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Require Import Rbase Equalities Orders OrdersTac.

Local Open Scope R_scope.

DecidableType structure for real numbers

forall r1 r2 : R, {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}

forall r1 r2 : R, {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}
intros; generalize (total_order_T r1 r2) Rlt_dichotomy_converse; intuition eauto. Qed. Definition Reqb r1 r2 := if Req_dec r1 r2 then true else false.

forall r1 r2 : R, Reqb r1 r2 = true <-> r1 = r2

forall r1 r2 : R, Reqb r1 r2 = true <-> r1 = r2
r1, r2:R
NEQ:r1 <> r2

false = true <-> r1 = r2
r1, r2:R
NEQ:r1 <> r2

r1 = r2 -> false = true
intro EQ; elim NEQ; auto. Qed. Module R_as_UBE <: UsualBoolEq. Definition t := R. Definition eq := @eq R. Definition eqb := Reqb. Definition eqb_eq := Reqb_eq. End R_as_UBE. Module R_as_DT <: UsualDecidableTypeFull := Make_UDTF R_as_UBE.
Note that the last module fulfills by subtyping many other interfaces, such as DecidableType or EqualityType.
Note that R_as_DT can also be seen as a DecidableType and a DecidableTypeOrig.

OrderedType structure for binary integers

Definition Rcompare x y :=
 match total_order_T x y with
  | inleft (left _) => Lt
  | inleft (right _) => Eq
  | inright _ => Gt

forall x y : R, CompareSpec (x = y) (x < y) (y < x) (Rcompare x y)

forall x y : R, CompareSpec (x = y) (x < y) (y < x) (Rcompare x y)
x, y:R

CompareSpec (x = y) (x < y) (y < x) (Rcompare x y)
x, y:R

CompareSpec (x = y) (x < y) (y < x) match total_order_T x y with | inleft (left _) => Lt | inleft (right _) => Eq | inright _ => Gt end
destruct total_order_T as [[H|H]|H]; auto. Qed. Module R_as_OT <: OrderedTypeFull. Include R_as_DT. Definition lt := Rlt. Definition le := Rle. Definition compare := Rcompare.

StrictOrder Rlt

StrictOrder Rlt
split; [ exact Rlt_irrefl | exact Rlt_trans ]. Qed.

Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) Rlt

Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) Rlt
repeat red; intros; subst; auto. Qed.

forall x y : R, x <= y <-> x < y \/ x = y

forall x y : R, x <= y <-> x < y \/ x = y
unfold Rle; auto with *. Qed. Definition compare_spec := Rcompare_spec. End R_as_OT.
Note that R_as_OT can also be seen as a UsualOrderedType and a OrderedType (and also as a DecidableType).

An order tactic for real numbers

Module ROrder := OTF_to_OrderTac R_as_OT.
Ltac r_order := ROrder.order.
Note that r_order is domain-agnostic: it will not prove 1<=2 or xx+x, but rather things like xy yx x=y.