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Finite sets library

This module implements bridges (as functors) from dependent to/from non-dependent set signature.
Require Export FSetInterface.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Set Firstorder Depth 2.

From non-dependent signature S to dependent signature Sdep.

Module DepOfNodep (Import M: S) <: Sdep with Module E := M.E.


{s : t | Empty s}

{s : t | Empty s}
exists empty; auto with set. Qed.

forall s : t, {Empty s} + {~ Empty s}

forall s : t, {Empty s} + {~ Empty s}

(Empty s -> is_empty s = true) -> (is_empty s = true -> Empty s) -> {Empty s} + {~ Empty s}
case (is_empty s); intuition. Qed.

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {In x s} + {~ In x s}

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {In x s} + {~ In x s}

(In x s -> mem x s = true) -> (mem x s = true -> In x s) -> {In x s} + {~ In x s}
case (mem x s); intuition. Qed. Definition Add (x : elt) (s s' : t) := forall y : elt, In y s' <-> E.eq x y \/ In y s.

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {s' : t | Add x s s'}

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {s' : t | Add x s s'}

Add x s (add x s)
H:In y (add x s)

E.eq x y \/ In y s
H:In y (add x s)

~ E.eq x y -> E.eq x y \/ In y s
H:In y (add x s)
b:~ E.eq x y

In y s
eapply add_3; eauto. Qed.

forall x : elt, {s : t | forall y : elt, In y s <-> E.eq x y}

forall x : elt, {s : t | forall y : elt, In y s <-> E.eq x y}
intros; exists (singleton x); intuition. Qed.

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {s' : t | forall y : elt, In y s' <-> ~ E.eq x y /\ In y s}

forall (x : elt) (s : t), {s' : t | forall y : elt, In y s' <-> ~ E.eq x y /\ In y s}
H:In y (remove x s)
H0:E.eq x y

H:In y (remove x s)
In y s
H:In y (remove x s)
H0:E.eq x y

In x (remove x s)
H:In y (remove x s)
In y s
H:In y (remove x s)

In y s
H:In y (remove x s)
a:E.eq x y

In y s
H:In y (remove x s)
b:~ E.eq x y
In y s
H:In y (remove x s)
a:E.eq x y

In x (remove x s)
H:In y (remove x s)
b:~ E.eq x y
In y s
H:In y (remove x s)
b:~ E.eq x y

In y s
eauto with set. Qed.

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s \/ In x s'}

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s \/ In x s'}
intros; exists (union s s'); intuition. Qed.

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ In x s'}

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ In x s'}
intros; exists (inter s s'); intuition; eauto with set. Qed.

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ ~ In x s'}

forall s s' : t, {s'' : t | forall x : elt, In x s'' <-> In x s /\ ~ In x s'}
s, s':t
H:In x (diff s s')
H0:In x s'

absurd (In x s'); eauto with set. Qed.

forall s s' : t, {s [=] s'} + {~ s [=] s'}

forall s s' : t, {s [=] s'} + {~ s [=] s'}
s, s':t

{s [=] s'} + {~ s [=] s'}
s, s':t

(s [=] s' -> equal s s' = true) -> (equal s s' = true -> s [=] s') -> {s [=] s'} + {~ s [=] s'}
case (equal s s'); intuition. Qed.

forall s s' : t, {s [<=] s'} + {~ s [<=] s'}

forall s s' : t, {s [<=] s'} + {~ s [<=] s'}
s, s':t

{s [<=] s'} + {~ s [<=] s'}
s, s':t

(s [<=] s' -> subset s s' = true) -> (subset s s' = true -> s [<=] s') -> {s [<=] s'} + {~ s [<=] s'}
case (subset s s'); intuition. Qed.

forall s : t, {l : list elt | Sorted E.lt l /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> InA E.eq x l)}

forall s : t, {l : list elt | Sorted E.lt l /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> InA E.eq x l)}
intros; exists (elements s); intuition. Defined.

forall (A : Type) (f : elt -> A -> A) (s : t) (i : A), {r : A | let (l, _) := elements s in r = fold_left (fun (a : A) (e : elt) => f e a) l i}

forall (A : Type) (f : elt -> A -> A) (s : t) (i : A), {r : A | let (l, _) := elements s in r = fold_left (fun (a : A) (e : elt) => f e a) l i}
intros; exists (fold (A:=A) f s i); exact (fold_1 s i f). Qed.

forall s : t, {r : nat | let (l, _) := elements s in r = length l}

forall s : t, {r : nat | let (l, _) := elements s in r = length l}
intros; exists (cardinal s); exact (cardinal_1 s). Qed. Definition fdec (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) (x : elt) := if Pdec x then true else false.

forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}), compat_P E.eq P -> compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

forall (P : elt -> Prop) (Pdec : forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}), compat_P E.eq P -> compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:forall x0 y0 : E.t, E.eq x0 y0 -> impl (P x0) (P y0)
x, y:E.t
H0:E.eq x y

(if Pdec x then true else false) = (if Pdec y then true else false)
generalize (E.eq_sym H0); case (Pdec x); case (Pdec y); firstorder. Qed. Hint Resolve compat_P_aux : core.

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {s' : t | compat_P E.eq P -> forall x : elt, In x s' <-> In x s /\ P x}

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {s' : t | compat_P E.eq P -> forall x : elt, In x s' <-> In x s /\ P x}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

{s' : t | compat_P E.eq P -> forall x : elt, In x s' <-> In x s /\ P x}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

compat_P E.eq P -> forall x : elt, In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) <-> In x s /\ P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

forall x : elt, In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) <-> In x s /\ P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)

In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x
In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x
In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x
In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)

(if Pdec x then true else false) = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x
In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H1:In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
f:P x -> False
H2:false = true

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x
In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x

In x (filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_P E.eq P
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H2:In x s
H3:P x

(if Pdec x then true else false) = true
case (Pdec x); intuition. Qed.

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ For_all P s}

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ For_all P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

{compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ For_all P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

(compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> For_all (fun x : elt => fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) s -> for_all (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s = true) -> (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> for_all (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s = true -> For_all (fun x : elt => fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) s) -> {compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ For_all P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

(if Pdec x then true else false) = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
n:P x -> False
H4:false = true
H0:forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H:true = true

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P

~ (forall x : elt, In x s -> P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:forall x : elt, In x s -> P x

P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:forall x : elt, In x s -> P x

forall x : elt, In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> P x0

In x s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:forall x0 : elt, In x0 s -> P x0

In x s -> (if Pdec x then true else false) = true
case (Pdec x); intuition. Qed.

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {compat_P E.eq P -> Exists P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ Exists P s}

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {compat_P E.eq P -> Exists P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ Exists P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

{compat_P E.eq P -> Exists P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ Exists P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

(compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> Exists (fun x : elt => fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) s -> exists_ (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s = true) -> (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> exists_ (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s = true -> Exists (fun x : elt => fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) s) -> {compat_P E.eq P -> Exists P s} + {compat_P E.eq P -> ~ Exists P s}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P

exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {~ P x0}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ P x0
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H3:In x s
H4:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H3:In x s
H4:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H3:In x s
H4:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

(if Pdec x then true else false) = true -> P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> true = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> true = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H3:In x s
H4:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
f:P x -> False
H2:false = true

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P

~ (exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x : elt, In x s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x

P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ P x0
H3:In x s /\ P x

P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ P x0
H3:In x s /\ P x

exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ P x0
H4:In x s
H5:P x

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> (exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true) -> false = true
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> false = true -> exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0 = true
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:exists x0 : elt, In x0 s /\ P x0
H4:In x s
H5:P x

(if Pdec x then true else false) = true
case (Pdec x); intuition. Qed.

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {partition0 : t * t | let (s1, s2) := partition0 in compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)}

forall P : elt -> Prop, (forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> forall s : t, {partition0 : t * t | let (s1, s2) := partition0 in compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

{partition0 : t * t | let (s1, s2) := partition0 in compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)}
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

let (s1, s2) := partition (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s in compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

(compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> fst (partition (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> snd (partition (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s) -> let (s1, s2) := partition (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s in compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}

forall t0 t1 : t, (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> fst (t0, t1) [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> snd (t0, t1) [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s) -> compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P t0 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) t1 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x t0 \/ In x t1)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
s, s1, s2:t

(compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> (compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s) -> compat_P E.eq P -> For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
s, s1, s2:t
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
s, s1, s2:t
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)

compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
s, s1, s2:t
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {~ P x}
s, s1, s2:t
H:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H0:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) -> s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))

For_all P s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => ~ P x) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s

For_all P s1
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1
H6:In x s1 -> In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H7:In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> In x s1

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1
H6:In x s1 -> In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H7:In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> In x s1

fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1
H6:In x s1 -> In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H7:In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> In x s1
H8:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1
H6:In x s1 -> In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H7:In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s) -> In x s1
H8:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s1 <-> In a (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H5:In x s1
H8:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true
f:P x -> False
H9:false = true
H10:In x (M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s)
H6:In x s1

P x
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s
For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x : elt, {P x} + {P x -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x)) s

For_all (fun x : elt => P x -> False) s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x

P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x
H7:In x s2 -> In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H8:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x
H7:In x s2 -> In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H8:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

(fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) x = true -> False
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x
H7:In x s2 -> In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H8:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2
(fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x
H7:In x s2 -> In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H8:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

(fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:forall a : elt, In a s2 <-> In a (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H5:In x s2
H6:P x
H7:In x s2 -> In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
H8:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

(fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) x = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s

In x s1 \/ In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
b:=fdec (P:=P) Pdec x:bool
H5:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = true

In x s1
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
b:=fdec (P:=P) Pdec x:bool
H5:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = false
In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
b:=fdec (P:=P) Pdec x:bool
H5:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = false

In x s2
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
b:=fdec (P:=P) Pdec x:bool
H5:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = false
B:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s)
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H0:In x s
b:=fdec (P:=P) Pdec x:bool
H5:fdec (P:=P) Pdec x = false
B:In x (M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s) -> In x s2

negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x) = true
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s1

In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2
In x s
P:elt -> Prop
Pdec:forall x0 : elt, {P x0} + {P x0 -> False}
s, s1, s2:t
H1:compat_P E.eq P
H2:compat_bool E.eq (fdec (P:=P) Pdec)
H3:compat_bool E.eq (fun x0 : E.t => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0))
H4:s1 [=] M.filter (fdec (P:=P) Pdec) s
H:s2 [=] M.filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (fdec (P:=P) Pdec x0)) s
H5:In x s2

In x s
eapply (filter_1 (s:=s) (x:=x) H3); elim (H x); intros B _; apply B; auto. Qed.

forall s : t, {x : elt | choose s = Some x} + {choose s = None}

forall s : t, {x : elt | choose s = Some x} + {choose s = None}

{x : elt | choose s = Some x} + {choose s = None}

{x : elt | Some e = Some x}
exists e; auto. Qed.

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s} + {Empty s}

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s} + {Empty s}
Hx:choose s = Some x

{x0 : elt | In x0 s} + {Empty s}
H:choose s = None
{x : elt | In x s} + {Empty s}
H:choose s = None

{x : elt | In x s} + {Empty s}
right; apply choose_2; auto. Defined.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H : In x s, choose s = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H))

forall (s : t) (x : elt), M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H : In x s, choose s = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H))

M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H : In x s, choose s = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H))
H:M.choose s = Some x

exists H0 : In x s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)
H:exists H0 : In x s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)
M.choose s = Some x
H:M.choose s = Some x
Hy:M.choose s = Some y

exists H0 : In x s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) y (choose_1 Hy)) = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)
H:exists H0 : In x s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)
M.choose s = Some x
x, y:elt
H, Hy:M.choose s = Some y

exists H0 : In y s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) y (choose_1 Hy)) = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) y H0)
H:exists H0 : In x s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)
M.choose s = Some x
H:exists H0 : In x s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0)

M.choose s = Some x
x0:In x s
H:match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x1 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x2 : elt => In x2 s) x1 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H0 => inright (choose_2 H0) end = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x x0)

M.choose s = Some x
destruct (choose_aux s) as [(y,Hy)|H']; congruence. Qed.

forall s : t, M.choose s = None <-> (exists H : Empty s, choose s = inright H)

forall s : t, M.choose s = None <-> (exists H : Empty s, choose s = inright H)

M.choose s = None <-> (exists H : Empty s, choose s = inright H)
H:M.choose s = None

exists H0 : Empty s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inright H0
H:exists H0 : Empty s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inright H0
M.choose s = None
H, H':M.choose s = None

exists H0 : Empty s, inright (choose_2 H') = inright H0
H:exists H0 : Empty s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inright H0
M.choose s = None
H:exists H0 : Empty s, match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H1 => inright (choose_2 H1) end = inright H0

M.choose s = None
x:Empty s
H:match choose_aux s with | inleft (exist _ x0 Hx) => inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 (choose_1 Hx)) | inright H0 => inright (choose_2 H0) end = inright x

M.choose s = None
destruct (choose_aux s) as [(y,Hy)|H']; congruence. Qed.

forall s s' : t, s [=] s' -> match choose s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => match choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x' _) => E.eq x x' | inright _ => False end | inright _ => if choose s' then False else True end

forall s s' : t, s [=] s' -> match choose s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => match choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x' _) => E.eq x x' | inright _ => False end | inright _ => if choose s' then False else True end
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'

match choose s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => match choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x' _) => E.eq x x' | inright _ => False end | inright _ => if choose s' then False else True end
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'

(forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s) -> (M.choose s = None -> Empty s) -> (forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s') -> (M.choose s' = None -> Empty s') -> (forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y) -> (forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H0 : In x s, choose s = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H0))) -> M.choose s = None <-> (exists H0 : Empty s, choose s = inright H0) -> (forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H0 : In x s', choose s' = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H0))) -> M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H0 : Empty s', choose s' = inright H0) -> match choose s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => match choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x' _) => E.eq x x' | inright _ => False end | inright _ => if choose s' then False else True end
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inright H9)

E.eq x x'
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':Empty s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inright Hx' = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inright Hx' = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:Empty s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y
H5:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s, inright Hx = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inright Hx = inright H9)
H7:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x : elt => In x s') x' Hx') = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inright H9)

M.choose s = Some x
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inright H9)
M.choose s' = Some x'
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':Empty s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inright Hx' = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inright Hx' = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:Empty s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y
H5:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s, inright Hx = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inright Hx = inright H9)
H7:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x : elt => In x s') x' Hx') = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inright H9)

M.choose s' = Some x'
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':Empty s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inright Hx' = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inright Hx' = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:Empty s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y
H5:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s, inright Hx = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inright Hx = inright H9)
H7:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x : elt => In x s') x' Hx') = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:In x s
Hx':Empty s'
H0:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> In x0 s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 -> In x0 s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x0 y : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x0 y
H5:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s, inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x Hx) = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s) x0 H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x Hx) = inright H9)
H7:forall x0 : elt, M.choose s' = Some x0 <-> (exists H9 : In x0 s', inright Hx' = inleft (exist (fun x1 : elt => In x1 s') x0 H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inright Hx' = inright H9)

s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:Empty s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y
H5:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s, inright Hx = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inright Hx = inright H9)
H7:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x : elt => In x s') x' Hx') = inright H9)
s, s':t
H:s [=] s'
Hx:Empty s
Hx':In x' s'
H0:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> In x s
H1:M.choose s = None -> Empty s
H2:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x -> In x s'
H3:M.choose s' = None -> Empty s'
H4:forall x y : elt, M.choose s = Some x -> M.choose s' = Some y -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x y
H5:forall x : elt, M.choose s = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s, inright Hx = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s) x H9))
H6:M.choose s = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s, inright Hx = inright H9)
H7:forall x : elt, M.choose s' = Some x <-> (exists H9 : In x s', inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x' Hx') = inleft (exist (fun x0 : elt => In x0 s') x H9))
H8:M.choose s' = None <-> (exists H9 : Empty s', inleft (exist (fun x : elt => In x s') x' Hx') = inright H9)

apply Hx with x'; unfold Equal in H; rewrite H; auto. Qed.

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x) s} + {Empty s}

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x) s} + {Empty s}

(forall x : elt, min_elt s = Some x -> In x s) -> (forall x y : elt, min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x) -> (min_elt s = None -> Empty s) -> {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x) s} + {Empty s}
H:forall x : elt, Some e = Some x -> In x s
H0:forall x y : elt, Some e = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x
H1:Some e = None -> Empty s

{x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x) s}
exists e; unfold For_all; eauto. Qed.

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x y) s} + {Empty s}

forall s : t, {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x y) s} + {Empty s}

(forall x : elt, max_elt s = Some x -> In x s) -> (forall x y : elt, max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y) -> (max_elt s = None -> Empty s) -> {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x y) s} + {Empty s}
H:forall x : elt, Some e = Some x -> In x s
H0:forall x y : elt, Some e = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y
H1:Some e = None -> Empty s

{x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x y) s}
exists e; unfold For_all; eauto. Qed. Definition elt := elt. Definition t := t. Definition In := In. Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'. Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'. Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s. Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) (s : t) := forall x : elt, In x s -> P x. Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) (s : t) := exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x. Definition eq_In := In_1. Definition eq := Equal. Definition lt := lt. Definition eq_refl := eq_refl. Definition eq_sym := eq_sym. Definition eq_trans := eq_trans. Definition lt_trans := lt_trans. Definition lt_not_eq := lt_not_eq. Definition compare := compare. Module E := E. End DepOfNodep.

From dependent signature Sdep to non-dependent signature S.

Module NodepOfDep (M: Sdep) <: S with Module E := M.E.
  Import M.

  Module ME := OrderedTypeFacts E.

  Definition empty : t := let (s, _) := empty in s.


Empty empty

Empty empty
unfold empty; case M.empty; auto. Qed. Definition is_empty (s : t) : bool := if is_empty s then true else false.

forall s : t, Empty s -> is_empty s = true

forall s : t, Empty s -> is_empty s = true
intros; unfold is_empty; case (M.is_empty s); auto. Qed.

forall s : t, is_empty s = true -> Empty s

forall s : t, is_empty s = true -> Empty s

~ Empty s -> false = true -> Empty s
intros; discriminate H. Qed. Definition mem (x : elt) (s : t) : bool := if mem x s then true else false.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), In x s -> mem x s = true

forall (s : t) (x : elt), In x s -> mem x s = true
intros; unfold mem; case (M.mem x s); auto. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), mem x s = true -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt), mem x s = true -> In x s

~ In x s -> false = true -> In x s
intros; discriminate H. Qed. Definition eq_dec := equal. Definition equal (s s' : t) : bool := if equal s s' then true else false.

forall s s' : t, s [=] s' -> equal s s' = true

forall s s' : t, s [=] s' -> equal s s' = true
intros; unfold equal; case M.equal; intuition. Qed.

forall s s' : t, equal s s' = true -> s [=] s'

forall s s' : t, equal s s' = true -> s [=] s'
intros s s'; unfold equal; case (M.equal s s'); intuition; inversion H. Qed. Definition subset (s s' : t) : bool := if subset s s' then true else false.

forall s s' : t, Subset s s' -> subset s s' = true

forall s s' : t, Subset s s' -> subset s s' = true
intros; unfold subset; case M.subset; intuition. Qed.

forall s s' : t, subset s s' = true -> Subset s s'

forall s s' : t, subset s s' = true -> Subset s s'
intros s s'; unfold subset; case (M.subset s s'); intuition; inversion H. Qed. Definition choose (s : t) : option elt := match choose s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => Some x | inright _ => None end.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), choose s = Some x -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt), choose s = Some x -> In x s

forall s0 : {x0 : elt | In x0 s}, (let (x0, _) := s0 in Some x0) = Some x -> In x s
Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s

Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s
intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall s : t, choose s = None -> Empty s

forall s : t, choose s = None -> Empty s

forall s0 : {x : elt | In x s}, (let (x, _) := s0 in Some x) = None -> Empty s
simple destruct s0; intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x x' : elt), choose s = Some x -> choose s' = Some x' -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x x'

forall (s s' : t) (x x' : elt), choose s = Some x -> choose s' = Some x' -> s [=] s' -> E.eq x x'
s, s':t
x, x':elt
H:match M.choose s with | inleft (exist _ x0 _) => Some x0 | inright _ => None end = Some x
H0:match M.choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x0 _) => Some x0 | inright _ => None end = Some x'
H1:s [=] s'

E.eq x x'
s, s':t
x, x':elt
H:match M.choose s with | inleft (exist _ x0 _) => Some x0 | inright _ => None end = Some x
H0:match M.choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x0 _) => Some x0 | inright _ => None end = Some x'

match M.choose s with | inleft (exist _ x0 _) => match M.choose s' with | inleft (exist _ x'0 _) => E.eq x0 x'0 | inright _ => False end | inright _ => if M.choose s' then False else True end -> E.eq x x'
destruct (M.choose s) as [(?,?)|?]; destruct (M.choose s') as [(?,?)|?]; simpl; auto; congruence. Qed. Definition elements (s : t) : list elt := let (l, _) := elements s in l.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), In x s -> InA E.eq x (elements s)

forall (s : t) (x : elt), In x s -> InA E.eq x (elements s)
intros; unfold elements; case (M.elements s); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), InA E.eq x (elements s) -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt), InA E.eq x (elements s) -> In x s
intros s x; unfold elements; case (M.elements s); firstorder. Qed.

forall s : t, Sorted E.lt (elements s)

forall s : t, Sorted E.lt (elements s)
intros; unfold elements; case (M.elements s); firstorder. Qed. Hint Resolve elements_3 : core.

forall s : t, NoDupA E.eq (elements s)

forall s : t, NoDupA E.eq (elements s)
auto. Qed. Definition min_elt (s : t) : option elt := match min_elt s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => Some x | inright _ => None end.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), min_elt s = Some x -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt), min_elt s = Some x -> In x s

forall s0 : {x0 : elt | In x0 s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x0) s}, (let (x0, _) := s0 in Some x0) = Some x -> In x s
Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s

Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s
intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), min_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x
x, y:elt

forall s0 : {x0 : elt | In x0 s /\ For_all (fun y0 : elt => ~ E.lt y0 x0) s}, (let (x0, _) := s0 in Some x0) = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x
x, y:elt
Empty s -> None = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x
x, y:elt

Empty s -> None = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt y x
intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall s : t, min_elt s = None -> Empty s

forall s : t, min_elt s = None -> Empty s

forall s0 : {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt y x) s}, (let (x, _) := s0 in Some x) = None -> Empty s
simple destruct s0; intros; discriminate H. Qed. Definition max_elt (s : t) : option elt := match max_elt s with | inleft (exist _ x _) => Some x | inright _ => None end.

forall (s : t) (x : elt), max_elt s = Some x -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt), max_elt s = Some x -> In x s

forall s0 : {x0 : elt | In x0 s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x0 y) s}, (let (x0, _) := s0 in Some x0) = Some x -> In x s
Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s

Empty s -> None = Some x -> In x s
intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), max_elt s = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y
x, y:elt

forall s0 : {x0 : elt | In x0 s /\ For_all (fun y0 : elt => ~ E.lt x0 y0) s}, (let (x0, _) := s0 in Some x0) = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y
x, y:elt
Empty s -> None = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y
x, y:elt

Empty s -> None = Some x -> In y s -> ~ E.lt x y
intros; discriminate H. Qed.

forall s : t, max_elt s = None -> Empty s

forall s : t, max_elt s = None -> Empty s

forall s0 : {x : elt | In x s /\ For_all (fun y : elt => ~ E.lt x y) s}, (let (x, _) := s0 in Some x) = None -> Empty s
simple destruct s0; intros; discriminate H. Qed. Definition add (x : elt) (s : t) : t := let (s', _) := add x s in s'.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), E.eq x y -> In y (add x s)

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), E.eq x y -> In y (add x s)
intros; unfold add; case (M.add x s); unfold Add; firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), In y s -> In y (add x s)

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), In y s -> In y (add x s)
intros; unfold add; case (M.add x s); unfold Add; firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> In y (add x s) -> In y s

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> In y (add x s) -> In y s
intros s x y; unfold add; case (M.add x s); unfold Add; firstorder. Qed. Definition remove (x : elt) (s : t) : t := let (s', _) := remove x s in s'.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x s)

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), E.eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x s)
intros; unfold remove; case (M.remove x s); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> In y s -> In y (remove x s)

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), ~ E.eq x y -> In y s -> In y (remove x s)
intros; unfold remove; case (M.remove x s); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), In y (remove x s) -> In y s

forall (s : t) (x y : elt), In y (remove x s) -> In y s
intros s x y; unfold remove; case (M.remove x s); firstorder. Qed. Definition singleton (x : elt) : t := let (s, _) := singleton x in s.

forall x y : elt, In y (singleton x) -> E.eq x y

forall x y : elt, In y (singleton x) -> E.eq x y
intros x y; unfold singleton; case (M.singleton x); firstorder. Qed.

forall x y : elt, E.eq x y -> In y (singleton x)

forall x y : elt, E.eq x y -> In y (singleton x)
intros x y; unfold singleton; case (M.singleton x); firstorder. Qed. Definition union (s s' : t) : t := let (s'', _) := union s s' in s''.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (union s s') -> In x s \/ In x s'

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (union s s') -> In x s \/ In x s'
intros s s' x; unfold union; case (M.union s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> In x (union s s')

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> In x (union s s')
intros s s' x; unfold union; case (M.union s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s' -> In x (union s s')

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s' -> In x (union s s')
intros s s' x; unfold union; case (M.union s s'); firstorder. Qed. Definition inter (s s' : t) : t := let (s'', _) := inter s s' in s''.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (inter s s') -> In x s

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (inter s s') -> In x s
intros s s' x; unfold inter; case (M.inter s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (inter s s') -> In x s'

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (inter s s') -> In x s'
intros s s' x; unfold inter; case (M.inter s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> In x s' -> In x (inter s s')

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> In x s' -> In x (inter s s')
intros s s' x; unfold inter; case (M.inter s s'); firstorder. Qed. Definition diff (s s' : t) : t := let (s'', _) := diff s s' in s''.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (diff s s') -> In x s

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (diff s s') -> In x s
intros s s' x; unfold diff; case (M.diff s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (diff s s') -> ~ In x s'

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x (diff s s') -> ~ In x s'
intros s s' x; unfold diff; case (M.diff s s'); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> ~ In x s' -> In x (diff s s')

forall (s s' : t) (x : elt), In x s -> ~ In x s' -> In x (diff s s')
intros s s' x; unfold diff; case (M.diff s s'); firstorder. Qed. Definition cardinal (s : t) : nat := let (f, _) := cardinal s in f.

forall s : t, cardinal s = length (elements s)

forall s : t, cardinal s = length (elements s)
intros; unfold cardinal; case (M.cardinal s); unfold elements in *; destruct (M.elements s); auto. Qed. Definition fold (B : Type) (f : elt -> B -> B) (i : t) (s : B) : B := let (fold, _) := fold f i s in fold.

forall (s : t) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A), fold f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (e : elt) => f e a) (elements s) i

forall (s : t) (A : Type) (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A), fold f s i = fold_left (fun (a : A) (e : elt) => f e a) (elements s) i
intros; unfold fold; case (M.fold f s i); unfold elements in *; destruct (M.elements s); auto. Qed.

forall (f : elt -> bool) (x : elt), {f x = true} + {f x <> true}

forall (f : elt -> bool) (x : elt), {f x = true} + {f x <> true}
intros; case (f x); auto with bool. Defined.

forall f : elt -> bool, compat_bool E.eq f -> compat_P E.eq (fun x : E.t => f x = true)

forall f : elt -> bool, compat_bool E.eq f -> compat_P E.eq (fun x : E.t => f x = true)
unfold compat_bool, compat_P, Proper, respectful, impl; intros; rewrite <- H1; firstorder. Qed. Hint Resolve compat_P_aux : core. Definition filter (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : t := let (s', _) := filter (P:=fun x => f x = true) (f_dec f) s in s'.

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> In x s

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> In x s
f:elt -> bool
Hiff:compat_P E.eq (fun x1 : elt => f x1 = true) -> forall x1 : elt, In x1 x0 <-> In x1 s /\ f x1 = true
H:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:In x x0

In x s
generalize (Hiff (compat_P_aux H)); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> f x = true

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x (filter f s) -> f x = true
f:elt -> bool
Hiff:compat_P E.eq (fun x1 : elt => f x1 = true) -> forall x1 : elt, In x1 x0 <-> In x1 s /\ f x1 = true
H:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:In x x0

f x = true
generalize (Hiff (compat_P_aux H)); firstorder. Qed.

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x s -> f x = true -> In x (filter f s)

forall (s : t) (x : elt) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> In x s -> f x = true -> In x (filter f s)
f:elt -> bool
Hiff:compat_P E.eq (fun x1 : elt => f x1 = true) -> forall x1 : elt, In x1 x0 <-> In x1 s /\ f x1 = true
H:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:In x s
H1:f x = true

In x x0
generalize (Hiff (compat_P_aux H)); firstorder. Qed. Definition for_all (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : bool := if for_all (P:=fun x => f x = true) (f_dec f) s then true else false.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s -> for_all f s = true

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s -> for_all f s = true
intros s f; unfold for_all; case M.for_all; intuition; elim n; auto. Qed.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> for_all f s = true -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> for_all f s = true -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s
intros s f; unfold for_all; case M.for_all; intuition; inversion H0. Qed. Definition exists_ (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : bool := if exists_ (P:=fun x => f x = true) (f_dec f) s then true else false.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> Exists (fun x : elt => f x = true) s -> exists_ f s = true

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> Exists (fun x : elt => f x = true) s -> exists_ f s = true
intros s f; unfold exists_; case M.exists_; intuition; elim n; auto. Qed.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> exists_ f s = true -> Exists (fun x : elt => f x = true) s

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> exists_ f s = true -> Exists (fun x : elt => f x = true) s
intros s f; unfold exists_; case M.exists_; intuition; inversion H0. Qed. Definition partition (f : elt -> bool) (s : t) : t * t := let (p, _) := partition (P:=fun x => f x = true) (f_dec f) s in p.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> fst (partition f s) [=] filter f s

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> fst (partition f s) [=] filter f s
f:elt -> bool

forall x : t * t, (let (s1, s2) := x in compat_P E.eq (fun x0 : elt => f x0 = true) -> For_all (fun x0 : elt => f x0 = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x0 : elt => f x0 <> true) s2 /\ (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s <-> In x0 s1 \/ In x0 s2)) -> compat_bool E.eq f -> fst x [=] filter f s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
H:compat_P E.eq (fun x : elt => f x = true) -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
C:compat_bool E.eq f

fst (s1, s2) [=] filter f s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)

fst (s1, s2) [=] filter f s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a s1

In a (filter f s)
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)

In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s

In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s

In a s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s

In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s2

In a s1
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s2

f a <> true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s2
f a = true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter f s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s2

f a = true
eapply filter_2; eauto. Qed.

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> snd (partition f s) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s

forall (s : t) (f : elt -> bool), compat_bool E.eq f -> snd (partition f s) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s
f:elt -> bool

forall x : t * t, (let (s1, s2) := x in compat_P E.eq (fun x0 : elt => f x0 = true) -> For_all (fun x0 : elt => f x0 = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x0 : elt => f x0 <> true) s2 /\ (forall x0 : elt, In x0 s <-> In x0 s1 \/ In x0 s2)) -> compat_bool E.eq f -> snd x [=] filter (fun x0 : elt => negb (f x0)) s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
H:compat_P E.eq (fun x : elt => f x = true) -> For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
C:compat_bool E.eq f

snd (s1, s2) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)

snd (s1, s2) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)

compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
snd (s1, s2) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1 /\ For_all (fun x : elt => f x <> true) s2 /\ (forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2)
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))

snd (s1, s2) [=] filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a s2

In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)

In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s

In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s

In a s
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s

In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1

In a s2
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1

f a <> true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1
f a = true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1
H7:f a = true

f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1
f a = true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1
H7:f a = true

negb (f a) = true -> False
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1
f a = true
f:elt -> bool
s1, s2:t
C:compat_bool E.eq f
D:compat_bool E.eq (fun x : E.t => negb (f x))
H0:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true) s1
H:For_all (fun x : elt => f x = true -> False) s2
H2:forall x : elt, In x s <-> In x s1 \/ In x s2
H1:In a (filter (fun x : elt => negb (f x)) s)
H3:In a s -> In a s1 \/ In a s2
H4:In a s1 \/ In a s2 -> In a s
H5:In a s
H6:In a s1

f a = true
exact (H0 a H6). Qed. Definition elt := elt. Definition t := t. Definition In := In. Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, In a s <-> In a s'. Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'. Definition Add (x : elt) (s s' : t) := forall y : elt, In y s' <-> E.eq y x \/ In y s. Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ In a s. Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) (s : t) := forall x : elt, In x s -> P x. Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) (s : t) := exists x : elt, In x s /\ P x. Definition In_1 := eq_In. Definition eq := Equal. Definition lt := lt. Definition eq_refl := eq_refl. Definition eq_sym := eq_sym. Definition eq_trans := eq_trans. Definition lt_trans := lt_trans. Definition lt_not_eq := lt_not_eq. Definition compare := compare. Module E := E. End NodepOfDep.