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Complements for the reals.Integer and fractional part
(* *)
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Omega.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
(*********************************************************) (*********************************************************)
Definition Int_part (r :R) : Z := (up r - 1 )%Z.
Definition frac_part (r :R) : R := r - IZR (Int_part r).
Lemma tech_up : forall (r :R) (z :Z), r < IZR z -> IZR z <= r + 1 -> z = up r.forall (r : R) (z : Z),
r < IZR z -> IZR z <= r + 1 -> z = up r
Proof .forall (r : R) (z : Z),
r < IZR z -> IZR z <= r + 1 -> z = up r
intros ; generalize (archimed r); intro ; elim H1; intros ; clear H1;
unfold Rgt in H2; unfold Rminus in H3;
generalize (Rplus_le_compat_l r (IZR (up r) + - r) 1 H3);
intro ; clear H3; rewrite (Rplus_comm (IZR (up r)) (- r)) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r (- r) (IZR (up r))) in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_r r) in H1; elim (Rplus_ne (IZR (up r)));
intros a b; rewrite b in H1; clear a b; apply (single_z_r_R1 r z (up r));
auto with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma up_tech :
forall (r :R) (z :Z), IZR z <= r -> r < IZR (z + 1 ) -> (z + 1 )%Z = up r.forall (r : R) (z : Z),
IZR z <= r -> r < IZR (z + 1 ) -> (z + 1 )%Z = up r
Proof .forall (r : R) (z : Z),
IZR z <= r -> r < IZR (z + 1 ) -> (z + 1 )%Z = up r
intros .r : R
z : Z
H : IZR z <= r
H0 : r < IZR (z + 1 )
(z + 1 )%Z = up r
apply tech_up with (1 := H0).r : R
z : Z
H : IZR z <= r
H0 : r < IZR (z + 1 )
IZR (z + 1 ) <= r + 1
rewrite plus_IZR.r : R
z : Z
H : IZR z <= r
H0 : r < IZR (z + 1 )
IZR z + 1 <= r + 1
now apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
Qed .
Lemma fp_R0 : frac_part 0 = 0 .
Proof .
unfold frac_part, Int_part.
replace (up 0 ) with 1 %Z.
now rewrite <- minus_IZR.
destruct (archimed 0 ) as [H1 H2].H1 : IZR (up 0 ) > 0
H2 : IZR (up 0 ) - 0 <= 1
1 %Z = up 0
apply lt_IZR in H1.H1 : (0 < up 0 )%Z
H2 : IZR (up 0 ) - 0 <= 1
1 %Z = up 0
rewrite <- minus_IZR in H2.H1 : (0 < up 0 )%Z
H2 : IZR (up 0 - 0 ) <= 1
1 %Z = up 0
apply le_IZR in H2.H1 : (0 < up 0 )%Z
H2 : (up 0 - 0 <= 1 )%Z
1 %Z = up 0
omega .
Qed .
Lemma for_base_fp : forall r :R, IZR (up r) - r > 0 /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1 .forall r : R,
IZR (up r) - r > 0 /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
Proof .forall r : R,
IZR (up r) - r > 0 /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
intro ; split ; cut (IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1 ).IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1 ->
IZR (up r) - r > 0
intro ; elim H; intros .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
H0 : IZR (up r) > r
H1 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - r > 0
apply (Rgt_minus (IZR (up r)) r H0).IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
apply archimed.IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1 ->
IZR (up r) - r <= 1
intro ; elim H; intros .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
H0 : IZR (up r) > r
H1 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - r <= 1
exact H1.IZR (up r) > r /\ IZR (up r) - r <= 1
apply archimed.
Qed .
Lemma base_fp : forall r :R, frac_part r >= 0 /\ frac_part r < 1 .forall r : R, frac_part r >= 0 /\ frac_part r < 1
Proof .forall r : R, frac_part r >= 0 /\ frac_part r < 1
intro ; unfold frac_part; unfold Int_part; split .
(*sup a O*)
cut (r - IZR (up r) >= -1 ).r - IZR (up r) >= -1 -> r - IZR (up r - 1 ) >= 0
rewrite <- Z_R_minus; simpl ; intro ; unfold Rminus;
rewrite Ropp_plus_distr; rewrite <- Rplus_assoc;
fold (r - IZR (up r)); fold (r - IZR (up r) - -1 );
apply Rge_minus; auto with zarith real.
rewrite <- Ropp_minus_distr; apply Ropp_le_ge_contravar; elim (for_base_fp r);
auto with zarith real.
(*inf a 1*)
cut (r - IZR (up r) < 0 ).r - IZR (up r) < 0 -> r - IZR (up r - 1 ) < 1
rewrite <- Z_R_minus; simpl ; intro ; unfold Rminus;
rewrite Ropp_plus_distr; rewrite <- Rplus_assoc;
fold (r - IZR (up r)); rewrite Ropp_involutive;
elim (Rplus_ne 1 ); intros a b; pattern 1 at 2 ;
rewrite <- a; clear a b; rewrite (Rplus_comm (r - IZR (up r)) 1 );
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; auto with zarith real.
elim (for_base_fp r); intros ; rewrite <- Ropp_0; rewrite <- Ropp_minus_distr;
apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar; auto with zarith real.
Qed .
(*********************************************************) (*********************************************************)
Lemma base_Int_part :
forall r :R, IZR (Int_part r) <= r /\ IZR (Int_part r) - r > -1 .forall r : R,
IZR (Int_part r) <= r /\ IZR (Int_part r) - r > -1
Proof .forall r : R,
IZR (Int_part r) <= r /\ IZR (Int_part r) - r > -1
intro ; unfold Int_part; elim (archimed r); intros .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r - 1 ) <= r /\ IZR (up r - 1 ) - r > -1
split ; rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (up r) 1 ); simpl .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - 1 <= r
apply Rminus_le.r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - 1 - r <= 0
replace (IZR (up r) - 1 - r) with (IZR (up r) - r - 1 ) by ring .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - r - 1 <= 0
now apply Rle_minus.r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - 1 - r > -1
apply Rminus_gt.r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - 1 - r - -1 > 0
replace (IZR (up r) - 1 - r - -1 ) with (IZR (up r) - r) by ring .r : R
H : IZR (up r) > r
H0 : IZR (up r) - r <= 1
IZR (up r) - r > 0
now apply Rgt_minus.
Qed .
Lemma Int_part_INR : forall n :nat, Int_part (INR n) = Z.of_nat n.forall n : nat, Int_part (INR n) = Z.of_nat n
Proof .forall n : nat, Int_part (INR n) = Z.of_nat n
intros n; unfold Int_part.(up (INR n) - 1 )%Z = Z.of_nat n
cut (up (INR n) = (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )%Z).up (INR n) = (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )%Z ->
(up (INR n) - 1 )%Z = Z.of_nat n
intros H'; rewrite H'; simpl ; ring .up (INR n) = (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )%Z
symmetry ; apply tech_up; auto .INR n < IZR (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )
replace (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )%Z with (Z.of_nat (S n)).INR n < IZR (Z.of_nat (S n))
repeat rewrite <- INR_IZR_INZ.
apply lt_INR; auto .Z.of_nat (S n) = (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 )%Z
rewrite Z.add_comm; rewrite <- Znat.Nat2Z.inj_add; simpl ; auto .IZR (Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat 1 ) <= INR n + 1
rewrite plus_IZR; simpl ; auto with real.IZR (Z.of_nat n) + 1 <= INR n + 1
repeat rewrite <- INR_IZR_INZ; auto with real.
Qed .
Lemma fp_nat : forall r :R, frac_part r = 0 -> exists c : Z, r = IZR c.forall r : R,
frac_part r = 0 -> exists c : Z, r = IZR c
Proof .forall r : R,
frac_part r = 0 -> exists c : Z, r = IZR c
unfold frac_part; intros ; split with (Int_part r);
apply Rminus_diag_uniq; auto with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma R0_fp_O : forall r :R, 0 <> frac_part r -> 0 <> r.forall r : R, 0 <> frac_part r -> 0 <> r
Proof .forall r : R, 0 <> frac_part r -> 0 <> r
red ; intros ; rewrite <- H0 in H; generalize fp_R0; intro ;
auto with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma Rminus_Int_part1 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2)%Z.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2)%Z
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2)%Z
intros ; elim (base_fp r1); elim (base_fp r2); intros ;
generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r2) 0 H0); intro ; clear H0;
generalize (Ropp_le_ge_contravar 0 (frac_part r2) H4);
intro ; clear H4; rewrite Ropp_0 in H0;
generalize (Rge_le 0 (- frac_part r2) H0); intro ;
clear H0; generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r1) 0 H2);
intro ; clear H2; generalize (Ropp_lt_gt_contravar (frac_part r2) 1 H1);
intro ; clear H1; unfold Rgt in H2;
(sum_inequa_Rle_lt 0 (frac_part r1) 1 (-1 ) (- frac_part r2) 0 H0 H3 H2 H4);
intro ; elim H1; intros ; clear H1; elim (Rplus_ne 1 );
intros a b; rewrite a in H6; clear a b H5;
generalize (Rge_minus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2) H);
intro ; clear H; fold (frac_part r1 - frac_part r2) in H6;
generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r1 - frac_part r2) 0 H1);
intro ; clear H1 H3 H4 H0 H2; unfold frac_part in H6, H;
unfold Rminus in H6, H;
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2)) in H;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
fold (r1 - r2) in H; fold (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) in H;
(Rplus_le_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2)) 0
(r1 - r2 + (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) H);
intro ; clear H;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 - r2) (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) (r1 - r2))
in H0; unfold Rminus in H0; fold (r1 - r2) in H0;
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) + - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r2))
(- IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_l (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
elim (Rplus_ne (- IZR (Int_part r1))); intros a b;
rewrite b in H0; clear a b;
elim (Rplus_ne (IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)));
intros a b; rewrite a in H0; clear a b;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0; elim (Rplus_ne (r1 - r2));
intros a b; rewrite b in H0; clear a b;
fold (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2)) in H0;
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6;
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H6;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H6; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2)) in H6;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H6;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6;
fold (r1 - r2) in H6; fold (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) in H6;
(Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(r1 - r2 + (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) 1 H6);
intro ; clear H6;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 - r2) (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) (r1 - r2))
in H;
rewrite <- (Ropp_minus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 - r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H;
clear a b; rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0;
rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H.r1, r2 : R
H0 : IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) <= r1 - r2
H : r1 - r2 < IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) + 1
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2)%Z
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) 1 ) in H;
generalize (up_tech (r1 - r2) (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) H0 H);
intros ; clear H H0; unfold Int_part at 1 ;
omega .
Qed .
Lemma Rminus_Int_part2 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 )%Z.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 )%Z
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 )%Z
intros ; elim (base_fp r1); elim (base_fp r2); intros ;
generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r2) 0 H0); intro ; clear H0;
generalize (Ropp_le_ge_contravar 0 (frac_part r2) H4);
intro ; clear H4; rewrite Ropp_0 in H0;
generalize (Rge_le 0 (- frac_part r2) H0); intro ;
clear H0; generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r1) 0 H2);
intro ; clear H2; generalize (Ropp_lt_gt_contravar (frac_part r2) 1 H1);
intro ; clear H1; unfold Rgt in H2;
(sum_inequa_Rle_lt 0 (frac_part r1) 1 (-1 ) (- frac_part r2) 0 H0 H3 H2 H4);
intro ; elim H1; intros ; clear H1; elim (Rplus_ne (-1 ));
intros a b; rewrite b in H5; clear a b H6;
generalize (Rlt_minus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2) H);
intro ; clear H; fold (frac_part r1 - frac_part r2) in H5;
clear H3 H4 H0 H2; unfold frac_part in H5, H1; unfold Rminus in H5, H1;
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5;
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H5;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H5; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2)) in H5;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H5;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5;
fold (r1 - r2) in H5; fold (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) in H5;
(Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2)) (-1 )
(r1 - r2 + (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) H5);
intro ; clear H5;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 - r2) (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) (r1 - r2))
in H; unfold Rminus in H; fold (r1 - r2) in H;
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) + - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r2))
(- IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_l (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
elim (Rplus_ne (- IZR (Int_part r1))); intros a b;
rewrite b in H; clear a b; rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 - r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H;
clear a b; fold (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2)) in H;
fold (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2) - 1 ) in H;
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2)) in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
fold (r1 - r2) in H1; fold (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) in H1;
(Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(r1 - r2 + (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) 0 H1);
intro ; clear H1;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 - r2) (IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))
(IZR (Int_part r2) - IZR (Int_part r1)) (r1 - r2))
in H0;
rewrite <- (Ropp_minus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 - r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H0;
clear a b; rewrite <- (Rplus_opp_l 1 ) in H0;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2)) (-(1 )) 1 )
in H0; fold (IZR (Int_part r1) - IZR (Int_part r2) - 1 ) in H0;
rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0;
rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H;
auto with zarith real.r1, r2 : R
H : IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) + -1 < r1 - r2
H0 : r1 - r2 < IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) - 1 + 1
Int_part (r1 - r2) = (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 )%Z
change (_ + -1 ) with (IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) - 1 ) in H;
rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) 1 ) in H;
rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) 1 ) in H0;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 ) 1 ) in H0;
generalize (Rlt_le (IZR (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 )) (r1 - r2) H);
intro ; clear H;
generalize (up_tech (r1 - r2) (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2 - 1 ) H1 H0);
intros ; clear H0 H1; unfold Int_part at 1 ;
omega .
Qed .
Lemma Rminus_fp1 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 >= frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2
intros ; unfold frac_part; generalize (Rminus_Int_part1 r1 r2 H);
intro ; rewrite H0; rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));
unfold Rminus;
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)));
auto with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma Rminus_fp2 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2 + 1 .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2 + 1
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 < frac_part r2 ->
frac_part (r1 - r2) = frac_part r1 - frac_part r2 + 1
intros ; unfold frac_part; generalize (Rminus_Int_part2 r1 r2 H);
intro ; rewrite H0; rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1 - Int_part r2) 1 );
rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));
unfold Rminus;
(Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) (- IZR 1 ))
; rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR 1 ));
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)));
rewrite (Ropp_involutive (IZR (Int_part r2))); simpl ;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (r1 + - r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)) 1 )
; rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2 + IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- r2) (- IZR (Int_part r1)));
auto with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma plus_Int_part1 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 )%Z.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 )%Z
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 )%Z
intros ; generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r1 + frac_part r2) 1 H); intro ; clear H;
elim (base_fp r1); elim (base_fp r2); intros ; clear H H2;
generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (frac_part r2) (frac_part r1) 1 H3);
intro ; clear H3; generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l 1 (frac_part r2) 1 H1);
intro ; clear H1; rewrite (Rplus_comm 1 (frac_part r2)) in H2;
(Rlt_trans (frac_part r2 + frac_part r1) (frac_part r2 + 1 ) 2 H H2);
intro ; clear H H2; rewrite (Rplus_comm (frac_part r2) (frac_part r1)) in H1;
unfold frac_part in H0, H1; unfold Rminus in H0, H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1; rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2)
in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1;
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H0; rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2)
in H0;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2) in H0;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H0;
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
(Rplus_le_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)) 1
(r1 + r2 + - (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) H0);
intro ; clear H0;
(Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(r1 + r2 + - (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) 2 H1);
intro ; clear H1;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 + r2) (- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))))
in H;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) (r1 + r2))
in H; rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 + r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H;
clear a b;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 + r2) (- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))))
in H0;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) (r1 + r2))
in H0; rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 + r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H0;
clear a b;
change 2 with (1 + 1 ) in H0;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)) 1 1 ) in H0;
auto with zarith real.r1, r2 : R
H : IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2) + 1 <=
r1 + r2
H0 : r1 + r2 <
IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2) + 1 + 1
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 )%Z
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2) 1 ) in H;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2) 1 ) in H0;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 ) 1 ) in H0;
generalize (up_tech (r1 + r2) (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2 + 1 ) H H0);
intro ; clear H H0; unfold Int_part at 1 ; omega .
Qed .
Lemma plus_Int_part2 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2)%Z.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2)%Z
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2)%Z
intros ; elim (base_fp r1); elim (base_fp r2); intros ; clear H1 H3;
generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r2) 0 H0); intro ; clear H0;
generalize (Rge_le (frac_part r1) 0 H2); intro ; clear H2;
generalize (Rplus_le_compat_l (frac_part r1) 0 (frac_part r2) H1);
intro ; clear H1; elim (Rplus_ne (frac_part r1)); intros a b;
rewrite a in H2; clear a b;
generalize (Rle_trans 0 (frac_part r1) (frac_part r1 + frac_part r2) H0 H2);
intro ; clear H0 H2; unfold frac_part in H, H1; unfold Rminus in H, H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1; rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2)
in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2) in H1;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H1;
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H; rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2) in H;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2) in H;
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)))
in H;
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;
(Rplus_le_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)) 0
(r1 + r2 + - (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) H1);
intro ; clear H1;
(Rplus_lt_compat_l (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(r1 + r2 + - (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) 1 H);
intro ; clear H;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 + r2) (- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))))
in H1;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) (r1 + r2))
in H1; rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1;
elim (Rplus_ne (r1 + r2)); intros a b; rewrite b in H1;
clear a b;
rewrite (Rplus_comm (r1 + r2) (- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))))
in H0;
rewrite <-
(Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))
(- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) (r1 + r2))
in H0; rewrite (Rplus_opp_r (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;
elim (Rplus_ne (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)));
intros a b; rewrite a in H0; clear a b; elim (Rplus_ne (r1 + r2));
intros a b; rewrite b in H0; clear a b.r1, r2 : R
H0 : IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2) <= r1 + r2
H1 : r1 + r2 <
IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2) + 1
Int_part (r1 + r2) = (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2)%Z
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H1;
rewrite <- (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2) 1 ) in H1;
generalize (up_tech (r1 + r2) (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2) H0 H1);
intro ; clear H0 H1; unfold Int_part at 1 ;
omega .
Qed .
Lemma plus_frac_part1 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 - 1 .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 - 1
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 >= 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 - 1
intros ; unfold frac_part; generalize (plus_Int_part1 r1 r2 H); intro ;
rewrite H0; rewrite (plus_IZR (Int_part r1 + Int_part r2) 1 );
rewrite (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)); simpl ;
unfold Rminus at 3 4 ;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2);
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2);
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
unfold Rminus;
(Rplus_assoc (r1 + r2) (- (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2))) (-(1 )))
; rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1) + IZR (Int_part r2)) 1 );
trivial with zarith real.
Qed .
Lemma plus_frac_part2 :
forall r1 r2 :R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2.forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2
Proof .forall r1 r2 : R,
frac_part r1 + frac_part r2 < 1 ->
frac_part (r1 + r2) = frac_part r1 + frac_part r2
intros ; unfold frac_part; generalize (plus_Int_part2 r1 r2 H); intro ;
rewrite H0; rewrite (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));
unfold Rminus at 2 3 ;
rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (r2 + - IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite (Rplus_comm r2 (- IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- IZR (Int_part r1)) (- IZR (Int_part r2)) r2);
rewrite (Rplus_comm (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)) r2);
rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (- IZR (Int_part r1) + - IZR (Int_part r2)));
rewrite <- (Ropp_plus_distr (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)));
unfold Rminus; trivial with zarith real.
Qed .