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(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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This defines the functor that build consequences of proof-irrelevance
Require Export EqdepFacts. Module Type ProofIrrelevance. Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P:Prop) (p1 p2:P), p1 = p2. End ProofIrrelevance. Module ProofIrrelevanceTheory (M:ProofIrrelevance).
Proof-irrelevance implies uniqueness of reflexivity proofs
Module Eq_rect_eq.forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p hforall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p hreflexivity. Qed. End Eq_rect_eq.U:Typep:UQ:U -> Typex:Q ph:p = px = eq_rect p Q x p eq_refl
Export the theory of injective dependent elimination
Module EqdepTheory := EqdepTheory(Eq_rect_eq). Export EqdepTheory. Scheme eq_indd := Induction for eq Sort Prop.
We derive the irrelevance of the membership property for subsets
forall (U : Type) (P : U -> Prop) (x y : U) (p : P x) (q : P y), x = y -> exist P x p = exist P y qforall (U : Type) (P : U -> Prop) (x y : U) (p : P x) (q : P y), x = y -> exist P x p = exist P y qU:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexist P x p = exist P y qU:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexist P x p = exist P y (eq_rect x P p y H)reflexivity. Qed.U:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexist P x p = exist P x (eq_rect x P p x eq_refl)forall (U : Type) (P : U -> Prop) (x y : U) (p : P x) (q : P y), x = y -> existT P x p = existT P y qforall (U : Type) (P : U -> Prop) (x y : U) (p : P x) (q : P y), x = y -> existT P x p = existT P y qU:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexistT P x p = existT P y qU:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexistT P x p = existT P y (eq_rect x P p y H)reflexivity. Qed. End ProofIrrelevanceTheory.U:TypeP:U -> Propx, y:Up:P xq:P yH:x = yexistT P x p = existT P x (eq_rect x P p x eq_refl)