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Sets as characteristic functions
(* G. Huet 1-9-95 *)
(* Updated Papageno 12/98 *)

Require Import Bool Permut.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section defs.

Variable A : Set.
Variable eqA : A -> A -> Prop.
Hypothesis eqA_dec : forall x y:A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}.

Inductive uniset : Set :=
    Charac : (A -> bool) -> uniset.

Definition charac (s:uniset) (a:A) : bool := let (f) := s in f a.

Definition Emptyset := Charac (fun a:A => false).

Definition Fullset := Charac (fun a:A => true).

Definition Singleton (a:A) :=
    (fun a':A =>
       match eqA_dec a a' with
       | left h => true
       | right h => false

Definition In (s:uniset) (a:A) : Prop := charac s a = true.
Hint Unfold In : core.
uniset inclusion
Definition incl (s1 s2:uniset) := forall a:A, leb (charac s1 a) (charac s2 a).
Hint Unfold incl : core.
uniset equality
Definition seq (s1 s2:uniset) := forall a:A, charac s1 a = charac s2 a.
Hint Unfold seq : core.

eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall b : bool, leb b b
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall b : bool, leb b b
destruct b; simpl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve leb_refl : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall s1 s2 : uniset, seq s1 s2 -> incl s1 s2
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall s1 s2 : uniset, seq s1 s2 -> incl s1 s2
unfold incl; intros s1 s2 E a; elim (E a); auto. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall s1 s2 : uniset, seq s1 s2 -> incl s2 s1
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall s1 s2 : uniset, seq s1 s2 -> incl s2 s1
unfold incl; intros s1 s2 E a; elim (E a); auto. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x x
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x x
destruct x; unfold seq; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve seq_refl : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq y z -> seq x z
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq y z -> seq x z
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, (forall a : A, charac x a = charac y a) -> (forall a : A, charac y a = charac z a) -> forall a : A, charac x a = charac z a
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}
b, b0, b1:A -> bool
H:forall a0 : A, b a0 = b0 a0
H0:forall a0 : A, b0 a0 = b1 a0

b a = b1 a
rewrite H; auto. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y : uniset, seq x y -> seq y x
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y : uniset, seq x y -> seq y x
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y : uniset, (forall a : A, charac x a = charac y a) -> forall a : A, charac y a = charac x a
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto. Qed.
uniset union
Definition union (m1 m2:uniset) :=
  Charac (fun a:A => orb (charac m1 a) (charac m2 a)).

eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x (union Emptyset x)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x (union Emptyset x)
unfold seq; unfold union; simpl; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve union_empty_left : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x (union x Emptyset)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x : uniset, seq x (union x Emptyset)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall (x : uniset) (a : A), charac x a = charac x a || false
intros x a; rewrite (orb_b_false (charac x a)); auto. Qed. Hint Resolve union_empty_right : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y : uniset, seq (union x y) (union y x)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y : uniset, seq (union x y) (union y x)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall (x y : uniset) (a : A), charac x a || charac y a = charac y a || charac x a
destruct x; destruct y; auto with bool. Qed. Hint Resolve union_comm : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union (union x y) z) (union x (union y z))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union (union x y) z) (union x (union y z))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall (x y z : uniset) (a : A), (let (f) := x in f a) || (let (f) := y in f a) || (let (f) := z in f a) = (let (f) := x in f a) || ((let (f) := y in f a) || (let (f) := z in f a))
destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; auto with bool. Qed. Hint Resolve union_ass : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq (union x z) (union y z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq (union x z) (union y z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, (forall a : A, (let (f) := x in f a) = (let (f) := y in f a)) -> forall a : A, (let (f) := x in f a) || (let (f) := z in f a) = (let (f) := y in f a) || (let (f) := z in f a)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}
b, b0, b1:A -> bool

(forall a : A, b a = b0 a) -> forall a : A, b a || b1 a = b0 a || b1 a
intros; elim H; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve seq_left : core.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq (union z x) (union z y)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq x y -> seq (union z x) (union z y)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, (forall a : A, (let (f) := x in f a) = (let (f) := y in f a)) -> forall a : A, (let (f) := z in f a) || (let (f) := x in f a) = (let (f) := z in f a) || (let (f) := y in f a)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}
b, b0, b1:A -> bool

(forall a : A, b a = b0 a) -> forall a : A, b1 a || b a = b1 a || b0 a
intros; elim H; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve seq_right : core.
All the proofs that follow duplicate Multiset_of_A
Here we should make uniset an abstract datatype, by hiding Charac, union, charac; all further properties are proved abstractly
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union x (union y z)) (union z (union x y))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union x (union y z)) (union z (union x y))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z:uniset

forall x0 y0 z0 : uniset, seq x0 y0 -> seq y0 z0 -> seq x0 z0
exact seq_trans. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq x y -> seq z t -> seq (union x z) (union y t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq x y -> seq z t -> seq (union x z) (union y t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset
H:seq x y
H0:seq z t

forall x0 y0 z0 : uniset, seq x0 y0 -> seq y0 z0 -> seq x0 z0
exact seq_trans. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union x (union y z)) (union y (union x z))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z : uniset, seq (union x (union y z)) (union y (union x z))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z:uniset

forall x0 y0 z0 : uniset, seq x0 y0 -> seq y0 z0 -> seq x0 z0
exact seq_trans. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset

forall x0 y0 z0 : uniset, seq x0 y0 -> seq y0 z0 -> seq x0 z0
exact seq_trans. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t : uniset, seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset

seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union x (union y z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset
seq (union (union x (union y z)) t) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset

seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union x (union y z)) t)
apply seq_sym; apply union_ass.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t:uniset

seq (union (union x (union y z)) t) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
apply seq_left; apply union_perm_left. Qed.
specific for treesort
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t u : uniset, seq u (union y z) -> seq (union x (union u t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t u : uniset, seq u (union y z) -> seq (union x (union u t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union u t)) (union x (union (union y z) t))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)
seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union u t)) (union x (union (union y z) t))
apply seq_right; apply seq_left; trivial.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x t)) z)
apply uniset_twist1. Qed.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t u : uniset, seq u (union y z) -> seq (union x (union u t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x y : A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}

forall x y z t u : uniset, seq u (union y z) -> seq (union x (union u t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union u t)) (union x (union (union y z) t))
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)
seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union u t)) (union x (union (union y z) t))
apply seq_right; apply seq_left; trivial.
eqA:A -> A -> Prop
eqA_dec:forall x0 y0 : A, {eqA x0 y0} + {~ eqA x0 y0}
x, y, z, t, u:uniset
H:seq u (union y z)

seq (union x (union (union y z) t)) (union (union y (union x z)) t)
apply uniset_twist2. Qed. (*i theory of minter to do similarly Require Min. (* uniset intersection *) Definition minter := [m1,m2:uniset] (Charac [a:A](andb (charac m1 a)(charac m2 a))). i*) End defs. Unset Implicit Arguments.