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(*         *   The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team       *)
(*  v      *   INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018       *)
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A constructive proof of a version of Weak König's Lemma over a decidable predicate in the formulation of which infinite paths are treated as predicates. The representation of paths as relations avoid the need for classical logic and unique choice. The decidability condition is sufficient to ensure that some required instance of double negation for disjunction of finite paths holds.
The idea of the proof comes from the proof of the weak König's lemma from separation in second-order arithmetic.
Notice that we do not start from a tree but just from an arbitrary predicate. Original Weak Konig's Lemma is the instantiation of the lemma to a tree
Require Import WeakFan List.
Import ListNotations.

Require Import Omega.
is_path_from P n l means that there exists a path of length n from l on which P does not hold
Inductive is_path_from (P:list bool -> Prop) : nat -> list bool -> Prop :=
| here l : ~ P l -> is_path_from P 0 l
| next_left l n : ~ P l -> is_path_from P n (true::l) -> is_path_from P (S n) l
| next_right l n : ~ P l -> is_path_from P n (false::l) -> is_path_from P (S n) l.
We give the characterization of is_path_from in terms of a more common arithmetical formula
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

is_path_from P n l <-> (exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l)))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

is_path_from P n l <-> (exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l)))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

is_path_from P n l <-> (exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l)))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

is_path_from P n l -> exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
(exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))) -> is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

is_path_from P n l -> exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

exists l' : list bool, length l' = 0 /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= 0 -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
exists l'0 : list bool, length l'0 = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l'0) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
exists l'0 : list bool, length l'0 = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l'0) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

exists l' : list bool, length l' = 0 /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= 0 -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

length [] = 0 /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= 0 -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

length [] = 0
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l
forall n' : nat, n' <= 0 -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

forall n' : nat, n' <= 0 -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

~ P (rev (firstn 0 []) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)

exists l'0 : list bool, length l'0 = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l'0) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)

length (true :: l') = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)

length (true :: l') = S n
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)

forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn 0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n
~ P (rev (firstn (S n0) (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn 0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn (S n0) (true :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P ((rev (firstn n0 l') ++ [true]) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn n0 l') ++ [true] ++ l)
apply HPl', le_S_n, H.
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)

exists l'0 : list bool, length l'0 = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l'0) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)

length (false :: l') = S n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l))
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)

length (false :: l') = S n
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)

forall n' : nat, n' <= S n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn 0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n
~ P (rev (firstn (S n0) (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn 0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn (S n0) (false :: l')) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P ((rev (firstn n0 l') ++ [false]) ++ l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HP:~ P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = n
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
H:S n0 <= S n

~ P (rev (firstn n0 l') ++ [false] ++ l)
apply HPl', le_S_n, H.
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool

(exists l' : list bool, length l' = n /\ (forall n' : nat, n' <= n -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l))) -> is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l)

is_path_from P (length l') l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length [] -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)

is_path_from P (length []) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
is_path_from P (length (true :: l')) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
is_path_from P (length (false :: l')) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length [] -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)

is_path_from P (length []) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length [] -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length [] -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' []) ++ l)

0 <= length []
apply le_0_n.
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P (length (true :: l')) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
is_path_from P ((fix length (l0 : list bool) : nat := match l0 with | [] => 0 | _ :: l'0 => S (length l'0) end) l') (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

~ P l
apply (HPl' 0), le_0_n.
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P ((fix length (l0 : list bool) : nat := match l0 with | [] => 0 | _ :: l'0 => S (length l'0) end) l') (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P (length l') (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:S n' <= S (length l')

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P (rev (firstn (S n') (true :: l')) ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P ((rev (firstn n' l') ++ [true]) ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (true :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (true :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ [true] ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P (length (false :: l')) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
is_path_from P ((fix length (l0 : list bool) : nat := match l0 with | [] => 0 | _ :: l'0 => S (length l'0) end) l') (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

~ P l
apply (HPl' 0), le_0_n.
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P ((fix length (l0 : list bool) : nat := match l0 with | [] => 0 | _ :: l'0 => S (length l'0) end) l') (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

is_path_from P (length l') (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n' : nat, n' <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0

forall n' : nat, n' <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:S n' <= S (length l')

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P (rev (firstn (S n') (false :: l')) ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P ((rev (firstn n' l') ++ [false]) ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l, l':list bool
HPl':forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length (false :: l') -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 (false :: l')) ++ l)
IHl':forall l0 : list bool, (forall n'0 : nat, n'0 <= length l' -> ~ P (rev (firstn n'0 l') ++ l0)) -> is_path_from P (length l') l0
H:~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ [false] ++ l)

~ P (rev (firstn n' l') ++ false :: l)
assumption. Qed.
infinite_from P l means that we can find arbitrary long paths along which P does not hold above l
Definition infinite_from (P:list bool -> Prop) l := forall n, is_path_from P n l.
has_infinite_path P means that there is an infinite path (represented as a predicate) along which P does not hold at all
Definition has_infinite_path (P:list bool -> Prop) :=
  exists (X:nat -> Prop), forall l, approx X l -> ~ P l.
inductively_barred_at P n l means that P eventually holds above l after at most n steps upwards
Inductive inductively_barred_at (P:list bool -> Prop) : nat -> list bool -> Prop :=
| now_at l n : P l -> inductively_barred_at P n l
| propagate_at l n :
    inductively_barred_at P n (true::l) ->
    inductively_barred_at P n (false::l) ->
    inductively_barred_at P (S n) l.
The proof proceeds by building a set Y of finite paths approximating either the smallest unbarred infinite path in P, if there is one (taking true>false), or the path true::true::... if P happens to be inductively_barred
Fixpoint Y P (l:list bool) :=
  match l with
  | [] => True
  | b::l =>
      Y P l /\
      if b then exists n, inductively_barred_at P n (false::l) else infinite_from P (false::l)

Require Import Compare_dec Le Lt.

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (n n' : nat) (l : list bool), n <= n' -> is_path_from P n' l -> is_path_from P n l

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (n n' : nat) (l : list bool), n <= n' -> is_path_from P n' l -> is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:n <= 0
l:list bool
H:~ P l

is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (true :: l)
is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (false :: l)
is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:n <= 0
l:list bool
H:~ P l

is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (true :: l)

is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (true :: l)

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (true :: l)
is_path_from P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (true :: l)

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (true :: l)

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (true :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (true :: l)

is_path_from P (S n) l
apply next_left; auto using le_S_n.
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (false :: l)

is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (false :: l)

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (false :: l)
is_path_from P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (false :: l)

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hle:0 <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n : nat, n <= n0 -> is_path_from P n (false :: l)

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n <= S n0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n0 (false :: l)
IHis_path_from:forall n1 : nat, n1 <= n0 -> is_path_from P n1 (false :: l)

is_path_from P (S n) l
apply next_right; auto using le_S_n. Qed.

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (l : list bool) (n n' : nat), n' <= n -> inductively_barred_at P n' l -> inductively_barred_at P n l

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (l : list bool) (n n' : nat), n' <= n -> inductively_barred_at P n' l -> inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
n, n':nat
Hle:n' <= n
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' l

inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n0 <= n
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n0 <= n
l:list bool
Hbar1:inductively_barred_at P n0 (true :: l)
Hbar2:inductively_barred_at P n0 (false :: l)
IHHbar1:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (true :: l)
IHHbar2:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (false :: l)
inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n0 <= n
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P n l
apply now_at; auto.
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n0 <= n
l:list bool
Hbar1:inductively_barred_at P n0 (true :: l)
Hbar2:inductively_barred_at P n0 (false :: l)
IHHbar1:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (true :: l)
IHHbar2:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:S n0 <= S n
l:list bool
Hbar1:inductively_barred_at P n0 (true :: l)
Hbar2:inductively_barred_at P n0 (false :: l)
IHHbar1:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (true :: l)
IHHbar2:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
n, n0:nat
Hle:n0 <= n
l:list bool
Hbar1:inductively_barred_at P n0 (true :: l)
Hbar2:inductively_barred_at P n0 (false :: l)
IHHbar1:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (true :: l)
IHHbar2:forall n1 : nat, n0 <= n1 -> inductively_barred_at P n1 (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
apply propagate_at; auto. Qed. Definition demorgan_or (P:list bool -> Prop) l l' := ~ (P l /\ P l') -> ~ P l \/ ~ P l'. Definition demorgan_inductively_barred_at P := forall n l, demorgan_or (inductively_barred_at P n) (true::l) (false::l).

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall (n : nat) (l : list bool), ~ inductively_barred_at P n l -> is_path_from P n l

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall (n : nat) (l : list bool), ~ inductively_barred_at P n l -> is_path_from P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> is_path_from P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
is_path_from P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l

is_path_from P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
H0:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
H0:P l

inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
H0:P l

P l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> is_path_from P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l

is_path_from P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> is_path_from P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H0:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))

is_path_from P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdemorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> is_path_from P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H0:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
HnP:~ P l

is_path_from P (S n) l
apply Hdemorgan in H0 as [H0|H0]; apply IHn in H0; auto using is_path_from. Qed.

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (n : nat) (l : list bool), is_path_from P n l -> inductively_barred_at P n l -> False

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (n : nat) (l : list bool), is_path_from P n l -> inductively_barred_at P n l -> False
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H1:is_path_from P 0 l
H2:inductively_barred_at P 0 l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H1:is_path_from P (S n) l
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H1:is_path_from P 0 l
H2:inductively_barred_at P 0 l

P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H2:inductively_barred_at P 0 l
H:~ P l

P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H1:is_path_from P (S n) l
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H1:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H3:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H1:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H3:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

apply IHn with (true::l); auto.
P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H2:inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H1:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H3:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H1:P l

P:list bool -> Prop
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, is_path_from P n l0 -> inductively_barred_at P n l0 -> False
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H3:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

apply IHn with (false::l); auto. Qed.

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (l : list bool) (n : nat), is_path_from P (S n) l -> inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l) -> is_path_from P n (true :: l)

forall (P : list bool -> Prop) (l : list bool) (n : nat), is_path_from P (S n) l -> inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l) -> is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:is_path_from P (S n) l
H1:~ P l
H2:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:is_path_from P (S n) l
H1:~ P l
H2:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:is_path_from P (S n) l
H1:~ P l
H2:is_path_from P n (true :: l)
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:is_path_from P (S n) l
H1:~ P l
H2:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
l:list bool
H:is_path_from P (S n) l
H1:~ P l
H2:is_path_from P n (false :: l)
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

eauto using is_path_from_imp_inductively_barred_at. Qed.

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall l1 l2 : list bool, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall l1 l2 : list bool, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

forall l1 l2 : list bool, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

length [] = length [] -> Y P [] -> Y P [] -> [] = []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
length [] = length (b :: l2) -> Y P [] -> Y P (b :: l2) -> [] = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l2 : list bool, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2
length (a :: l1) = length [] -> Y P (a :: l1) -> Y P [] -> a :: l1 = []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l0 : list bool, length l1 = length l0 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l0 -> l1 = l0
l2:list bool
length (a :: l1) = length (b :: l2) -> Y P (a :: l1) -> Y P (b :: l2) -> a :: l1 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

length [] = length [] -> Y P [] -> Y P [] -> [] = []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool

length [] = length (b :: l2) -> Y P [] -> Y P (b :: l2) -> [] = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l2 : list bool, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2

length (a :: l1) = length [] -> Y P (a :: l1) -> Y P [] -> a :: l1 = []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l0 : list bool, length l1 = length l0 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l0 -> l1 = l0
l2:list bool

length (a :: l1) = length (b :: l2) -> Y P (a :: l1) -> Y P (b :: l2) -> a :: l1 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l0 : list bool, length l1 = length l0 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l0 -> l1 = l0
l2:list bool
H:length l1 = length l2
HY1:Y P l1
H1:if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l1) else infinite_from P (false :: l1)
HY2:Y P l2
H2:if b then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)

a :: l1 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
IHl1:forall l0 : list bool, length l1 = length l0 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l0 -> l1 = l0
l2:list bool
H:length l1 = length l2
HY1:Y P l1
H1:if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l1) else infinite_from P (false :: l1)
HY2:Y P l2
H2:if b then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H0:l1 = l2

a :: l1 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l1:list bool
l2:list bool
H1:if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l1) else infinite_from P (false :: l1)
H2:if b then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H0:l1 = l2

a :: l1 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
a, b:bool
l2:list bool
H1:if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H2:if b then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)

a :: l2 = b :: l2
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
a, b:bool
l2:list bool
H1:if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H2:if b then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2) else infinite_from P (false :: l2)

a = b
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
H1:exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)
H2:infinite_from P (false :: l2)

true = false
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
H1:infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H2:exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)
false = true
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
H1:exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)
H2:infinite_from P (false :: l2)

true = false
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)
H2:infinite_from P (false :: l2)

true = false
destruct (is_path_from_imp_inductively_barred_at _ _ _ (H2 n) Hbar).
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
H1:infinite_from P (false :: l2)
H2:exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)

false = true
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l2:list bool
H1:infinite_from P (false :: l2)
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l2)

false = true
destruct (is_path_from_imp_inductively_barred_at _ _ _ (H1 n) Hbar). Qed.
X is the translation of Y as a predicate
Definition X P n := exists l, length l = n /\ Y P (true::l).

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall l : list bool, approx (X P) l -> Y P l

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> forall l : list bool, approx (X P) l -> Y P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

forall l : list bool, approx (X P) l -> Y P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

approx (X P) [] -> Y P []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
approx (X P) (a :: l) -> Y P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

approx (X P) [] -> Y P []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l

approx (X P) (a :: l) -> Y P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)

Y P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)

Y P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l) else infinite_from P (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)

Y P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)

if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l) else infinite_from P (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:if a then exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0) else ~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))

if a then exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l) else infinite_from P (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0)

exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))
infinite_from P (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0)

exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HYl':Y P l'
HY:exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l')

exists n : nat, inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
rewrite <- (Y_unique P DeMorgan l' l Hl'); auto.
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))

infinite_from P (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))

is_path_from P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))

demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))
~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
l:list bool
IHl:approx (X P) l -> Y P l
H:approx (X P) l
Hb:~ (exists l0 : list bool, length l0 = length l /\ Y P (true :: l0))

~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
firstorder. Qed.
Main theorem

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> infinite_from P [] -> has_infinite_path P

forall P : list bool -> Prop, demorgan_inductively_barred_at P -> infinite_from P [] -> has_infinite_path P
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []

has_infinite_path P
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []

forall l : list bool, approx (X P) l -> ~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l

infinite_from P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
H:infinite_from P l
~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l

infinite_from P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
Hl:approx (X P) []

infinite_from P []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) (a :: l)
IHl:approx (X P) l -> infinite_from P l
infinite_from P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
Hl:approx (X P) []

infinite_from P []
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) (a :: l)
IHl:approx (X P) l -> infinite_from P l

infinite_from P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
Ha:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
IHl:approx (X P) l -> infinite_from P l

infinite_from P (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
Ha:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
IHl:approx (X P) l -> infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
Ha:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
IHl:approx (X P) l -> infinite_from P l
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
Ha:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
Ha:if a then X P (length l) else ~ X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (a :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
Ha:X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
Ha:~ X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l
is_path_from P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
Ha:X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l')
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':infinite_from P l
Hle:n <= n'

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':infinite_from P l
Hlt:n' < n
is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':infinite_from P l
Hle:n <= n'

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':is_path_from P (S n') l
Hle:n <= n'

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':is_path_from P (S n') l
Hle:n <= n'

is_path_from P n' (true :: l)
apply find_left_path; trivial.
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':infinite_from P l
Hlt:n' < n

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n' (false :: l)
IHl':is_path_from P (S n) l
Hlt:n' < n

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
l':list bool
Hl':length l' = length l
HY':Y P l'
n', n:nat
Hbar:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
IHl':is_path_from P (S n) l
Hlt:n' < n

is_path_from P n (true :: l)
apply find_left_path; trivial.
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:Y P l
Ha:~ X P (length l)
IHl':infinite_from P l

is_path_from P n (false :: l)
apply inductively_barred_at_imp_is_path_from; firstorder.
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
H:infinite_from P l

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
H:is_path_from P 0 l

~ P l
P:list bool -> Prop
DeMorgan:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []
l:list bool
Hl:approx (X P) l
H:is_path_from P 0 l
l0:list bool
H0:~ P l
H2:l0 = l

~ P l
assumption. Qed.

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> forall (n : nat) (l : list bool), inductively_barred_at P n l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> forall (n : nat) (l : list bool), inductively_barred_at P n l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l

forall (n : nat) (l : list bool), inductively_barred_at P n l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool

inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool

inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P 0 l
apply now_at, H.
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l

inductively_barred_at P 0 l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l

~ inductively_barred_at P 0 l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l1 : list bool, P l1 \/ ~ P l1
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P 0 l
l0:list bool
H1:P l
H2:n = 0
H3:l0 = l

P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:P l

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
apply now_at, H.
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
apply propagate_at; assumption.
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
inversion_clear 1; auto. }
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

inductively_barred_at P (S n) l \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
P:list bool -> Prop
HP:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
IHn:forall l0 : list bool, inductively_barred_at P n l0 \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n l0
l:list bool
H:~ P l
H0:~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P (S n) l
inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> demorgan_inductively_barred_at P

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)
H1:~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l0 : list bool, P l0 \/ ~ P l0
l:list bool
H:~ (inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) /\ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l))
H0:~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l)

~ inductively_barred_at P n (true :: l) \/ ~ inductively_barred_at P n (false :: l)
auto. Qed.
Main corollary

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> infinite_from P [] -> has_infinite_path P

forall P : list bool -> Prop, (forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l) -> infinite_from P [] -> has_infinite_path P
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:forall l : list bool, P l \/ ~ P l
Hinf:infinite_from P []

has_infinite_path P
P:list bool -> Prop
Hdec:demorgan_inductively_barred_at P
Hinf:infinite_from P []

has_infinite_path P
apply PreWeakKonigsLemma; assumption. Qed.