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(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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Set Implicit Arguments.
positive is a datatype representing the strictly positive integers
in a binary way. Starting from 1 (represented by xH), one can
add a new least significant digit via xO (digit 0) or xI (digit 1).
Numbers in positive will also be denoted using a decimal notation;
e.g. 6%positive will abbreviate xO (xI xH)
Inductive positive : Set := | xI : positive -> positive | xO : positive -> positive | xH : positive. Declare Scope positive_scope. Delimit Scope positive_scope with positive. Bind Scope positive_scope with positive. Arguments xO _%positive. Arguments xI _%positive. Register positive as num.pos.type. Register xI as num.pos.xI. Register xO as num.pos.xO. Register xH as num.pos.xH.
N is a datatype representing natural numbers in a binary way,
by extending the positive datatype with a zero.
Numbers in N will also be denoted using a decimal notation;
e.g. 6%N will abbreviate Npos (xO (xI xH))
Inductive N : Set := | N0 : N | Npos : positive -> N. Declare Scope N_scope. Delimit Scope N_scope with N. Bind Scope N_scope with N. Arguments Npos _%positive. Register N as num.N.type. Register N0 as num.N.N0. Register Npos as num.N.Npos.
Z is a datatype representing the integers in a binary way.
An integer is either zero or a strictly positive number
(coded as a positive) or a strictly negative number
(whose opposite is stored as a positive value).
Numbers in Z will also be denoted using a decimal notation;
e.g. (-6)%Z will abbreviate Zneg (xO (xI xH))
Inductive Z : Set := | Z0 : Z | Zpos : positive -> Z | Zneg : positive -> Z. Declare Scope Z_scope. Delimit Scope Z_scope with Z. Bind Scope Z_scope with Z. Arguments Zpos _%positive. Arguments Zneg _%positive. Register Z as num.Z.type. Register Z0 as num.Z.Z0. Register Zpos as num.Z.Zpos. Register Zneg as num.Z.Zneg.