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(*         *   The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team       *)
(*  v      *   INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018       *)
(* <O___,, *       (see CREDITS file for the list of authors)           *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *    This file is distributed under the terms of the         *)
(*         *     GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1          *)
(*         *     (see LICENSE file for the text of the license)         *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*                         Naive Set Theory in Coq                          *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*                     INRIA                        INRIA                   *)
(*              Rocquencourt                        Sophia-Antipolis        *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*                                 Coq V6.1                                 *)
(*									    *)
(*			         Gilles Kahn 				    *)
(*				 Gerard Huet				    *)
(*									    *)
(*									    *)
(*                                                                          *)
(* Acknowledgments: This work was started in July 1993 by F. Prost. Thanks  *)
(* to the Newton Institute for providing an exceptional work environment    *)
(* in Summer 1995. Several developments by E. Ledinot were an inspiration.  *)

Require Export Finite_sets.
Require Export Constructive_sets.
Require Export Classical.
Require Export Classical_sets.
Require Export Powerset.
Require Export Powerset_facts.
Require Export Powerset_Classical_facts.
Require Export Gt.
Require Export Lt.
Require Export Le.
Require Export Finite_sets_facts.
Require Export Image.

Section Approx.
  Variable U : Type.

  Inductive Approximant (A X:Ensemble U) : Prop :=
    Defn_of_Approximant : Finite U X -> Included U X A -> Approximant A X.
End Approx.

Hint Resolve Defn_of_Approximant : core.

Section Infinite_sets.
  Variable U : Type.


forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> Approximant U A X -> Inhabited U (Setminus U A X)

forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> Approximant U A X -> Inhabited U (Setminus U A X)
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:Approximant U A X

Inhabited U (Setminus U A X)
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:Approximant U A X
H'1:Finite U X
H'2:Included U X A

Inhabited U (Setminus U A X)
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:Approximant U A X
H'1:Finite U X
H'2:Included U X A

X <> A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:Approximant U A X
H'1:Finite U X
H'2:Included U X A
H'3:X = A

Finite U A
rewrite <- H'3; auto with sets. Qed.

forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, cardinal U X n -> Included U X A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A

forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, cardinal U X n -> Included U X A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n

Included U (Empty_set U) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 1 /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 1 /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A

Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 1 /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))

forall x : U, In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 1 /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 1 /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

cardinal U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) 1 /\ Included U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

cardinal U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) 1
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
Included U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

Included U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

In U A x -> Included U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
In U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
H'4:In U A x

forall x0 : U, In U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) x0 -> In U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
In U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
H'4:In U A x
H'5:In U (Add U (Empty_set U) x) x0

forall x1 : U, In U (Singleton U x) x1 -> In U A x1
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x
In U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
H'2:Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
H'3:In U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U)) x

In U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A
Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Included U (Empty_set U) A

Inhabited U (Setminus U A (Empty_set U))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n

forall (A0 : Ensemble U) (n0 : nat), cardinal U A0 n0 -> (Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A) -> forall x : U, ~ In U A0 x -> Included U (Add U A0 x) A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'2:Included U A0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A

forall x0 : Ensemble U, cardinal U x0 (S n0) /\ Included U x0 A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'2:cardinal U x0 (S n0) /\ Included U x0 A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A

forall x1 : U, In U (Setminus U A x0) x1 -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S (S n0)) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

cardinal U (Add U x0 x1) (S (S n0)) /\ Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

cardinal U (Add U x0 x1) (S (S n0))
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

~ In U x0 x1
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1

forall x2 : U, In U (Add U x0 x1) x2 -> In U A x2
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1
H'9:In U (Add U x0 x1) x2

forall x3 : U, In U (Singleton U x1) x3 -> In U A x3
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x0) x1
H'9:In U (Add U x0 x1) x2
H'10:In U (Singleton U x1) x3

In U A x1
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A
Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A

Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A

Approximant U A x0
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
A0:Ensemble U
H'1:cardinal U A0 n0
H'3:~ In U A0 x
H'5:Included U (Add U A0 x) A
H'6:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Included U Y A
x0:Ensemble U
H'7:cardinal U x0 (S n0)
H'8:Included U x0 A

Finite U x0
apply cardinal_finite with (n := S n0); auto with sets. Qed.

forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, cardinal U X n -> Approximant U A X -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y

forall A X : Ensemble U, ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, cardinal U X n -> Approximant U A X -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X

Finite U X -> Included U X A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A

forall x : Ensemble U, cardinal U x (S n) /\ Included U x A -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
x:Ensemble U
H'5:cardinal U x (S n)
H'6:Included U x A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
x:Ensemble U
H'5:cardinal U x (S n)
H'6:Included U x A

cardinal U x (S n) /\ Approximant U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
x:Ensemble U
H'5:cardinal U x (S n)
H'6:Included U x A

Approximant U A x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
x:Ensemble U
H'5:cardinal U x (S n)
H'6:Included U x A

Finite U x
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A
exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
A, X:Ensemble U
H':~ Finite U A
H'0:cardinal U X n
H'1:Approximant U A X
H'2:Finite U X
H'3:Included U X A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A
apply approximants_grow with (X := X); auto with sets. Qed.

forall A : Ensemble U, Ensemble U -> ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n /\ Approximant U A Y

forall A : Ensemble U, Ensemble U -> ~ Finite U A -> forall n : nat, exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n /\ Approximant U A Y
A, H':Ensemble U
H'0:~ Finite U A

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y 0 /\ Approximant U A Y
A, H':Ensemble U
H'0:~ Finite U A
forall n0 : nat, (exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n0 /\ Approximant U A Y) -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, H':Ensemble U
H'0:~ Finite U A

forall n0 : nat, (exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n0 /\ Approximant U A Y) -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, H':Ensemble U
H'0:~ Finite U A
n, n0:nat
H'1:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n0 /\ Approximant U A Y

forall x : Ensemble U, cardinal U x n0 /\ Approximant U A x -> exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Approximant U A Y
A, H':Ensemble U
H'0:~ Finite U A
n, n0:nat
H'1:exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y n0 /\ Approximant U A Y
x:Ensemble U
H'2:cardinal U x n0 /\ Approximant U A x

exists Y : Ensemble U, cardinal U Y (S n0) /\ Approximant U A Y
apply approximants_grow' with (X := x); tauto. Qed. Variable V : Type.
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V) (X : Ensemble V), Finite V X -> Included V X (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V) (X : Ensemble V), Finite V X -> Included V X (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X

Included V (Empty_set V) (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Empty_set V
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
forall A0 : Ensemble V, Finite V A0 -> (Included V A0 (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0) -> forall x : V, ~ In V A0 x -> Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
H'0:Included V (Empty_set V) (Im U V A f)

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y 0 /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Empty_set V
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
forall A0 : Ensemble V, Finite V A0 -> (Included V A0 (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0) -> forall x : V, ~ In V A0 x -> Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X

forall A0 : Ensemble V, Finite V A0 -> (Included V A0 (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0) -> forall x : V, ~ In V A0 x -> Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'1:Included V A0 (Im U V A f) -> exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)

exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0

forall x0 : Ensemble U, (cardinal U x0 n /\ Included U x0 A) /\ Im U V x0 f = A0 -> exists (n0 : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n0 /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0
x0:Ensemble U
H'1:(cardinal U x0 n /\ Included U x0 A) /\ Im U V x0 f = A0

exists (n0 : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n0 /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0
x0:Ensemble U
H'1:(cardinal U x0 n /\ Included U x0 A) /\ Im U V x0 f = A0

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = A0
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A

~ In V A0 x -> exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V A0 x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A

~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x -> exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:Included V (Add V A0 x) (Im U V A f)
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x1 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x1 -> In V (Im U V A f) x1
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x1 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x1 -> In V (Im U V A f) x1
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x

(In V (Add V A0 x) x -> In V (Im U V A f) x) -> exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x1 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x1 -> In V (Im U V A f) x1
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x1 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x1 -> In V (Im U V A f) x1
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x1 : U, In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

forall x1 : U, In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x -> exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y (S n) /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

(cardinal U (Add U x0 x1) (S n) /\ Included U (Add U x0 x1) A) /\ Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

cardinal U (Add U x0 x1) (S n)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

~ In U x0 x1
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
H'9:In U x0 x1

U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
H'9:In U x0 x1

In V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'9:In U A x1
H'10:f x1 = x

Included U (Add U x0 x1) A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'9:In U A x1
H'10:f x1 = x

forall x2 : U, In U (Add U x0 x1) x2 -> In U A x2
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x3 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x3 -> In V (Im U V A f) x3
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x3 : U, In U A x3 /\ f x3 = x
H'9:In U A x1
H'10:f x1 = x
H'4:In U (Add U x0 x1) x2

forall x3 : U, In U (Singleton U x1) x3 -> In U A x3
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x
Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'4:In U A x1 /\ f x1 = x

Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Finite V X
A0:Ensemble V
H'0:Finite V A0
H'2:~ In V A0 x
H'3:forall x2 : V, In V (Add V A0 x) x2 -> In V (Im U V A f) x2
x0:Ensemble U
H'5:Im U V x0 f = A0
H'6:cardinal U x0 n
H'7:Included U x0 A
H'1:~ In V (Im U V x0 f) x
H'8:In V (Im U V A f) x
H'13:exists x2 : U, In U A x2 /\ f x2 = x
H'9:In U A x1
H'10:f x1 = x

Im U V (Add U x0 x1) f = Add V (Im U V x0 f) (f x1)
apply Im_add; auto with sets. Qed.
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V) (X : Ensemble V), Approximant V (Im U V A f) X -> exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V) (X : Ensemble V), Approximant V (Im U V A f) X -> exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X

exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X

(exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X) -> exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X

forall x : Ensemble U, (cardinal U x n /\ Included U x A) /\ Im U V x f = X -> exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
x:Ensemble U
H'0:(cardinal U x n /\ Included U x A) /\ Im U V x f = X

exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
x:Ensemble U
H'2:Im U V x f = X
H'3:cardinal U x n
H'4:Included U x A

exists Y : Ensemble U, Approximant U A Y /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
x:Ensemble U
H'2:Im U V x f = X
H'3:cardinal U x n
H'4:Included U x A

Approximant U A x /\ Im U V x f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
x:Ensemble U
H'2:Im U V x f = X
H'3:cardinal U x n
H'4:Included U x A

Approximant U A x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
E:exists Y : Ensemble U, (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
x:Ensemble U
H'2:Im U V x f = X
H'3:cardinal U x n
H'4:Included U x A

Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X

exists (n : nat) (Y : Ensemble U), (cardinal U Y n /\ Included U Y A) /\ Im U V Y f = X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X

Finite V X
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X
Included V X (Im U V A f)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
X:Ensemble V
H':Approximant V (Im U V A f) X

Included V X (Im U V A f)
elim H'; auto with sets. Qed.
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V), ~ Finite U A -> Finite V (Im U V A f) -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V), ~ Finite U A -> Finite V (Im U V A f) -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)

~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)

forall x : Ensemble U, Approximant U A x /\ Im U V x f = Im U V A f -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f

~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f

forall x0 : U, In U (Setminus U A x) x0 -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0

In U A x0 -> ~ In U x x0 -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0

~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0

forall x1 : nat, cardinal V (Im U V A f) x1 -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n

~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n

forall x1 : nat, cardinal U x x1 -> ~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

~ injective U V f
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

cardinal U (Add U x x0) (S n0)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
cardinal V (Im U V (Add U x x0) f) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

cardinal V (Im U V (Add U x x0) f) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

cardinal V (Add V (Im U V x f) (f x0)) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

In V (Im U V x f) (f x0) -> cardinal V (Add V (Im U V x f) (f x0)) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
H'8:In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)

cardinal V (Add V (Im U V x f) (f x0)) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
H'8:In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)

cardinal V (Im U V x f) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

In V (Im U V x f) (f x0)
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0
n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

n < S n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

n <= n0
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
E0:cardinal U x n0

cardinal V (Im U V x f) n
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n
Finite U x
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:~ Finite U A
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
x:Ensemble U
H'3:Approximant U A x
H'4:Im U V x f = Im U V A f
H'2:In U (Setminus U A x) x0
H'5:In U A x0
H'6:~ In U x x0
E:cardinal V (Im U V A f) n

Finite U x
elim H'3; auto with sets. Qed.
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V), nat -> injective U V f -> Finite V (Im U V A f) -> Finite U A
U, V:Type

forall (A : Ensemble U) (f : U -> V), nat -> injective U V f -> Finite V (Im U V A f) -> Finite U A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:injective U V f
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)

Finite U A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:injective U V f
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)

~ ~ Finite U A
U, V:Type
A:Ensemble U
f:U -> V
H'0:injective U V f
H'1:Finite V (Im U V A f)
H'2:~ Finite U A

elim (Pigeonhole_bis A f); auto with sets. Qed. End Infinite_sets.