree in *; intuition_in; order. Qed. Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node : core.elt:Typeforall (x y : X.t) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> X.lt x y -> gt_tree x (Node l y e r h)elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x lintuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x lelt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x rintuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), lt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> lt_tree x relt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x lintuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x lelt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x rintuition_in. Qed. Hint Resolve lt_left lt_right gt_left gt_right : core.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (y : key) (l r : t elt) (e : elt) (h : int), gt_tree x (Node l y e r h) -> gt_tree x relt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), lt_tree x m -> ~ In x mintros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), lt_tree x m -> ~ In x melt:Typeforall x y : X.t, X.lt x y -> forall m : t elt, lt_tree x m -> lt_tree y meauto. Qed.elt:Typeforall x y : X.t, X.lt x y -> forall m : t elt, lt_tree x m -> lt_tree y melt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), gt_tree x m -> ~ In x mintros; intro; generalize (H _ H0); order. Qed.elt:Typeforall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), gt_tree x m -> ~ In x melt:Typeforall x y : X.t, X.lt y x -> forall m : t elt, gt_tree x m -> gt_tree y meauto. Qed. Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans : core.elt:Typeforall x y : X.t, X.lt y x -> forall m : t elt, gt_tree x m -> gt_tree y m
Definition Empty m := forall (a:key)(e:elt) , ~ MapsTo a e m.elt:Typebst (empty elt)unfold empty; auto. Qed.elt:Typebst (empty elt)elt:TypeEmpty (empty elt)unfold empty, Empty; intuition_in. Qed.elt:TypeEmpty (empty elt)
elt:Typeforall m : t elt, Empty m -> is_empty m = trueelt:Typeforall m : t elt, Empty m -> is_empty m = trueintro H; elim (H x e); auto. Qed.elt:Typer:t eltx:keye:eltl:t elth:intEmpty (Node r x e l h) -> false = trueelt:Typeforall m : t elt, is_empty m = true -> Empty mdestruct m; simpl; intros; try discriminate; red; intuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall m : t elt, is_empty m = true -> Empty m
elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> In x m -> mem x m = trueintros m x; functional induction (mem x m); auto; intros; clearf; inv bst; intuition_in; order. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> In x m -> mem x m = trueelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), mem x m = true -> In x mintros m x; functional induction (mem x m); auto; intros; discriminate. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), mem x m = true -> In x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), bst m -> MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some eintros m x; functional induction (find x m); auto; intros; clearf; inv bst; intuition_in; simpl; auto; try solve [order | absurd (X.lt x y); eauto | absurd (X.lt y x); eauto]. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), bst m -> MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some eelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e melt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yIHo:forall e0 : elt, find x l = Some e0 -> MapsTo x e0 le:eltH:find x l = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye:eltH:Some d = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xIHo:forall e0 : elt, find x r = Some e0 -> MapsTo x e0 re:eltH:find x r = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye:eltH:Some d = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xIHo:forall e0 : elt, find x r = Some e0 -> MapsTo x e0 re:eltH:find x r = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)constructor 3; auto. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xIHo:forall e0 : elt, find x r = Some e0 -> MapsTo x e0 re:eltH:find x r = Some eMapsTo x e (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> find x m = Some e <-> MapsTo x e msplit; auto using find_1, find_2. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> find x m = Some e <-> MapsTo x e melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), find x m <> None -> In x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), find x m <> None -> In x melt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:find x m <> NoneIn x mapply MapsTo_In with e; apply find_2; auto. Qed.elt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:find x m <> Nonee:eltH0:find x m = Some eIn x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> In x m -> find x m <> Noneelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> In x m -> find x m <> Noneelt:Typem:t eltx:keyH:bst mH0:In x mfind x m <> Nonerewrite (find_1 H Hd); discriminate. Qed.elt:Typem:t eltx:keyH:bst mH0:In x md:eltHd:MapsTo x d mfind x m <> Noneelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> find x m <> None <-> In x msplit; auto using find_in, in_find. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> find x m <> None <-> In x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> find x m = None <-> ~ In x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> find x m = None <-> ~ In x melt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:find x m = None~ In x melt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:~ In x mfind x m = Noneelt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:find x m = NoneH1:In x mFalseelt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:~ In x mfind x m = Noneelt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:~ In x mfind x m = Noneelim H0; apply find_in; congruence. Qed.elt:Typem:t eltx:X.tH:bst mH0:~ In x me:eltH1:find x m = Some eSome e = Noneelt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), find x m = find x m' <-> (forall d : elt, find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some d)elt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), find x m = find x m' <-> (forall d : elt, find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some d)elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te, e0:eltH:forall d : elt, Some e = Some d <-> Some e0 = Some dSome e = Some e0elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te:eltH:forall d : elt, Some e = Some d <-> None = Some dSome e = Noneelt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te:eltH:forall d : elt, None = Some d <-> Some e = Some dNone = Some eelt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te:eltH:forall d : elt, Some e = Some d <-> None = Some dSome e = Noneelt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te:eltH:forall d : elt, None = Some d <-> Some e = Some dNone = Some erewrite H; auto. Qed.elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.te:eltH:forall d : elt, None = Some d <-> Some e = Some dNone = Some eelt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst m' -> find x m = find x m' <-> (forall d : elt, MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m')elt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst m' -> find x m = find x m' <-> (forall d : elt, MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m')elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.tHm:bst mHm':bst m'find x m = find x m' <-> (forall d : elt, MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m')elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.tHm:bst mHm':bst m'(forall d : elt, find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some d) <-> (forall d : elt, MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m')elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.tHm:bst mHm':bst m'd:eltH:find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some dMapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m'elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.tHm:bst mHm':bst m'd:eltH:MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m'find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some drewrite 2 find_iff; auto. Qed.elt:Typem, m':t eltx:X.tHm:bst mHm':bst m'd:eltH:MapsTo x d m <-> MapsTo x d m'find x m = Some d <-> find x m' = Some delt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst m' -> find x m = find x m' -> In x m <-> In x m'split; intros; apply find_in; [ rewrite <- H1 | rewrite H1 ]; apply in_find; auto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst m' -> find x m = find x m' -> In x m <-> In x m'
elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (create l x e r)unfold create; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve create_bst : core.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (create l x e r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (create l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y runfold create; split; [ inversion_clear 1 | ]; intuition. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (create l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y relt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (bal l x e r)intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; inv bst; repeat apply create_bst; auto; unfold create; try constructor; (apply lt_tree_node || apply gt_tree_node); auto; (eapply lt_tree_trans || eapply gt_tree_trans); eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve bal_bst : core.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (bal l x e r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (bal l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y rintros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; rewrite !create_in; intuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (bal l x e r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y relt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key) (e' : elt), MapsTo y e' (bal l x e r) <-> MapsTo y e' (create l x e r)intros l x e r; functional induction (bal l x e r); intros; clearf; unfold assert_false, create; intuition_in. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key) (e' : elt), MapsTo y e' (bal l x e r) <-> MapsTo y e' (create l x e r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : X.t), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> find y (bal l x e r) = find y (create l x e r)intros; rewrite find_mapsto_equiv; auto; intros; apply bal_mapsto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (y : X.t), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> find y (bal l x e r) = find y (create l x e r)
elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), In y (add x e m) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), In y (add x e m) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y mapply In_1 with x; auto. Qed.elt:Typex, y:keye:eltl:t elty0:keyd':eltr:t elth:int_x:X.eq x y0e1:X.compare x y0 = EQ _xH0:X.eq y xIn y (Node l y0 e r h)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), bst m -> bst (add x e m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), bst m -> bst (add x e m)elt:Typex:keye:eltl:t elty:keyd':eltr:t elth:int_x:X.lt x ye1:X.compare x y = LT _xH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rz:keyH4:X.eq z xH:bst (add x e l)X.lt z yelt:Typex:keye:eltl:t elty:keyd':eltr:t elth:int_x:X.lt y xe1:X.compare x y = GT _xH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rz:keyH4:X.eq z xH:bst (add x e r)X.lt y zapply MX.lt_eq with x; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve add_bst : core.elt:Typex:keye:eltl:t elty:keyd':eltr:t elth:int_x:X.lt y xe1:X.compare x y = GT _xH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rz:keyH4:X.eq z xH:bst (add x e r)X.lt y zelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m)intros m x y e; functional induction (add x e m); intros; inv bst; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; eauto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e e' : elt), ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e e' : elt), ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m)destruct (X.compare x k); intros; inv bst; try rewrite bal_mapsto; unfold create; auto; inv MapsTo; auto; order. Qed.elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te, e':eltIHm1:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m1 -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m1)IHm2:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m2 -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m2)~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t) -> MapsTo y e match X.compare x k with | LT _ => bal (add x e' m1) k e0 m2 | EQ _ => Node m1 k e' m2 t | GT _ => bal m1 k e0 (add x e' m2) endelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e e' : elt), ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e e' : elt), ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e melt:Typex, y:X.te, e':elt~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (Node (Leaf elt) x e' (Leaf elt) 1) -> MapsTo y e (Leaf elt)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te, e':eltIHm1:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m2) -> MapsTo y e m2~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e match X.compare x k with | LT _ => bal (add x e' m1) k e0 m2 | EQ _ => Node m1 k e' m2 t | GT _ => bal m1 k e0 (add x e' m2) end -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)destruct (X.compare x k); intro; try rewrite bal_mapsto; auto; unfold create; intros; inv MapsTo; auto; order. Qed.elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te, e':eltIHm1:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m2) -> MapsTo y e m2~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e match X.compare x k with | LT _ => bal (add x e' m1) k e0 m2 | EQ _ => Node m1 k e' m2 t | GT _ => bal m1 k e0 (add x e' m2) end -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (y : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> find y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (y : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> find y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endelt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mfind y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endelt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst m~ X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y melt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mH0:~ X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y mfind y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endelt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mH0:~ X.eq x yforall d : elt, MapsTo y d (add x e m) <-> MapsTo y d melt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mH0:~ X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y mfind y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endelt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mH0:~ X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y mfind y (add x e m) = match X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some e | _ => find y m endauto using find_1, add_1. Qed.elt:Typem:t eltx:keyy:X.te:eltH:bst mH0:~ X.eq x y -> find y (add x e m) = find y me0:X.eq y xfind y (add x e m) = Some e
elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key), In y (Node l x e r h) <-> X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 \/ In y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key), In y (Node l x e r h) <-> X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 \/ In y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elth:inty:keyIn y (Node (Leaf elt) x d r h) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y relt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key), In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 \/ In y0 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:inty:keyIn y (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 \/ In y (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key), In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 \/ In y0 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:inty:keyIn y (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 \/ In y (bal l' x d r)rewrite bal_in, In_node_iff, IHp; intuition. Qed.elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key), In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((l', m)#2)#1 \/ In y0 (l', m)#1h:inty:keyIn y (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 \/ In y (bal l' x d r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key) (e' : elt), MapsTo y e' (Node l x e r h) <-> X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 /\ e' = ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : key) (e' : elt), MapsTo y e' (Node l x e r h) <-> X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 /\ e' = ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elth:inty:keye':eltMapsTo y e' (Node (Leaf elt) x d r h) <-> X.eq y x /\ e' = d \/ MapsTo y e' relt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 /\ e'0 = ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:inty:keye':eltMapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 /\ e'0 = ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:inty:keye':eltMapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((l', m)#2)#1 /\ e'0 = ((l', m)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 (l', m)#1h:inty:keye':eltMapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 ((l', m)#2)#1 /\ e'0 = ((l', m)#2)#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 (l', m)#1h:inty:keye':eltMapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (Node l' x d r (max (height l') (height r) + 1))elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 m#1 /\ e'0 = m#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 l'h:inty:keye':eltH:MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x) -> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' l'H0:X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' l' -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)MapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h) <-> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (Node l' x d r (max (height l') (height r) + 1))elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 m#1 /\ e'0 = m#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 l'h:inty:keye':eltH:MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x) -> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' l'H2:MapsTo y e' l' -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H0:X.eq y m#1 -> e' = m#2 -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:MapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' (Node l' x d r (max (height l') (height r) + 1))elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 m#1 /\ e'0 = m#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 l'h:inty:keye':eltH:MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x) -> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' l'H2:MapsTo y e' l' -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H0:X.eq y m#1 -> e' = m#2 -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:MapsTo y e' (Node l' x d r (max (height l') (height r) + 1))MapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)inversion_clear H3; intuition. Qed.elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall (h0 : int) (y0 : key) (e'0 : elt), MapsTo y0 e'0 (Node ll lx ld lr h0) <-> X.eq y0 m#1 /\ e'0 = m#2 \/ MapsTo y0 e'0 l'h:inty:keye':eltH:MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x) -> X.eq y m#1 /\ e' = m#2 \/ MapsTo y e' l'H2:MapsTo y e' l' -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H0:X.eq y m#1 -> e' = m#2 -> MapsTo y e' (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:MapsTo y e' (Node l' x d r (max (height l') (height r) + 1))MapsTo y e' (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int), bst (Node l x e r h) -> bst (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int), bst (Node l x e r h) -> bst (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elth:intH:bst (Node (Leaf elt) x d r h)bst relt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH:bst (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)bst (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH:bst (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)bst (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lrbst (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lrbst l'elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lrlt_tree x l'elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lrlt_tree x l'elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lry:keyH0:In y l'X.lt y xelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lry:keyH0:In y l'In y (Node ll lx ld lr _x) <-> X.eq y ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 \/ In y (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1 -> X.lt y xelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lry:keyH0:In y l'In y (Node ll lx ld lr _x) <-> X.eq y m#1 \/ In y l' -> X.lt y xapply H2; intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve remove_min_bst : core.elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> bst (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rH:bst llH4:bst lrH5:lt_tree lx llH6:gt_tree lx lry:keyH0:In y l'H7:In y (Node ll lx ld lr _x) -> X.eq y m#1 \/ In y l'H8:X.eq y m#1 \/ In y l' -> In y (Node ll lx ld lr _x)X.lt y xelt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int), bst (Node l x e r h) -> gt_tree ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int), bst (Node l x e r h) -> gt_tree ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elth:intH:bst (Node (Leaf elt) x d r h)gt_tree x relt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH:bst (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)gt_tree m#1 (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH:bst (Node (Node ll lx ld lr _x) x d r h)gt_tree m#1 (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x rgt_tree m#1 (bal l' x d r)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:In y (bal l' x d r)X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:In y (bal l' x d r)X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:In y (bal l' x d r)gt_tree m#1 l' -> X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:In y (bal l' x d r)In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x) <-> X.eq m#1 ((remove_min ll lx ld lr)#2)#1 \/ In m#1 (remove_min ll lx ld lr)#1 -> gt_tree m#1 l' -> X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:In y (bal l' x d r)H4:In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x) <-> X.eq m#1 m#1 \/ In m#1 l'H5:gt_tree m#1 l'X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y l' \/ In y rH4:In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x) <-> X.eq m#1 m#1 \/ In m#1 l'H5:gt_tree m#1 l'X.lt m#1 yelt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y l' \/ In y rH5:gt_tree m#1 l'H6:In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x)X.lt m#1 ydecompose [or] H; order. Qed. Hint Resolve remove_min_gt_tree : core.elt:Typex:keyd:eltr, ll:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t elt_x:intl':t eltm:(key * elt)%typee0:remove_min ll lx ld lr = (l', m)IHp:forall h0 : int, bst (Node ll lx ld lr h0) -> gt_tree m#1 l'h:intH0:bst (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H1:bst rH2:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H3:gt_tree x ry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y l' \/ In y rH5:gt_tree m#1 l'H6:In m#1 (Node ll lx ld lr _x)H4:X.lt m#1 xX.lt m#1 yelt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : X.t), bst (Node l x e r h) -> find y (Node l x e r h) = match X.compare y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 | GT _ => find y (remove_min l x e r)#1 endelt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (r : t elt) (h : int) (y : X.t), bst (Node l x e r h) -> find y (Node l x e r h) = match X.compare y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 | GT _ => find y (remove_min l x e r)#1 endelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)find y (Node l x e r h) = match X.compare y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 | GT _ => find y (remove_min l x e r)#1 endelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1find y (Node l x e r h) = Noneelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)e0:X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1find y (Node l x e r h) = Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1~ In y (Node l x e r h)elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)e0:X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1find y (Node l x e r h) = Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1H':In y (remove_min l x e r)#1Falseelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)e0:X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1find y (Node l x e r h) = Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)e0:X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1find y (Node l x e r h) = Some ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)e0:X.eq y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1MapsTo y ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#2 (Node l x e r h)elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yfind y (Node l x e r h) = find y (remove_min l x e r)#1rewrite remove_min_mapsto; intuition; order. Qed.elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:inty:X.tH:bst (Node l x e r h)l0:X.lt ((remove_min l x e r)#2)#1 yd:eltMapsTo y d (Node l x e r h) <-> MapsTo y d (remove_min l x e r)#1
elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> In y (merge m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> In y (merge m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2elt:Types2:t elty:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst s2In y s2 <-> In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y s2elt:Typey:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt)In y m1 <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)In y (bal m1 x d s2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typey:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt)In y m1 <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)In y (bal m1 x d s2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)rewrite bal_in, remove_min_in, e1; simpl; intuition. Qed.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)In y (bal m1 x d s2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key) (e : elt), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2) <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e m2elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key) (e : elt), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2) <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e m2elt:Types2:t elty:keye:eltH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst s2MapsTo y e s2 <-> MapsTo y e (Leaf elt) \/ MapsTo y e s2elt:Typey:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt)MapsTo y e m1 <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)MapsTo y e (bal m1 x d s2') <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typey:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt)MapsTo y e m1 <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)MapsTo y e (bal m1 x d s2') <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)MapsTo y e (bal m1 x d s2') <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)MapsTo y e (create m1 x d s2') <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ X.eq y x /\ e = d \/ MapsTo y e s2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)MapsTo y e (Node m1 x d s2' (max (height m1) (height s2') + 1)) <-> MapsTo y e m1 \/ X.eq y x /\ e = d \/ MapsTo y e s2'inversion_clear H1; intuition. Qed.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))y:keye:eltm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:MapsTo y e (Node m1 x d s2' (max (height m1) (height s2') + 1))MapsTo y e m1 \/ X.eq y x /\ e = d \/ MapsTo y e s2'elt:Typeforall m1 m2 : t elt, bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> bst (merge m1 m2)elt:Typeforall m1 m2 : t elt, bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> bst (merge m1 m2)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2bst (bal m1 x d s2')elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2bst s2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2lt_tree x m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree x s2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2lt_tree x m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree x s2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2y:keyH2:In y m1X.lt y xelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree x s2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2y:keyH2:In y m1In x (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree x s2'generalize (remove_min_gt_tree H0); rewrite e1; simpl; auto. Qed.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:ints2':t eltx:keyd:elte1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (s2', (x, d))m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree x s2'
elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (y : key), bst m -> In y (remove x m) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (y : key), bst m -> In y (remove x m) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y melt:Typex:X.ty:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)In y (Leaf elt) <-> ~ X.eq y x /\ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst l -> In y1 (remove x l) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ly0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal (remove x l) y d r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0y0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)(* LT *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst l -> In y1 (remove x l) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ly0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal (remove x l) y d r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0y0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yIHt:forall y1 : key, bst l -> In y1 (remove x l) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ly0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (bal (remove x l) y d r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0y0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yIHt:forall y1 : key, bst l -> In y1 (remove x l) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ly0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rX.eq y0 y \/ In y0 (remove x l) \/ In y0 r <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0y0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)(* EQ *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0y0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (merge l r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:X.eq y0 x -> FalseH:X.eq y0 yIn y0 l \/ In y0 relt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)(* GT *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH:bst (Node l y d r _x)In y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xIHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (bal l y d (remove x r)) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)generalize (IHt y0 H1); intuition; [ order | order | intuition_in ]. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xIHt:forall y1 : key, bst r -> In y1 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y1 x /\ In y1 ry0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rX.eq y0 y \/ In y0 l \/ In y0 (remove x r) <-> ~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 (Node l y d r _x)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst (remove x m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst (remove x m)elt:Typex:X.tH:bst (Leaf elt)bst (Leaf elt)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal (remove x l) y d r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))(* LT *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal (remove x l) y d r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rbst (bal (remove x l) y d r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rlt_tree y (remove x l)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y ry0:keyH:In y0 (remove x l)X.lt y0 yelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x ye0:X.compare x y = LT _x0IHt:bst l -> bst (remove x l)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y ry0:keyH:~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 lX.lt y0 yelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))(* EQ *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x ye0:X.compare x y = EQ _x0H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rbst (merge l r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))(* GT *)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H:bst (Node l y d r _x)bst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rbst (bal l y d (remove x r))elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rgt_tree y (remove x r)elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y ry0:keyH:In y0 (remove x r)X.lt y y0destruct H; eauto. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xe0:X.compare x y = GT _x0IHt:bst r -> bst (remove x r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y ry0:keyH:~ X.eq y0 x /\ In y0 rX.lt y y0elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), bst m -> X.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m)intros; rewrite remove_in; intuition. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), bst m -> X.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t) (e : elt), bst m -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1)IHm2:bst m2 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2)bst (Node m1 k e0 m2 t) -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t) -> MapsTo y e match X.compare x k with | LT _ => bal (remove x m1) k e0 m2 | EQ _ => merge m1 m2 | GT _ => bal m1 k e0 (remove x m2) endelt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1)IHm2:bst m2 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2)e1:X.eq x kH0:~ X.eq x yH1:MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)H2:bst m1H3:bst m2H4:lt_tree k m1H5:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2)inv MapsTo; auto; order. Qed.elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx, y:X.te:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1)IHm2:bst m2 -> ~ X.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2)e1:X.eq x kH0:~ X.eq x yH1:MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)H2:bst m1H3:bst m2H4:lt_tree k m1H5:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e m1 \/ MapsTo y e m2elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (y : key) (e : elt), bst m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t) (y : key) (e : elt), bst m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e melt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2bst (Node m1 k e0 m2 t) -> MapsTo y e match X.compare x k with | LT _ => bal (remove x m1) k e0 m2 | EQ _ => merge m1 m2 | GT _ => bal m1 k e0 (remove x m2) end -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2l:X.lt x kH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (Node (remove x m1) k e0 m2 (max (height (remove x m1)) (height m2) + 1)) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2e1:X.eq x kH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2l:X.lt k xH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 (remove x m2) (max (height m1) (height (remove x m2)) + 1)) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2e1:X.eq x kH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (merge m1 m2) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2l:X.lt k xH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 (remove x m2) (max (height m1) (height (remove x m2)) + 1)) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)intros; inv MapsTo; auto. Qed.elt:Typem1:Raw.t eltk:keye0:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intx:X.ty:keye:eltIHm1:bst m1 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m1) -> MapsTo y e m1IHm2:bst m2 -> MapsTo y e (remove x m2) -> MapsTo y e m2l:X.lt k xH:bst m1H0:bst m2H1:lt_tree k m1H2:gt_tree k m2MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 (remove x m2) (max (height m1) (height (remove x m2)) + 1)) -> MapsTo y e (Node m1 k e0 m2 t)
elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (d : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (join l x d r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y relt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : key) (d : elt) (r : t elt) (y : key), In y (join l x d r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y l \/ In y relt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elty:keyIn y (join (Leaf elt) x d r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y relt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:elty:keyIn y (add x d (Node ll lx ld lr lh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlGT:lh > rh + 2y:keyIn y (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:keyIn y (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typex:keyd:eltr:t elty:keyIn y (add x d r) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y relt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:elty:keyIn y (add x d (Node ll lx ld lr lh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlGT:lh > rh + 2y:keyIn y (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:keyIn y (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:elty:keyIn y (add x d (Node ll lx ld lr lh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlGT:lh > rh + 2y:keyIn y (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:keyIn y (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlGT:lh > rh + 2y:keyIn y (bal ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:keyIn y (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:keyIn y (bal (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)apply create_in. Qed.elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : key) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : key), In y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) <-> X.eq y0 x0 \/ In y0 lr \/ In y0 rx:keyd:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : key, In y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) <-> X.eq y0 x \/ In y0 (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y0 rlLE:lh <= rh + 2LE':rh <= lh + 2y:keyIn y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh)) <-> X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (d : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (join l x d r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (d : elt) (r : t elt), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (join l x d r)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intx:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intGT:lh > rh + 2H1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y lr \/ In y (Node rl rx rd rr rh)X.lt lx yelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intx:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2H1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y rlX.lt y rxintuition; [ apply MX.eq_lt with x | ]; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve join_bst : core.elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intx:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intLE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2H1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lry:keyH:X.eq y x \/ In y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In y rlX.lt y rxelt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (d : elt) (r : t elt) (y : X.t), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> find y (join l x d r) = find y (create l x d r)elt:Typeforall (l : t elt) (x : X.t) (d : elt) (r : t elt) (y : X.t), bst l -> bst r -> lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> find y (join l x d r) = find y (create l x d r)elt:Typex:X.td:eltr:t elty:X.tH0:bst rH1:lt_tree x (Leaf elt)H2:gt_tree x rmatch X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some d | _ => find y r end = find y (create (Leaf elt) x d r)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:elty:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Leaf elt)H0:bst llH3:bst lrH4:lt_tree lx llH5:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xmatch X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some d | _ => find y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) end = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Leaf elt))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typex:X.td:eltr:t elty:X.tH0:bst rH1:lt_tree x (Leaf elt)H2:gt_tree x rl:X.lt y xfind y r = Noneelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:elty:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Leaf elt)H0:bst llH3:bst lrH4:lt_tree lx llH5:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xmatch X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some d | _ => find y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) end = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Leaf elt))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:elty:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Leaf elt)H0:bst llH3:bst lrH4:lt_tree lx llH5:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xmatch X.compare y x with | EQ _ => Some d | _ => find y (Node ll lx ld lr lh) end = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Leaf elt))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:elty:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Leaf elt)H0:bst llH3:bst lrH4:lt_tree lx llH5:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xl:X.lt x yl0:X.lt lx yfind y lr = Noneelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:elty:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Leaf elt)H0:bst llH3:bst lrH4:lt_tree lx llH5:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xl:X.lt x yl0:X.lt lx yH6:In y lrFalseelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create ll lx ld (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxmatch X.compare y lx with | LT _ => find y ll | EQ _ => Some ld | GT _ => match X.compare y x with | LT _ => find y lr | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => match X.compare y rx with | LT _ => find y rl | EQ _ => Some rd | GT _ => find y rr end end end = match X.compare y x with | LT _ => match X.compare y lx with | LT _ => find y ll | EQ _ => Some ld | GT _ => find y lr end | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => match X.compare y rx with | LT _ => find y rl | EQ _ => Some rd | GT _ => find y rr end endelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxgt_tree lx (join lr x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)GT:lh > rh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxu:keyHu:X.eq u x \/ In u lr \/ In u (Node rl rx rd rr rh)X.lt lx uelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxfind y (create (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) rx rd rr) = find y (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d (Node rl rx rd rr rh))elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxmatch X.compare y rx with | LT _ => match X.compare y x with | LT _ => match X.compare y lx with | LT _ => find y ll | EQ _ => Some ld | GT _ => find y lr end | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y rl end | EQ _ => Some rd | GT _ => find y rr end = match X.compare y x with | LT _ => match X.compare y lx with | LT _ => find y ll | EQ _ => Some ld | GT _ => find y lr end | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => match X.compare y rx with | LT _ => find y rl | EQ _ => Some rd | GT _ => find y rr end endelt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxlt_tree rx (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)destruct Hu as [Hu|[Hu|Hu]]; order. Qed.elt:Typell:t eltlx:keyld:eltlr:t eltlh:intHlr:forall (x0 : X.t) (d0 : elt) (r : t elt) (y0 : X.t), bst lr -> bst r -> lt_tree x0 lr -> gt_tree x0 r -> find y0 (join lr x0 d0 r) = find y0 (create lr x0 d0 r)x:X.td:eltrl:t eltrx:keyrd:eltrr:t eltrh:intHrl:forall y0 : X.t, bst (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> bst rl -> lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh) -> gt_tree x rl -> find y0 (join (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl) = find y0 (create (Node ll lx ld lr lh) x d rl)LE:lh <= rh + 2GT':rh > lh + 2y:X.tH1:lt_tree x (Node ll lx ld lr lh)H2:gt_tree x (Node rl rx rd rr rh)H3:bst rlH4:bst rrH5:lt_tree rx rlH6:gt_tree rx rrH0:bst llH7:bst lrH8:lt_tree lx llH9:gt_tree lx lrH:X.lt lx xH10:X.lt x rxu:keyHu:X.eq u x \/ In u (Node ll lx ld lr lh) \/ In u rlX.lt u rx
elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> forall y : key, In y (split x m)#l <-> In y m /\ X.lt y xelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> forall y : key, In y (split x m)#l <-> In y m /\ X.lt y xelt:Typex:X.ty:keyIn y (Leaf elt) <-> In y (Leaf elt) /\ X.lt y xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:bst l -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x l)#l <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 ll <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 l <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#l <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join l y d rl) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:bst l -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x l)#l <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 ll <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 l <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#l <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join l y d rl) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 l <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#l <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join l y d rl) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#l <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join l y d rl) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xrewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#l <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rX.eq y0 y \/ In y0 l \/ In y0 rl <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt y0 xelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> forall y : key, In y (split x m)#r <-> In y m /\ X.lt x yelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> forall y : key, In y (split x m)#r <-> In y m /\ X.lt x yelt:Typex:X.ty:keyIn y (Leaf elt) <-> In y (Leaf elt) /\ X.lt x yelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:bst l -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x l)#r <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join rl y d r) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 r <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#r <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 rr <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:bst l -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x l)#r <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 (join rl y d r) <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 r <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#r <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 rr <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:bst l -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x l)#r <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rX.eq y0 y \/ In y0 rl \/ In y0 r <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 r <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#r <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 rr <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 r <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#r <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 rr <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0rewrite e1 in IHt; simpl in IHt; rewrite IHt; intuition_in; order. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:bst r -> forall y1 : key, In y1 (split x r)#r <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1y0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rIn y0 rr <-> In y0 (Node l y d r _x) /\ X.lt x y0elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> (split x m)#o = find x mintros m x; functional induction (split x m); subst; simpl; auto; intros; inv bst; try clear e0; destruct X.compare; try order; trivial; rewrite <- IHt, e1; auto. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> (split x m)#o = find x melt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst (split x m)#l /\ bst (split x m)#relt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> bst (split x m)#l /\ bst (split x m)#relt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst llH5:bst rllt_tree y rlelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst rlH5:bst rrgt_tree y rlelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst llH5:bst rly0:keyIn y0 rl -> X.lt y0 yelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst rlH5:bst rrgt_tree y rlelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst rlH5:bst rrgt_tree y rlgeneralize (split_in_1 x H1 y0); rewrite e1; simpl; intuition. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH4:bst rlH5:bst rry0:keyIn y0 rl -> X.lt y y0elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> lt_tree x (split x m)#lintros m x B y Hy; rewrite split_in_1 in Hy; intuition. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> lt_tree x (split x m)#lelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> gt_tree x (split x m)#rintros m x B y Hy; rewrite split_in_2 in Hy; intuition. Qed.elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : X.t), bst m -> gt_tree x (split x m)#relt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), bst m -> find y m = match X.compare y x with | LT _ => find y (split x m)#l | EQ _ => (split x m)#o | GT _ => find y (split x m)#r endelt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : X.t), bst m -> find y m = match X.compare y x with | LT _ => find y (split x m)#l | EQ _ => (split x m)#o | GT _ => find y (split x m)#r endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst l -> find y1 l = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 ll | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rl endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 ll <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst llH6:bst rlmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 ll | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 (join rl y d r) endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst r -> find y1 r = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rr endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 (join l y d rl) | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 ll <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst llH6:bst rlmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 ll | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rl end | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 ll | EQ _ => o | GT _ => match X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 rl | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 ll <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst llH6:bst rllt_tree y rlelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst r -> find y1 r = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rr endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 (join l y d rl) | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt x yll:t elto:option eltrl:t elte1:split x l = << ll, o, rl >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 ll <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 l /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst llH6:bst rllt_tree y rlelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst r -> find y1 r = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rr endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 (join l y d rl) | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.eq x yy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst r -> find y1 r = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rr endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 (join l y d rl) | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>IHt:forall y1 : X.t, bst r -> find y1 r = match X.compare y1 x with | LT _ => find y1 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y1 rr endy0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 r end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 (join l y d rl) | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrmatch X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => find y0 rl | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr end end = match X.compare y0 x with | LT _ => match X.compare y0 y with | LT _ => find y0 l | EQ _ => Some d | GT _ => find y0 rl end | EQ _ => o | GT _ => find y0 rr endelt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrgt_tree y rlintros y1; rewrite H; intuition. Qed.elt:Typex:X.tl:t elty:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:int_x0:X.lt y xrl:t elto:option eltrr:t elte1:split x r = << rl, o, rr >>y0:X.tH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree y lH3:gt_tree y rH:forall y1 : key, In y1 rl <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt y1 xH4:forall y1 : key, In y1 rr <-> In y1 r /\ X.lt x y1H5:bst rlH6:bst rrgt_tree y rl
elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key), In y (concat m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : key), In y (concat m1 m2) <-> In y m1 \/ In y m2elt:Typem2:t elty:keyIn y m2 <-> In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y m2elt:Typey:keym1:t eltIn y m1 <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:keym1:t eltIn y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typey:keym1:t eltIn y m1 <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:keym1:t eltIn y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)rewrite join_in, remove_min_in, e1; simpl; intuition. Qed.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:keym1:t eltIn y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') <-> In y m1 \/ In y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typeforall m1 m2 : t elt, bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> bst (concat m1 m2)elt:Typeforall m1 m2 : t elt, bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> bst (concat m1 m2)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2bst (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2')elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2bst m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2bst (m2', xd)#1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2y:keyHy:In y m1X.lt y xd#1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2y:keyHy:In y m1In xd#1 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree xd#1 m2'rewrite <-e1; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve concat_bst : core.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)m1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2gt_tree ((m2', xd)#2)#1 (m2', xd)#1elt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : X.t), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> find y (concat m1 m2) = match find y m2 with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typeforall (m1 m2 : t elt) (y : X.t), bst m1 -> bst m2 -> (forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2) -> find y (concat m1 m2) = match find y m2 with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typem2:t elty:X.tH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (Leaf elt) -> In y2 m2 -> X.lt y1 y2find y m2 = match find y m2 with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (Leaf elt) endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2find y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') = match find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2find y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') = match find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4)H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H2:find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) = match X.compare y xd#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some xd#2 | GT _ => find y m2' endH3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'find y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') = match find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H2:find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) = match X.compare y xd#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some xd#2 | GT _ => find y m2' endH3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2find y (join m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') = match find y (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2find y (create m1 xd#1 xd#2 m2') = match match X.compare y xd#1 with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some xd#2 | GT _ => find y m2' end with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2Hlt:X.lt xd#1 yfind y m2' = match find y m2' with | Some d => Some d | None => find y m1 endelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2Hlt:X.lt xd#1 yNone = find y m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2lt_tree xd#1 m1elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2Hlt:X.lt xd#1 yH0:In y m1Falseelt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2lt_tree xd#1 m1intros z Hz; apply H1; auto; rewrite H3; auto. Qed.elt:Typel2:t eltx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elt_x4:intm2':t eltxd:(key * elt)%typee1:remove_min l2 x2 d2 r2 = (m2', xd)y:X.tm1:t eltH:bst m1H1:forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 m1 -> In y2 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) -> X.lt y1 y2H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 (Node l2 x2 d2 r2 _x4) <-> X.eq y0 xd#1 \/ In y0 m2'H4:bst m2'H5:gt_tree xd#1 m2'H6:bst l2H7:bst r2H8:lt_tree x2 l2H9:gt_tree x2 r2lt_tree xd#1 m1
Notation eqk := (PX.eqk (elt:= elt)). Notation eqke := (PX.eqke (elt:= elt)). Notation ltk := (PX.ltk (elt:= elt)).elt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)) (x : X.t) (e : elt), InA eqke (x, e) (elements_aux acc s) <-> MapsTo x e s \/ InA eqke (x, e) accelt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)) (x : X.t) (e : elt), InA eqke (x, e) (elements_aux acc s) <-> MapsTo x e s \/ InA eqke (x, e) accelt:Typeforall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x : X.t) (e : elt), InA eqke (x, e) acc <-> MapsTo x e (Leaf elt) \/ InA eqke (x, e) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 l \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accHr:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accforall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typeacc:list (key * elt)x:X.te:eltH0:MapsTo x e (Leaf elt)InA eqke (x, e) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 l \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accHr:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accforall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 l \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accHr:forall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accforall (acc : list (key * elt)) (x0 : X.t) (e0 : elt), InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall (acc0 : list (key * elt)) (x1 : X.t) (e1 : elt), InA eqke (x1, e1) (elements_aux acc0 l) <-> MapsTo x1 e1 l \/ InA eqke (x1, e1) acc0Hr:forall (acc0 : list (key * elt)) (x1 : X.t) (e1 : elt), InA eqke (x1, e1) (elements_aux acc0 r) <-> MapsTo x1 e1 r \/ InA eqke (x1, e1) acc0acc:list (key * elt)x0:X.te0:eltInA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall (acc0 : list (key * elt)) (x1 : X.t) (e1 : elt), InA eqke (x1, e1) (elements_aux acc0 l) <-> MapsTo x1 e1 l \/ InA eqke (x1, e1) acc0Hr:forall (acc0 : list (key * elt)) (x1 : X.t) (e1 : elt), InA eqke (x1, e1) (elements_aux acc0 r) <-> MapsTo x1 e1 r \/ InA eqke (x1, e1) acc0acc:list (key * elt)x0:X.te0:eltMapsTo x0 e0 l \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intacc:list (key * elt)x0:X.te0:eltH:InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r) -> MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accH0:MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) acc -> InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r)MapsTo x0 e0 l \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) ((x, e) :: elements_aux acc r) <-> MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accdestruct H0; simpl in *; subst; intuition. Qed.elt:Typel:t eltx:keye:eltr:t elth:intacc:list (key * elt)x0:X.te0:eltH:InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r) -> MapsTo x0 e0 r \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accH1:MapsTo x0 e0 r -> InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r)H2:InA eqke (x0, e0) acc -> InA eqke (x0, e0) (elements_aux acc r)H0:eqke (x0, e0) (x, e)MapsTo x0 e0 (Node l x e r h) \/ InA eqke (x0, e0) accelt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), InA eqke (x, e) (elements s) <-> MapsTo x e selt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (x : X.t) (e : elt), InA eqke (x, e) (elements s) <-> MapsTo x e sinversion_clear H0. Qed.elt:Types:t eltx:X.te:eltH:MapsTo x e s -> InA eqke (x, e) (elements_aux nil s)H1:InA eqke (x, e) (elements s)H0:InA eqke (x, e) nilH3:InA eqke (x, e) (elements_aux nil s)MapsTo x e selt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (x : X.t), L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x selt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (x : X.t), L.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x selt:Types:t eltx:X.tL.PX.In x (elements s) <-> In x selt:Types:t eltx:X.t(exists e : elt, L.PX.MapsTo x e (elements s)) <-> In x selt:Types:t eltx:X.t(exists e : elt, L.PX.MapsTo x e (elements s)) <-> (exists e : elt, MapsTo x e s)elt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:L.PX.MapsTo x x0 (elements s)exists e : elt, MapsTo x e selt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:MapsTo x x0 sexists e : elt, L.PX.MapsTo x e (elements s)elt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:L.PX.MapsTo x x0 (elements s)MapsTo x x0 selt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:MapsTo x x0 sexists e : elt, L.PX.MapsTo x e (elements s)elt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:MapsTo x x0 sexists e : elt, L.PX.MapsTo x e (elements s)unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto. Qed.elt:Types:t eltx:X.tx0:eltH:MapsTo x x0 sL.PX.MapsTo x x0 (elements s)elt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (X.t * elt)), bst s -> Sorted ltk acc -> (forall (x : X.t) (e : elt) (y : key), InA eqke (x, e) acc -> In y s -> X.lt y x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc s)elt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (X.t * elt)), bst s -> Sorted ltk acc -> (forall (x : X.t) (e : elt) (y : key), InA eqke (x, e) acc -> In y s -> X.lt y x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc s)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H:bst (Node l y e r h)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xSorted ltk (elements_aux ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rSorted ltk (elements_aux ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) l)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rSorted ltk ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rSorted ltk (elements_aux acc r)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rHdRel ltk (y, e) (elements_aux acc r)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rHdRel ltk (y, e) (elements_aux acc r)elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall y0 : X.t * elt, InA eqke y0 (elements_aux acc r) -> ltk (y, e) y0elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y ry':X.te':eltH6:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)ltk (y, e) (y', e')elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y ry':X.te':eltH6:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H:MapsTo y' e' rH9:InA eqke (y', e') acc -> InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H7:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)ltk (y, e) (y', e')elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y ry':X.te':eltH6:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H:InA eqke (y', e') accH8:MapsTo y' e' r -> InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H7:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)ltk (y, e) (y', e')elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y ry':X.te':eltH6:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H:InA eqke (y', e') accH8:MapsTo y' e' r -> InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)H7:InA eqke (y', e') (elements_aux acc r)ltk (y, e) (y', e')elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc0 -> In y0 r -> X.lt y0 x) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) acc -> In y0 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y0 xH2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rforall (x : X.t) (e0 : elt) (y0 : key), InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r) -> In y0 l -> X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH:InA eqke (x, e0) ((y, e) :: elements_aux acc r)H6:In y0 lX.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH6:In y0 lH7:eqke (x, e0) (y, e)X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH6:In y0 lH7:InA eqke (x, e0) (elements_aux acc r)X.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH6:In y0 lH:X.eq x yH7:e0 = eX.lt y0 xelt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH6:In y0 lH7:InA eqke (x, e0) (elements_aux acc r)X.lt y0 xdestruct (elements_aux_mapsto r acc x e0); intuition eauto. Qed.elt:Typel:t elty:keye:eltr:t elth:intHl:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst l -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 l -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 l)Hr:forall acc0 : list (X.t * elt), bst r -> Sorted ltk acc0 -> (forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc0 -> In y1 r -> X.lt y1 x0) -> Sorted ltk (elements_aux acc0 r)acc:list (X.t * elt)H0:Sorted ltk accH1:forall (x0 : X.t) (e1 : elt) (y1 : key), InA eqke (x0, e1) acc -> In y1 (Node l y e r h) -> X.lt y1 x0H2:bst lH3:bst rH4:lt_tree y lH5:gt_tree y rx:X.te0:elty0:keyH6:In y0 lH7:InA eqke (x, e0) (elements_aux acc r)X.lt y0 xelt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> Sorted ltk (elements s)elt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> Sorted ltk (elements s)intros; inversion H0. Qed. Hint Resolve elements_sort : core.elt:Types:t eltH:bst sforall (x : X.t) (e : elt) (y : key), InA eqke (x, e) nil -> In y s -> X.lt y xelt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> NoDupA eqk (elements s)intros; apply PX.Sort_NoDupA; auto. Qed.elt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> NoDupA eqk (elements s)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)), (length acc + cardinal m)%nat = length (elements_aux acc m)elt:Typeforall (m : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)), (length acc + cardinal m)%nat = length (elements_aux acc m)elt:Typem, t:Raw.t eltH:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), (length acc0 + cardinal t)%nat = length (elements_aux acc0 t)k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), (length acc0 + cardinal t0)%nat = length (elements_aux acc0 t0)t1:intacc:list (key * elt)(length acc + S (cardinal t + cardinal t0))%nat = length (elements_aux ((k, e) :: elements_aux acc t0) t)rewrite <- H0; omega. Qed.elt:Typem, t:Raw.t eltH:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), (length acc0 + cardinal t)%nat = length (elements_aux acc0 t)k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), (length acc0 + cardinal t0)%nat = length (elements_aux acc0 t0)t1:intacc:list (key * elt)(length acc + S (cardinal t + cardinal t0))%nat = S (length (elements_aux acc t0) + cardinal t)elt:Typeforall m : t elt, cardinal m = length (elements m)exact (fun m => elements_aux_cardinal m nil). Qed.elt:Typeforall m : t elt, cardinal m = length (elements m)elt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)), elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ accelt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (acc : list (key * elt)), elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ accelt:Types1:Raw.t eltk:keye:elts2:Raw.t eltt:intIHs1:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s1 = elements s1 ++ acc0IHs2:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s2 = elements s2 ++ acc0acc:list (key * elt)elements_aux ((k, e) :: elements_aux acc s2) s1 = elements (Node s1 k e s2 t) ++ accelt:Types1:Raw.t eltk:keye:elts2:Raw.t eltt:intIHs1:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s1 = elements s1 ++ acc0IHs2:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s2 = elements s2 ++ acc0acc:list (key * elt)elements s1 ++ (k, e) :: elements s2 ++ acc = elements (Node s1 k e s2 t) ++ accrewrite 2 IHs1, IHs2, !app_nil_r, !app_ass; auto. Qed.elt:Types1:Raw.t eltk:keye:elts2:Raw.t eltt:intIHs1:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s1 = elements s1 ++ acc0IHs2:forall acc0 : list (key * elt), elements_aux acc0 s2 = elements s2 ++ acc0acc:list (key * elt)elements_aux nil s1 ++ (k, e) :: elements_aux nil s2 ++ acc = elements_aux ((k, e) :: elements_aux nil s2) s1 ++ accelt:Typeforall (t1 t2 : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (z : int) (l : list (key * elt)), elements t1 ++ (x, e) :: elements t2 ++ l = elements (Node t1 x e t2 z) ++ lelt:Typeforall (t1 t2 : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (z : int) (l : list (key * elt)), elements t1 ++ (x, e) :: elements t2 ++ l = elements (Node t1 x e t2 z) ++ lrewrite !elements_app, !app_nil_r, !app_ass; auto. Qed.elt:Typet1, t2:t eltx:keye:eltz:intl:list (key * elt)elements_aux nil t1 ++ (x, e) :: elements_aux nil t2 ++ l = elements_aux ((x, e) :: elements_aux nil t2) t1 ++ l
Definition fold' (A : Type) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A)(s : t elt) := L.fold f (elements s).elt:Typeforall (A : Type) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc s) a = L.fold f acc (fold f s a)elt:Typeforall (A : Type) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc s) a = L.fold f acc (fold f s a)elt, A:Types:t eltforall (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc (Leaf elt)) a = L.fold f acc (fold f (Leaf elt) a)elt, A:Types:t eltforall t : t elt, (forall (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc t) a = L.fold f acc (fold f t a)) -> forall (k : key) (e : elt) (t0 : Raw.t elt), (forall (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc t0) a = L.fold f acc (fold f t0 a)) -> forall (t1 : int) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc (Node t k e t0 t1)) a = L.fold f acc (fold f (Node t k e t0 t1) a)elt, A:Types:t eltforall t : t elt, (forall (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc t) a = L.fold f acc (fold f t a)) -> forall (k : key) (e : elt) (t0 : Raw.t elt), (forall (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc t0) a = L.fold f acc (fold f t0 a)) -> forall (t1 : int) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A) (acc : list (key * elt)), L.fold f (elements_aux acc (Node t k e t0 t1)) a = L.fold f acc (fold f (Node t k e t0 t1) a)elt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t a0)k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t0) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t0 a0)t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:Aacc:list (key * elt)L.fold f (elements_aux ((k, e) :: elements_aux acc t0) t) a = L.fold f acc (fold f t0 (f k e (fold f t a)))elt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t a0)k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t0) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t0 a0)t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:Aacc:list (key * elt)L.fold f ((k, e) :: elements_aux acc t0) (fold f t a) = L.fold f acc (fold f t0 (f k e (fold f t a)))apply H0. Qed.elt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t a0)k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A) (acc0 : list (key * elt)), L.fold f0 (elements_aux acc0 t0) a0 = L.fold f0 acc0 (fold f0 t0 a0)t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:Aacc:list (key * elt)L.fold f (elements_aux acc t0) (f k e (fold f t a)) = L.fold f acc (fold f t0 (f k e (fold f t a)))elt:Typeforall (A : Type) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A), fold f s a = fold' f s aelt:Typeforall (A : Type) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A), fold f s a = fold' f s aelt:Typeforall (A : Type) (s : t elt) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a : A), fold f s a = L.fold f (elements_aux nil s) aelt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t) a0k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t0 a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t0) a0t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:Afold f t0 (f k e (fold f t a)) = L.fold f (elements_aux ((k, e) :: elements_aux nil t0) t) aelt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t) a0k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t0 a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t0) a0t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:Afold f t0 (f k e (fold f t a)) = L.fold f ((k, e) :: elements_aux nil t0) (fold f t a)simpl; auto. Qed.elt, A:Types, t:Raw.t eltH:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t) a0k:keye:eltt0:Raw.t eltH0:forall (f0 : key -> elt -> A -> A) (a0 : A), fold f0 t0 a0 = L.fold f0 (elements_aux nil t0) a0t1:intf:key -> elt -> A -> Aa:AL.fold f (elements_aux nil t0) (f k e (fold f t a)) = L.fold f ((k, e) :: elements_aux nil t0) (fold f t a)elt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> forall (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) ielt:Typeforall s : t elt, bst s -> forall (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) ielt:Types:t eltHs:bst sA:Typei:Af:key -> elt -> A -> Afold f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) ielt:Types:t eltHs:bst sA:Typei:Af:key -> elt -> A -> Afold' f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) ielt:Types:t eltHs:bst sA:Typei:Af:key -> elt -> A -> AL.fold f (elements s) i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) iunfold L.elements; auto. Qed.elt:Types:t eltHs:bst sA:Typei:Af:key -> elt -> A -> Afold_left (fun (a : A) (p : L.key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (L.elements (elt:=elt) (elements s)) i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f p#1 p#2 a) (elements s) i
flatten_e e returns the list of elements of the enumeration e
i.e. the list of elements actually compared
Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration elt) : list (key*elt) := match e with | End _ => nil | More x e t r => (x,e) :: elements t ++ flatten_e r end.elt:Typeforall (l r : t elt) (x : key) (d : elt) (z : int) (e : enumeration elt), elements l ++ flatten_e (More x d r e) = elements (Node l x d r z) ++ flatten_e eintros; apply elements_node. Qed.elt:Typeforall (l r : t elt) (x : key) (d : elt) (z : int) (e : enumeration elt), elements l ++ flatten_e (More x d r e) = elements (Node l x d r z) ++ flatten_e eelt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (e : enumeration elt), flatten_e (cons s e) = elements s ++ flatten_e eelt:Typeforall (s : t elt) (e : enumeration elt), flatten_e (cons s e) = elements s ++ flatten_e esimpl flatten_e; rewrite IHs1; apply flatten_e_elements; auto. Qed.elt:Types1:Raw.t eltk:keye:elts2:Raw.t eltt:intIHs1:forall e1 : enumeration elt, flatten_e (cons s1 e1) = elements s1 ++ flatten_e e1IHs2:forall e1 : enumeration elt, flatten_e (cons s2 e1) = elements s2 ++ flatten_e e1e0:enumeration eltflatten_e (cons (Node s1 k e s2 t) e0) = elements (Node s1 k e s2 t) ++ flatten_e e0
Proof of correction for the comparison
Variable cmp : elt->elt->bool. Definition IfEq b l1 l2 := L.equal cmp l1 l2 = b.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (b : bool) (x1 x2 : X.t) (d1 d2 : elt) (l1 l2 : L.t elt), X.eq x1 x2 -> cmp d1 d2 = true -> IfEq b l1 l2 -> IfEq b ((x1, d1) :: l1) ((x2, d2) :: l2)unfold IfEq; destruct b; simpl; intros; destruct X.compare; simpl; try rewrite H0; auto; order. Qed.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (b : bool) (x1 x2 : X.t) (d1 d2 : elt) (l1 l2 : L.t elt), X.eq x1 x2 -> cmp d1 d2 = true -> IfEq b l1 l2 -> IfEq b ((x1, d1) :: l1) ((x2, d2) :: l2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall e2 : enumeration elt, IfEq (equal_end e2) nil (flatten_e e2)destruct e2; red; auto. Qed.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall e2 : enumeration elt, IfEq (equal_end e2) nil (flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (x1 : X.t) (d1 : elt) (cont : enumeration elt -> bool) (x2 : key) (d2 : elt) (r2 : t elt) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l : L.t elt), IfEq (cont (cons r2 e2)) l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) -> IfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 cont (More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: l) (flatten_e (More x2 d2 r2 e2))elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (x1 : X.t) (d1 : elt) (cont : enumeration elt -> bool) (x2 : key) (d2 : elt) (r2 : t elt) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l : L.t elt), IfEq (cont (cons r2 e2)) l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) -> IfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 cont (More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: l) (flatten_e (More x2 d2 r2 e2))rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt; f_equal; auto. Qed.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolx1:X.td1:eltcont:enumeration elt -> boolx2:keyd2:eltr2:t elte2:enumeration eltl:L.t eltH:L.equal cmp l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) = cont (cons r2 e2)e:X.eq x1 x2cmp d1 d2 && L.equal cmp l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) = cmp d1 d2 &&& cont (cons r2 e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (m1 : t elt) (cont : enumeration elt -> bool) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 cont e2) (elements m1 ++ l) (flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall (m1 : t elt) (cont : enumeration elt -> bool) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 cont e2) (elements m1 ++ l) (flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> boole2:enumeration eltl:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)IfEq (equal_cont cmp (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1) cont e2) (elements (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1) ++ l) (flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> boole2:enumeration eltl:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 (equal_more cmp x1 d1 (equal_cont cmp r1 cont)) e2) (elements l1 ++ (x1, d1) :: elements r1 ++ l) (flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> boole2:enumeration eltl:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 (equal_cont cmp r1 cont) e) ((x1, d1) :: elements r1 ++ l) (flatten_e e)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e2) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e2)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e2 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e2) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e2)cont:enumeration elt -> booll:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)IfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 (equal_cont cmp r1 cont) (End elt)) ((x1, d1) :: elements r1 ++ l) (flatten_e (End elt))elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> booll:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)x2:keyd2:eltr2:t elte2:enumeration eltIfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 (equal_cont cmp r1 cont) (More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: elements r1 ++ l) (flatten_e (More x2 d2 r2 e2))elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> booll:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)x2:keyd2:eltr2:t elte2:enumeration eltIfEq (equal_more cmp x1 d1 (equal_cont cmp r1 cont) (More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: elements r1 ++ l) (flatten_e (More x2 d2 r2 e2))rewrite <- cons_1; auto. Qed.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> booll1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elth1:intHl1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp l1 cont0 e0) (elements l1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : enumeration elt -> bool) (e0 : enumeration elt) (l0 : L.t elt), (forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont0 e) l0 (flatten_e e)) -> IfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont0 e0) (elements r1 ++ l0) (flatten_e e0)cont:enumeration elt -> booll:L.t eltH:forall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (cont e) l (flatten_e e)x2:keyd2:eltr2:t elte2:enumeration eltIfEq (equal_cont cmp r1 cont (cons r2 e2)) (elements r1 ++ l) (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall m1 m2 : t elt, IfEq (equal cmp m1 m2) (elements m1) (elements m2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall m1 m2 : t elt, IfEq (equal cmp m1 m2) (elements m1) (elements m2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm1, m2:t eltIfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 (equal_end (elt:=elt)) (cons m2 (End elt))) (elements m1) (elements m2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm1, m2:t eltIfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 (equal_end (elt:=elt)) (cons m2 (End elt))) (elements m1 ++ nil) (elements m2)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm1, m2:t eltIfEq (equal_cont cmp m1 (equal_end (elt:=elt)) (cons m2 (End elt))) (elements m1 ++ nil) (flatten_e (cons m2 (End elt)))elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm1, m2:t eltforall e : enumeration elt, IfEq (equal_end e) nil (flatten_e e)apply equal_end_IfEq; auto. Qed. Definition Equivb m m' := (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true).elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm1, m2:t elte:enumeration eltIfEq (equal_end e) nil (flatten_e e)elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall s s' : t elt, Equivb s s' <-> L.Equivb cmp (elements s) (elements s')elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall s s' : t elt, Equivb s s' <-> L.Equivb cmp (elements s) (elements s')elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : key, In k0 s <-> In k0 s') /\ (forall (k0 : key) (e e' : elt), MapsTo k0 e s -> MapsTo k0 e' s' -> cmp e e' = true)k:X.tL.PX.In k (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k (elements s')elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : key, In k0 s <-> In k0 s') /\ (forall (k0 : key) (e0 e'0 : elt), MapsTo k0 e0 s -> MapsTo k0 e'0 s' -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:X.te, e':eltH0:L.PX.MapsTo k e (elements s)H1:L.PX.MapsTo k e' (elements s')cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e e' : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e' (elements s') -> cmp e e' = true)k:keyIn k s <-> In k s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : key, In k0 s <-> In k0 s') /\ (forall (k0 : key) (e0 e'0 : elt), MapsTo k0 e0 s -> MapsTo k0 e'0 s' -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:X.te, e':eltH0:L.PX.MapsTo k e (elements s)H1:L.PX.MapsTo k e' (elements s')cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e e' : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e' (elements s') -> cmp e e' = true)k:keyIn k s <-> In k s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:forall k0 : key, In k0 s <-> In k0 s'H2:forall (k0 : key) (e0 e'0 : elt), MapsTo k0 e0 s -> MapsTo k0 e'0 s' -> cmp e0 e'0 = truek:X.te, e':eltH0:L.PX.MapsTo k e (elements s)H1:L.PX.MapsTo k e' (elements s')cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e e' : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e' (elements s') -> cmp e e' = true)k:keyIn k s <-> In k s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e e' : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e' (elements s') -> cmp e e' = true)k:keyIn k s <-> In k s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:(forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')) /\ (forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = true)k:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueapply (H2 k); unfold L.PX.MapsTo; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto. Qed.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltH:forall k0 : X.t, L.PX.In k0 (elements s) <-> L.PX.In k0 (elements s')H2:forall (k0 : X.t) (e0 e'0 : elt), L.PX.MapsTo k0 e0 (elements s) -> L.PX.MapsTo k0 e'0 (elements s') -> cmp e0 e'0 = truek:keye, e':eltH0:MapsTo k e sH1:MapsTo k e' s'cmp e e' = trueelt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall s s' : t elt, bst s -> bst s' -> equal cmp s s' = true <-> Equivb s s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolforall s s' : t elt, bst s -> bst s' -> equal cmp s s' = true <-> Equivb s s'elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltB:bst sB':bst s'equal cmp s s' = true <-> Equivb s s'split; [apply L.equal_2|apply L.equal_1]; auto. Qed. End Elt. Section Map. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : elt -> elt'.elt:Typecmp:elt -> elt -> bools, s':t eltB:bst sB':bst s'L.equal cmp (elements s) (elements s') = true <-> L.Equivb cmp (elements s) (elements s')elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m)induction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m)elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (map f m) -> In x minduction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (map f m) -> In x melt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (map f m)elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (map f m)inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; red; auto using map_2. Qed. End Map. Section Mapi. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> elt'.elt, elt':Typef:elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:bst m1 -> bst (map f m1)IHm2:bst m2 -> bst (map f m2)bst (Node m1 k e m2 t) -> bst (Node (map f m1) k (f e) (map f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:X.eq x kexists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m1exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m2exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m1exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m2exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x1 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x1 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x1 /\ MapsTo x1 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x1 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x1 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x1 /\ MapsTo x1 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m1x0:X.tH:X.eq x0 x /\ MapsTo x (f x0 e0) (mapi f m1)exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m2exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x0 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x0 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x0 /\ MapsTo x0 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m2exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)exists x0; intuition. Qed.elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:forall (x1 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x1 e1 m1 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x1 /\ MapsTo x1 (f y e1) (mapi f m1)IHm2:forall (x1 : key) (e1 : elt), MapsTo x1 e1 m2 -> exists y : X.t, X.eq y x1 /\ MapsTo x1 (f y e1) (mapi f m2)x:keye0:eltH0:MapsTo x e0 m2x0:X.tH:X.eq x0 x /\ MapsTo x (f x0 e0) (mapi f m2)exists y : X.t, X.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e0) (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (mapi f m) -> In x minduction m; simpl; inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (mapi f m) -> In x melt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapi f m)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapi f m)inversion_clear 1; constructor; auto; red; auto using mapi_2. Qed. End Mapi. Section Map_option. Variable elt elt' : Type. Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt'. Hypothesis f_compat : forall x x' d, X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' d.elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> elt'm1:Raw.t eltk:keye:eltm2:Raw.t eltt:intIHm1:bst m1 -> bst (mapi f m1)IHm2:bst m2 -> bst (mapi f m2)bst (Node m1 k e m2 t) -> bst (Node (mapi f m1) k (f k e) (mapi f m2) t)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (map_option f m) -> exists d : elt, MapsTo x d m /\ f x d <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x (map_option f m) -> exists d : elt, MapsTo x d m /\ f x d <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d = f x' dx:keyH:In x (Leaf elt')exists d : elt, MapsTo x d (Leaf elt) /\ f x d <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (join (map_option f l) x d' (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (join (map_option f l) x d' (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:X.eq x0 xexists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f l)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f r)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f l)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f r)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f r)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f l)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f r)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Nonedestruct (IHt0 _ H) as (d0 & ? & ?); exists d0; auto. Qed.elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f l) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 l /\ f x1 d0 <> NoneIHt0:forall x1 : key, In x1 (map_option f r) -> exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x1 d0 r /\ f x1 d0 <> Nonex0:keyH:In x0 (map_option f r)exists d0 : elt, MapsTo x0 d0 (Node l x d r _x) /\ f x0 d0 <> Noneelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (map_option f m)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (map_option f m)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rbst (join (map_option f l) x d' (map_option f r))elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rbst (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rbst (concat (map_option f l) (map_option f r))elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)X.lt y y'elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d1 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d1 = f x' d1l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)d0:eltH4:MapsTo y d0 lH5:f y d0 <> NoneX.lt y y'eapply X.lt_trans with x; eauto using MapsTo_In. Qed. Hint Resolve map_option_bst : core. Ltac nonify e := replace e with (@None elt) by (symmetry; rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro; order).elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x0 x' : X.t) (d1 : elt), X.eq x0 x' -> f x0 d1 = f x' d1l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:bst l -> bst (map_option f l)IHt0:bst r -> bst (map_option f r)H0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)d0:eltH4:MapsTo y d0 lH5:f y d0 <> Noned0':eltH6:MapsTo y' d0' rH7:f y' d0' <> NoneX.lt y y'elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> find x (map_option f m) = match find x m with | Some d => f x d | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (d : elt), X.eq x x' -> f x d = f x' dforall (m : t elt) (x : key), bst m -> find x (map_option f m) = match find x m with | Some d => f x d | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xSome d' = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rlt_tree x (map_option f l)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rgt_tree x (map_option f r)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 l with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rlt_tree x (map_option f l)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rgt_tree x (map_option f r)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 l with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:intd':elt'e0:f x d = Some d'IHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rgt_tree x (map_option f r)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 l with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 l with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xmatch find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHeq:X.eq x0 xNone = f x0 delt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => find x0 (map_option f l) end = match find x0 r with | Some d0 => f x0 d0 | None => None endelt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rHlt:X.lt x x0match find x0 (map_option f r) with | Some d0 => Some d0 | None => None end = find x0 (map_option f r)elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x rforall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map_option f l) -> In y2 (map_option f r) -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x1 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x1 x' -> f x1 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x1 : key, bst l -> find x1 (map_option f l) = match find x1 l with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x1 : key, bst r -> find x1 (map_option f r) = match find x1 r with | Some d0 => f x1 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)X.lt y y'elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x2 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x2 x' -> f x2 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x2 : key, bst l -> find x2 (map_option f l) = match find x2 l with | Some d0 => f x2 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x2 : key, bst r -> find x2 (map_option f r) = match find x2 r with | Some d0 => f x2 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)x1:eltH4:MapsTo y x1 lH5:f y x1 <> NoneX.lt y y'eapply X.lt_trans with x; eauto using MapsTo_In. Qed. End Map_option. Section Map2_opt. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f0 : key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Variable f : key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''. Variable mapl : t elt -> t elt''. Variable mapr : t elt' -> t elt''. Hypothesis f0_f : forall x d o, f x d o = f0 x (Some d) o. Hypothesis mapl_bst : forall m, bst m -> bst (mapl m). Hypothesis mapr_bst : forall m', bst m' -> bst (mapr m'). Hypothesis mapl_f0 : forall x m, bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None end. Hypothesis mapr_f0 : forall x m', bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None end. Hypothesis f0_compat : forall x x' o o', X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'. Notation map2_opt := (map2_opt f mapl mapr).elt, elt':Typef:key -> elt -> option elt'f_compat:forall (x3 x' : X.t) (d0 : elt), X.eq x3 x' -> f x3 d0 = f x' d0l:t eltx:keyd:eltr:t elt_x:inte0:f x d = NoneIHt:forall x3 : key, bst l -> find x3 (map_option f l) = match find x3 l with | Some d0 => f x3 d0 | None => None endIHt0:forall x3 : key, bst r -> find x3 (map_option f r) = match find x3 r with | Some d0 => f x3 d0 | None => None endx0:keyH0:bst lH1:bst rH2:lt_tree x lH3:gt_tree x ry, y':keyH:In y (map_option f l)H':In y' (map_option f r)x1:eltH4:MapsTo y x1 lH5:f y x1 <> Nonex2:eltH6:MapsTo y' x2 rH7:f y' x2 <> NoneX.lt y y'elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y (map2_opt m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y (map2_opt m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y (mapr m2)In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x))In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y (mapr m2)find y m2 <> Noneelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x))In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y (mapr m2)match find y m2 with | Some d' => f0 y None (Some d') | None => None end <> None -> find y m2 <> Noneelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x))In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x))In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl m1)In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl m1)find y m1 <> Noneelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (mapl m1)match find y m1 with | Some d => f0 y (Some d) None | None => None end <> None -> find y m1 <> Noneelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt l1 l2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt r1 r2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt r1 r2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt l1 l2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt r1 r2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2destruct (IHt0 y H7 H5 H'); intuition. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2'IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2'y:keyH0:bst m2H':In y (map2_opt r1 r2')H2:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H3:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH4:bst l2'H5:bst r2'H6:bst l1H7:bst r1H8:lt_tree x1 l1H9:gt_tree x1 r1In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt'), bst m -> bst m' -> bst (map2_opt m m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt'), bst m -> bst m' -> bst (map2_opt m m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (join (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1y:keyH:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt l1 l2')X.lt y x1elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 o2 = Some e2IHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1y:keyH5:In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt x1 yelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'bst (concat (map2_opt l1 l2') (map2_opt r1 r2'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1H:forall y : key, In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1H5:forall y : key, In y r2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt x1 yH6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1y:keyH:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1y':keyH5:In y' r2' <-> In y' m2 /\ X.lt x1 y'H6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy':In y' (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt y y'elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1y:keyH:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1y':keyH5:In y' r2' <-> In y' m2 /\ X.lt x1 y'H6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy':In y' (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt y x1elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1y:keyH:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1y':keyH5:In y' r2' <-> In y' m2 /\ X.lt x1 y'H6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy':In y' (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt x1 y'destruct (map2_opt_2 H2 H7 Hy'); intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve map2_opt_bst : core. Ltac map2_aux := match goal with | H : In ?x _ \/ In ?x ?m, H' : find ?x ?m = find ?x ?m', B:bst ?m, B':bst ?m' |- _ => destruct H; [ intuition_in; order | rewrite <-(find_in_equiv B B' H'); auto ] end. Ltac nonify t := match t with (find ?y (map2_opt ?m ?m')) => replace t with (@None elt''); [ | symmetry; rewrite not_find_iff; auto; intro; destruct (@map2_opt_2 m m' y); auto; order ] end.elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2':t elt'o2:option elt'r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', o2, r2' >>e2:f x1 d1 o2 = NoneIHt1:bst l1 -> bst l2' -> bst (map2_opt l1 l2')IHt0:bst r1 -> bst r2' -> bst (map2_opt r1 r2')H0:bst m2H1:bst l1H2:bst r1H3:lt_tree x1 l1H4:gt_tree x1 r1y:keyH:In y l2' <-> In y m2 /\ X.lt y x1y':keyH5:In y' r2' <-> In y' m2 /\ X.lt x1 y'H6:bst l2'H7:bst r2'Hy:In y (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy':In y' (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt x1 y'elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y m \/ In y m' -> find y (map2_opt m m') = f0 y (find y m) (find y m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y m \/ In y m' -> find y (map2_opt m m') = f0 y (find y m) (find y m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y (Leaf elt) \/ In y m2find y (mapr m2) = f0 y (find y (Leaf elt)) (find y m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')find y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) = f0 y (find y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y m2find y (mapr m2) = f0 y None (find y m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')find y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) = f0 y (find y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'm2:t elt'y:keyH:bst (Leaf elt)H0:bst m2H1:In y m2match find y m2 with | Some d' => f0 y None (Some d') | None => None end = f0 y None (find y m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')find y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) = f0 y (find y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:inty:keyH:bst (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y (Leaf elt')find y (mapl (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) = f0 y (find y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x)) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y m1 \/ In y (Leaf elt')find y (mapl m1) = f0 y (find y m1) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y m1find y (mapl m1) = f0 y (find y m1) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'y:keym1:t eltH:bst m1H0:bst (Leaf elt')H1:In y m1match find y m1 with | Some d => f0 y (Some d) None | None => None end = f0 y (find y m1) (find y (Leaf elt'))elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (create (map2_opt l1 l2') x1 e2 (map2_opt r1 r2')) = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt y x1H7:find y m2 = find y l2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y (find y l1) (find y l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1Some e2 = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1Some e2 = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1lt_tree x1 (map2_opt l1 l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>e2:elt''e3:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Some e2IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1gt_tree x1 (map2_opt r1 r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l1 | EQ _ => Some d1 | GT _ => find y r1 end match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endelt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt y x1H7:find y m2 = find y l2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y l1) (find y l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt y x1H7:find y m2 = find y l2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y (find y l1) (find y l2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1find y (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'e:X.eq y x1H7:find y m2 = find x1 m2H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1None = f0 y (Some d1) (find x1 m2)elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => find y (map2_opt l1 l2') end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match find y (map2_opt r1 r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => None end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'l:X.lt x1 yH7:find y m2 = find y r2'H8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1match f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2') with | Some d => Some d | None => None end = f0 y (find y r1) (find y r2')elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1forall y1 y2 : key, In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2') -> In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2') -> X.lt y1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1y1, y2:keyHy1:In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy2:In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt y1 x1elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1y1, y2:keyHy1:In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy2:In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt x1 y2destruct (@map2_opt_2 r1 r2' y2); auto. Qed. End Map2_opt. Section Map2. Variable elt elt' elt'' : Type. Variable f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''.elt, elt', elt'':Typef0:key -> option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''f:key -> elt -> option elt' -> option elt''mapl:t elt -> t elt''mapr:t elt' -> t elt''f0_f:forall (x : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt'), f x d o = f0 x (Some d) omapl_bst:forall m : t elt, bst m -> bst (mapl m)mapr_bst:forall m' : t elt', bst m' -> bst (mapr m')mapl_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m : t elt), bst m -> find x (mapl m) = match find x m with | Some d => f0 x (Some d) None | None => None endmapr_f0:forall (x : X.t) (m' : t elt'), bst m' -> find x (mapr m') = match find x m' with | Some d' => f0 x None (Some d') | None => None endf0_compat:forall (x x' : X.t) (o : option elt) (o' : option elt'), X.eq x x' -> f0 x o o' = f0 x' o o'l1:t eltx1:keyd1:eltr1:t elt_x:intl2', r2', m2:t elt'e2:f x1 d1 (find x1 m2) = Nonee1:split x1 m2 = << l2', find x1 m2, r2' >>IHt1:forall y0 : key, bst l1 -> bst l2' -> In y0 l1 \/ In y0 l2' -> find y0 (map2_opt l1 l2') = f0 y0 (find y0 l1) (find y0 l2')IHt0:forall y0 : key, bst r1 -> bst r2' -> In y0 r1 \/ In y0 r2' -> find y0 (map2_opt r1 r2') = f0 y0 (find y0 r1) (find y0 r2')y:keyH0:bst m2H1:In y (Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _x) \/ In y m2H2:forall y0 : key, In y0 l2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt y0 x1H3:forall y0 : key, In y0 r2' <-> In y0 m2 /\ X.lt x1 y0H5:bst l2'H6:bst r2'H7:find y m2 = match X.compare y x1 with | LT _ => find y l2' | EQ _ => find x1 m2 | GT _ => find y r2' endH8:lt_tree x1 l2'H9:gt_tree x1 r2'H10:bst l1H11:bst r1H12:lt_tree x1 l1H13:gt_tree x1 r1y1, y2:keyHy1:In y1 (map2_opt l1 l2')Hy2:In y2 (map2_opt r1 r2')X.lt x1 y2elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt'), bst m -> bst m' -> bst (map2 f m m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt'), bst m -> bst m' -> bst (map2 f m m')apply map2_opt_bst with (fun _ => f); auto using map_option_bst; intros; rewrite map_option_find; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'H:bst mH0:bst m'bst (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y m \/ In y m' -> find y (map2 f m m') = f (find y m) (find y m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y m \/ In y m' -> find y (map2 f m m') = f (find y m) (find y m')rewrite (map2_opt_1 (f0:=fun _ => f)); auto using map_option_bst; intros; rewrite map_option_find; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y m \/ In y m'find y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m') = f (find y m) (find y m')elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y (map2 f m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''forall (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (y : key), bst m -> bst m' -> In y (map2 f m m') -> In y m \/ In y m'elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')In y m \/ In y m'elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')m0:t eltH2:bst m0bst (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None) m0)elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')m'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0bst (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0)elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm0:t eltH2:bst m0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None) m0) = match find x m0 with | Some d => f (Some d) None | None => None endelt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0) = match find x m'0 with | Some d' => f None (Some d') | None => None endelt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')m'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0bst (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0)elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm0:t eltH2:bst m0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None) m0) = match find x m0 with | Some d => f (Some d) None | None => None endelt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0) = match find x m'0 with | Some d' => f None (Some d') | None => None endelt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm0:t eltH2:bst m0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None) m0) = match find x m0 with | Some d => f (Some d) None | None => None endelt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0) = match find x m'0 with | Some d' => f None (Some d') | None => None endrewrite map_option_find; auto. Qed. End Map2. End Proofs. End Raw.elt, elt', elt'':Typef:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''m:t eltm':t elt'y:keyH:bst mH0:bst m'H1:In y (map2_opt (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) (o : option elt') => f (Some d) o) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d : elt) => f (Some d) None)) (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d'))) m m')x:X.tm'0:t elt'H2:bst m'0find x (map_option (fun (_ : key) (d' : elt') => f None (Some d')) m'0) = match find x m'0 with | Some d' => f None (Some d') | None => None end
Module IntMake (I:Int)(X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X. Module E := X. Module Raw := Raw I X. Import Raw.Proofs. #[universes(template)] Record bst (elt:Type) := Bst {this :> Raw.tree elt; is_bst : Raw.bst this}. Definition t := bst. Definition key := E.t. Section Elt. Variable elt elt' elt'': Type. Implicit Types m : t elt. Implicit Types x y : key. Implicit Types e : elt. Definition empty : t elt := Bst (empty_bst elt). Definition is_empty m : bool := Raw.is_empty (this m). Definition add x e m : t elt := Bst (add_bst x e (is_bst m)). Definition remove x m : t elt := Bst (remove_bst x (is_bst m)). Definition mem x m : bool := Raw.mem x (this m). Definition find x m : option elt := Raw.find x (this m). Definition map f m : t elt' := Bst (map_bst f (is_bst m)). Definition mapi (f:key->elt->elt') m : t elt' := Bst (mapi_bst f (is_bst m)). Definition map2 f m (m':t elt') : t elt'' := Bst (map2_bst f (is_bst m) (is_bst m')). Definition elements m : list (key*elt) := Raw.elements (this m). Definition cardinal m := Raw.cardinal (this m). Definition fold (A:Type) (f:key->elt->A->A) m i := Raw.fold (A:=A) f (this m) i. Definition equal cmp m m' : bool := Raw.equal cmp (this m) (this m'). Definition MapsTo x e m : Prop := Raw.MapsTo x e (this m). Definition In x m : Prop := Raw.In0 x (this m). Definition Empty m : Prop := Empty (this m). Definition eq_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqk elt. Definition eq_key_elt : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.eqke elt. Definition lt_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @PX.ltk elt.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e mintros m; exact (@MapsTo_1 _ (this m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), E.eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x m -> mem x m = trueelt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), In x m -> mem x m = trueapply (is_bst m). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltx:keyRaw.bst melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), mem x m = true -> In x munfold In, mem; intros m x; rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mem_2; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key), mem x m = true -> In x melt, elt', elt'':TypeEmpty emptyexact (@empty_1 elt). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':TypeEmpty emptyelt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, Empty m -> is_empty m = trueintros m; exact (@is_empty_1 _ (this m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, Empty m -> is_empty m = trueelt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, is_empty m = true -> Empty mintros m; exact (@is_empty_2 _ (this m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, is_empty m = true -> Empty melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m)intros m x y e; exact (@add_1 elt _ x y e). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e e' : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m)intros m x y e e'; exact (@add_2 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e e' : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e e' : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e mintros m x y e e'; exact (@add_3 elt _ x y e e'). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e e' : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key), E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key), E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m)apply (is_bst m). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltx, y:keyRaw.bst melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m)intros m x y e; exact (@remove_2 elt _ x y e (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e mintros m x y e; exact (@remove_3 elt _ x y e (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x y : key) (e : elt), MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some eintros m x e; exact (@find_1 elt _ x e (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some eelt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e mintros m; exact (@find_2 elt (this m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f m i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) iintros m; exact (@fold_1 elt (this m) (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f m i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (p : key * elt) => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) ielt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x, e) (elements m)intros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite elements_mapsto; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x, e) (elements m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), InA eq_key_elt (x, e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e mintros; unfold elements, MapsTo, eq_key_elt; rewrite <- elements_mapsto; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt), InA eq_key_elt (x, e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, Sorted lt_key (elements m)intros m; exact (@elements_sort elt (this m) (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, Sorted lt_key (elements m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, NoDupA eq_key (elements m)intros m; exact (@elements_nodup elt (this m) (is_bst m)). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, NoDupA eq_key (elements m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, cardinal m = length (elements m)intro m; exact (@elements_cardinal elt (this m)). Qed. Definition Equal m m' := forall y, find y m = find y m'. Definition Equiv (eq_elt:elt->elt->Prop) m m' := (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> eq_elt e e'). Definition Equivb cmp := Equiv (Cmp cmp).elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall m : t elt, cardinal m = length (elements m)elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool) (m m' : t elt), Equivb cmp m m' <-> Raw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m'elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool) (m m' : t elt), Equivb cmp m m' <-> Raw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m'elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t elt(forall k : key, Raw.In0 k m <-> Raw.In0 k m') /\ (forall (k : key) (e e' : elt), MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> Cmp cmp e e') <-> (forall k : Raw.key, Raw.In k m <-> Raw.In k m') /\ (forall (k : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k e m -> Raw.MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true)elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : key, Raw.In0 k0 m <-> Raw.In0 k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : key) (e e' : elt), MapsTo k0 e m -> MapsTo k0 e' m' -> Cmp cmp e e'k:Raw.keyH:Raw.In k mRaw.In k m'elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : key, Raw.In0 k0 m <-> Raw.In0 k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : key) (e e' : elt), MapsTo k0 e m -> MapsTo k0 e' m' -> Cmp cmp e e'k:Raw.keyH:Raw.In k m'Raw.In k melt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k mRaw.In0 k m'elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k m'Raw.In0 k melt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : key, Raw.In0 k0 m <-> Raw.In0 k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : key) (e e' : elt), MapsTo k0 e m -> MapsTo k0 e' m' -> Cmp cmp e e'k:Raw.keyH:Raw.In k m'Raw.In k melt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k mRaw.In0 k m'elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k m'Raw.In0 k melt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k mRaw.In0 k m'elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k m'Raw.In0 k mgeneralize (H0 k); do 2 rewrite <- In_alt; intuition. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typecmp:elt -> elt -> boolm, m':t eltH0:forall k0 : Raw.key, Raw.In k0 m <-> Raw.In k0 m'H1:forall (k0 : Raw.key) (e e' : elt), Raw.MapsTo k0 e m -> Raw.MapsTo k0 e' m' -> cmp e e' = truek:keyH:Raw.In0 k m'Raw.In0 k melt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool), Equivb cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = trueunfold equal; intros (m,b) (m',b') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb; intros; simpl in *; rewrite equal_Equivb; auto. Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool), Equivb cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = trueelt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool), equal cmp m m' = true -> Equivb cmp m m'unfold equal; intros (m,b) (m',b') cmp; rewrite Equivb_Equivb; intros; simpl in *; rewrite <-equal_Equivb; auto. Qed. End Elt.elt, elt', elt'':Typeforall (m m' : t elt) (cmp : elt -> elt -> bool), equal cmp m m' = true -> Equivb cmp m m'forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (f : elt -> elt'), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m)intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@map_1 elt elt' f (this m) x e). Qed.forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (f : elt -> elt'), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x (f e) (map f m)forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (f : elt -> elt'), In (elt:=elt') x (map f m) -> In (elt:=elt) x mforall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (f : elt -> elt'), In (elt:=elt') x (map f m) -> In (elt:=elt) x mapply map_2; auto. Qed.elt, elt':Typem:t eltx:keyf:elt -> elt'Raw.In x (Raw.map f m) -> Raw.In x mforall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (f : key -> elt -> elt'), MapsTo x e m -> exists y : E.t, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m)intros elt elt' m x e f; exact (@mapi_1 elt elt' f (this m) x e). Qed.forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (e : elt) (f : key -> elt -> elt'), MapsTo x e m -> exists y : E.t, E.eq y x /\ MapsTo x (f y e) (mapi f m)forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (f : key -> elt -> elt'), In (elt:=elt') x (mapi f m) -> In (elt:=elt) x mintros elt elt' m x f; unfold In in *; do 2 rewrite In_alt; simpl; apply mapi_2; auto. Qed.forall (elt elt' : Type) (m : t elt) (x : key) (f : key -> elt -> elt'), In (elt:=elt') x (mapi f m) -> In (elt:=elt) x mforall (elt elt' elt'' : Type) (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (x : key) (f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''), In (elt:=elt) x m \/ In (elt:=elt') x m' -> find (elt:=elt'') x (map2 f m m') = f (find (elt:=elt) x m) (find (elt:=elt') x m')forall (elt elt' elt'' : Type) (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (x : key) (f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''), In (elt:=elt) x m \/ In (elt:=elt') x m' -> find (elt:=elt'') x (map2 f m m') = f (find (elt:=elt) x m) (find (elt:=elt') x m')elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''Raw.In0 x m \/ Raw.In0 x m' -> Raw.find x {| this := Raw.map2 f m m'; is_bst := map2_bst f (is_bst m) (is_bst m') |} = f (Raw.find x m) (Raw.find x m')elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x m \/ Raw.In x m'Raw.bst melt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x m \/ Raw.In x m'Raw.bst m'apply (is_bst m'). Qed.elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x m \/ Raw.In x m'Raw.bst m'forall (elt elt' elt'' : Type) (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (x : key) (f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''), In (elt:=elt'') x (map2 f m m') -> In (elt:=elt) x m \/ In (elt:=elt') x m'forall (elt elt' elt'' : Type) (m : t elt) (m' : t elt') (x : key) (f : option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''), In (elt:=elt'') x (map2 f m m') -> In (elt:=elt) x m \/ In (elt:=elt') x m'elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''Raw.In0 x {| this := Raw.map2 f m m'; is_bst := map2_bst f (is_bst m) (is_bst m') |} -> Raw.In0 x m \/ Raw.In0 x m'elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x (Raw.map2 f m m')Raw.bst melt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x (Raw.map2 f m m')Raw.bst m'apply (is_bst m'). Qed. End IntMake. Module IntMake_ord (I:Int)(X: OrderedType)(D : OrderedType) <: Sord with Module Data := D with Module MapS.E := X. Module Data := D. Module Import MapS := IntMake(I)(X). Module LO := FMapList.Make_ord(X)(D). Module R := Raw. Module P := Raw.Proofs. Definition t := MapS.t D.t. Definition cmp e e' := match D.compare e e' with EQ _ => true | _ => false end.elt, elt', elt'':Typem:t eltm':t elt'x:keyf:option elt -> option elt' -> option elt''H:Raw.In x (Raw.map2 f m m')Raw.bst m'
One step of comparison of elements
Definition compare_more x1 d1 (cont:R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) e2 := match e2 with | R.End _ => Gt | R.More x2 d2 r2 e2 => match X.compare x1 x2 with | EQ _ => match D.compare d1 d2 with | EQ _ => cont (R.cons r2 e2) | LT _ => Lt | GT _ => Gt end | LT _ => Lt | GT _ => Gt end end.
Comparison of left tree, middle element, then right tree
Fixpoint compare_cont s1 (cont:R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) e2 := match s1 with | R.Leaf _ => cont e2 | R.Node l1 x1 d1 r1 _ => compare_cont l1 (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont)) e2 end.
Initial continuation
Definition compare_end (e2:R.enumeration D.t) := match e2 with R.End _ => Eq | _ => Lt end.
The complete comparison
Definition compare_pure s1 s2 := compare_cont s1 compare_end (R.cons s2 (Raw.End _)).
Correctness of this comparison
Definition Cmp c := match c with | Eq => LO.eq_list | Lt => LO.lt_list | Gt => (fun l1 l2 => LO.lt_list l2 l1) end.forall (c : comparison) (x1 x2 : X.t) (d1 d2 : D.t) (l1 l2 : list (X.t * D.t)), X.eq x1 x2 -> D.eq d1 d2 -> Cmp c l1 l2 -> Cmp c ((x1, d1) :: l1) ((x2, d2) :: l2)destruct c; simpl; intros; P.MX.elim_comp; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve cons_Cmp : core.forall (c : comparison) (x1 x2 : X.t) (d1 d2 : D.t) (l1 l2 : list (X.t * D.t)), X.eq x1 x2 -> D.eq d1 d2 -> Cmp c l1 l2 -> Cmp c ((x1, d1) :: l1) ((x2, d2) :: l2)forall e2 : R.enumeration D.t, Cmp (compare_end e2) nil (P.flatten_e e2)destruct e2; simpl; auto. Qed.forall e2 : R.enumeration D.t, Cmp (compare_end e2) nil (P.flatten_e e2)forall (x1 : X.t) (d1 : D.t) (cont : R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (x2 : R.key) (d2 : D.t) (r2 : Raw.t D.t) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l : list (X.t * D.t)), Cmp (cont (R.cons r2 e2)) l (R.elements r2 ++ P.flatten_e e2) -> Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 cont (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: l) (P.flatten_e (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2))simpl; intros; destruct X.compare; simpl; try destruct D.compare; simpl; auto; P.MX.elim_comp; auto. Qed.forall (x1 : X.t) (d1 : D.t) (cont : R.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (x2 : R.key) (d2 : D.t) (r2 : Raw.t D.t) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l : list (X.t * D.t)), Cmp (cont (R.cons r2 e2)) l (R.elements r2 ++ P.flatten_e e2) -> Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 cont (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: l) (P.flatten_e (R.More x2 d2 r2 e2))forall (s1 : Raw.t D.t) (cont : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont s1 cont e2) (R.elements s1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e2)forall (s1 : Raw.t D.t) (cont : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont s1 cont e2) (R.elements s1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e2)l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisone2:R.enumeration D.tl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)Cmp (compare_cont (Raw.Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1) cont e2) (R.elements (Raw.Node l1 x1 d1 r1 h1) ++ l) (P.flatten_e e2)l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisone2:R.enumeration D.tl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)Cmp (compare_cont l1 (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont)) e2) (Raw.elements l1 ++ (x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e2)l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisone2:R.enumeration D.tl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont) e) ((x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e)l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e2) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e2)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e2) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e2)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisonl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont) e) ((x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e e)l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e2) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e2)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e2 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e2) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e2)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisonl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)Cmp (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont) (Raw.End D.t)) ((x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e (Raw.End D.t))l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisonl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)x2:Raw.keyd2:D.tr2:Raw.t D.te2:Raw.enumeration D.tCmp (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont) (Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e (Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2))l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisonl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)x2:Raw.keyd2:D.tr2:Raw.t D.te2:Raw.enumeration D.tCmp (compare_more x1 d1 (compare_cont r1 cont) (Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2)) ((x1, d1) :: Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (P.flatten_e (Raw.More x2 d2 r2 e2))rewrite <- P.cons_1; auto. Qed.l1:Raw.t D.tx1:Raw.keyd1:D.tr1:Raw.t D.th1:I.tHl1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont l1 cont0 e0) (R.elements l1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)Hr1:forall (cont0 : Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparison) (e0 : R.enumeration D.t) (l0 : list (X.t * D.t)), (forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont0 e) l0 (P.flatten_e e)) -> Cmp (compare_cont r1 cont0 e0) (R.elements r1 ++ l0) (P.flatten_e e0)cont:Raw.enumeration D.t -> comparisonl:list (X.t * D.t)H:forall e : Raw.enumeration D.t, Cmp (cont e) l (P.flatten_e e)x2:Raw.keyd2:D.tr2:Raw.t D.te2:Raw.enumeration D.tCmp (compare_cont r1 cont (R.cons r2 e2)) (Raw.elements r1 ++ l) (R.elements r2 ++ P.flatten_e e2)forall s1 s2 : Raw.t D.t, Cmp (compare_pure s1 s2) (R.elements s1) (R.elements s2)forall s1 s2 : Raw.t D.t, Cmp (compare_pure s1 s2) (R.elements s1) (R.elements s2)s1, s2:Raw.t D.tCmp (compare_cont s1 compare_end (R.cons s2 (Raw.End D.t))) (R.elements s1) (R.elements s2)s1, s2:Raw.t D.tCmp (compare_cont s1 compare_end (R.cons s2 (Raw.End D.t))) (R.elements s1 ++ nil) (R.elements s2)auto using compare_cont_Cmp, compare_end_Cmp. Qed.s1, s2:Raw.t D.tCmp (compare_cont s1 compare_end (R.cons s2 (Raw.End D.t))) (R.elements s1 ++ nil) (P.flatten_e (R.cons s2 (R.End D.t)))
The dependent-style compare
Definition eq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq_list (elements m1) (elements m2). Definition lt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt_list (elements m1) (elements m2).s, s':tCompare lt eq s s's, s':tCompare lt eq s s's:Raw.t D.tb:Raw.bst ss':Raw.t D.tb':Raw.bst s'Compare lt eq {| this := s; is_bst := b |} {| this := s'; is_bst := b' |}destruct compare_pure; intros; [apply EQ|apply LT|apply GT]; red; auto. Defined. (* Proofs about [eq] and [lt] *) Definition selements (m1 : t) := LO.MapS.Build_slist (P.elements_sort (is_bst m1)). Definition seq (m1 m2 : t) := LO.eq (selements m1) (selements m2). Definition slt (m1 m2 : t) := LO.lt (selements m1) (selements m2).s:Raw.t D.tb:Raw.bst ss':Raw.t D.tb':Raw.bst s'Cmp (compare_pure s s') (R.elements s) (R.elements s') -> Compare lt eq {| this := s; is_bst := b |} {| this := s'; is_bst := b' |}forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 <-> seq m1 m2unfold eq, seq, selements, elements, LO.eq; intuition. Qed.forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 <-> seq m1 m2forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 <-> slt m1 m2unfold lt, slt, selements, elements, LO.lt; intuition. Qed.forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 <-> slt m1 m2forall m m' : t, Equivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'forall m m' : t, Equivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'm, m':tEquivb cmp m m' -> eq m m'm, m':tEquivb cmp m m' -> LO.eq (selements m) (selements m')m, m':tRaw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m' -> LO.eq (selements m) (selements m')auto using LO.eq_1. Qed.m, m':tP.L.Equivb cmp (Raw.elements m) (Raw.elements m') -> LO.eq (selements m) (selements m')forall m m' : t, eq m m' -> Equivb cmp m m'forall m m' : t, eq m m' -> Equivb cmp m m'm, m':teq m m' -> Equivb cmp m m'm, m':tLO.eq (selements m) (selements m') -> Equivb cmp m m'm, m':tLO.eq (selements m) (selements m') -> Raw.Proofs.Equivb cmp m m'm, m':tLO.eq (selements m) (selements m') -> P.L.Equivb cmp (Raw.elements m) (Raw.elements m')m, m':tH:LO.eq (selements m) (selements m')P.L.Equivb cmp (Raw.elements m) (Raw.elements m')auto. Qed.m, m':tH:LO.eq (selements m) (selements m')LO.MapS.Equivb LO.cmp (selements m) (selements m') -> P.L.Equivb cmp (Raw.elements m) (Raw.elements m')forall m : t, eq m mintros; rewrite eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_refl. Qed.forall m : t, eq m mforall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1intros m1 m2; rewrite 2 eq_seq; unfold seq; intros; apply LO.eq_sym; auto. Qed.forall m1 m2 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1forall m1 m2 m3 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3forall m1 m2 m3 : t, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3intros; eapply LO.eq_trans; eauto. Qed.m1, m2, M3:tLO.eq (selements m1) (selements m2) -> LO.eq (selements m2) (selements M3) -> LO.eq (selements m1) (selements M3)forall m1 m2 m3 : t, lt m1 m2 -> lt m2 m3 -> lt m1 m3intros m1 m2 m3; rewrite 3 lt_slt; unfold slt; intros; eapply LO.lt_trans; eauto. Qed.forall m1 m2 m3 : t, lt m1 m2 -> lt m2 m3 -> lt m1 m3forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2intros m1 m2; rewrite lt_slt, eq_seq; unfold slt, seq; intros; apply LO.lt_not_eq; auto. Qed. End IntMake_ord. (* For concrete use inside Coq, we propose an instantiation of [Int] by [Z]. *) Module Make (X: OrderedType) <: S with Module E := X :=IntMake(Z_as_Int)(X). Module Make_ord (X: OrderedType)(D: OrderedType) <: Sord with Module Data := D with Module MapS.E := X :=IntMake_ord(Z_as_Int)(X)(D).forall m1 m2 : t, lt m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2