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Require Export Relations Morphisms Setoid Equalities.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Ordered types

First, signatures with only the order relations
Module Type HasLt (Import T:Typ).
  Parameter Inline(40) lt : t -> t -> Prop.
End HasLt.

Module Type HasLe (Import T:Typ).
  Parameter Inline(40) le : t -> t -> Prop.
End HasLe.

Module Type EqLt := Typ <+ HasEq <+ HasLt.
Module Type EqLe := Typ <+ HasEq <+ HasLe.
Module Type EqLtLe := Typ <+ HasEq <+ HasLt <+ HasLe.
Versions with nice notations
Module Type LtNotation (E:EqLt).
  Infix "<" := E.lt.
  Notation "x > y" := (y<x) (only parsing).
  Notation "x < y < z" := (x<y /\ y<z).
End LtNotation.

Module Type LeNotation (E:EqLe).
  Infix "<=" := E.le.
  Notation "x >= y" := (y<=x) (only parsing).
  Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x<=y /\ y<=z).
End LeNotation.

Module Type LtLeNotation (E:EqLtLe).
  Include LtNotation E <+ LeNotation E.
  Notation "x <= y < z" := (x<=y /\ y<z).
  Notation "x < y <= z" := (x<y /\ y<=z).
End LtLeNotation.

Module Type EqLtNotation (E:EqLt) := EqNotation E <+ LtNotation E.
Module Type EqLeNotation (E:EqLe) := EqNotation E <+ LeNotation E.
Module Type EqLtLeNotation (E:EqLtLe) := EqNotation E <+ LtLeNotation E.

Module Type EqLt' := EqLt <+ EqLtNotation.
Module Type EqLe' := EqLe <+ EqLeNotation.
Module Type EqLtLe' := EqLtLe <+ EqLtLeNotation.
Versions with logical specifications
Module Type IsStrOrder (Import E:EqLt).
  Declare Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
  Declare Instance lt_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) lt.
End IsStrOrder.

Module Type LeIsLtEq (Import E:EqLtLe').
  Axiom le_lteq : forall x y, x<=y <-> x<y \/ x==y.
End LeIsLtEq.

Module Type StrOrder := EqualityType <+ HasLt <+ IsStrOrder.
Module Type StrOrder' := StrOrder <+ EqLtNotation.
Versions with a decidable ternary comparison
Module Type HasCmp (Import T:Typ).
  Parameter Inline compare : t -> t -> comparison.
End HasCmp.

Module Type CmpNotation (T:Typ)(C:HasCmp T).
  Infix "?=" := C.compare (at level 70, no associativity).
End CmpNotation.

Module Type CmpSpec (Import E:EqLt')(Import C:HasCmp E).
  Axiom compare_spec : forall x y, CompareSpec (x==y) (x<y) (y<x) (compare x y).
End CmpSpec.

Module Type HasCompare (E:EqLt) := HasCmp E <+ CmpSpec E.

Module Type DecStrOrder := StrOrder <+ HasCompare.
Module Type DecStrOrder' := DecStrOrder <+ EqLtNotation <+ CmpNotation.

Module Type OrderedType <: DecidableType := DecStrOrder <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type OrderedType' := OrderedType <+ EqLtNotation <+ CmpNotation.

Module Type OrderedTypeFull := OrderedType <+ HasLe <+ LeIsLtEq.
Module Type OrderedTypeFull' :=
 OrderedTypeFull <+ EqLtLeNotation <+ CmpNotation.
NB: in OrderedType, an eq_dec could be deduced from compare. But adding this redundant field allows seeing an OrderedType as a DecidableType.

Versions with eq being the usual Leibniz equality of Coq

Module Type UsualStrOrder := UsualEqualityType <+ HasLt <+ IsStrOrder.
Module Type UsualDecStrOrder := UsualStrOrder <+ HasCompare.
Module Type UsualOrderedType <: UsualDecidableType <: OrderedType
 := UsualDecStrOrder <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type UsualOrderedTypeFull := UsualOrderedType <+ HasLe <+ LeIsLtEq.
NB: in UsualOrderedType, the field lt_compat is useless since eq is Leibniz, but it should be there for subtyping.
Module Type UsualStrOrder' := UsualStrOrder <+ LtNotation.
Module Type UsualDecStrOrder' := UsualDecStrOrder <+ LtNotation.
Module Type UsualOrderedType' := UsualOrderedType <+ LtNotation.
Module Type UsualOrderedTypeFull' := UsualOrderedTypeFull <+ LtLeNotation.

Purely logical versions

Module Type LtIsTotal (Import E:EqLt').
  Axiom lt_total : forall x y, x<y \/ x==y \/ y<x.
End LtIsTotal.

Module Type TotalOrder := StrOrder <+ HasLe <+ LeIsLtEq <+ LtIsTotal.
Module Type UsualTotalOrder <: TotalOrder
 := UsualStrOrder <+ HasLe <+ LeIsLtEq <+ LtIsTotal.

Module Type TotalOrder' := TotalOrder <+ EqLtLeNotation.
Module Type UsualTotalOrder' := UsualTotalOrder <+ LtLeNotation.


From compare to eqb, and then eq_dec
Module Compare2EqBool (Import O:DecStrOrder') <: HasEqBool O.

 Definition eqb x y :=
   match compare x y with Eq => true | _ => false end.


forall x y : t, eqb x y = true <-> x == y

forall x y : t, eqb x y = true <-> x == y

forall x y : t, match x ?= y with | Eq => true | _ => false end = true <-> x == y
x, y:t

match x ?= y with | Eq => true | _ => false end = true <-> x == y
x, y:t
H:x < y

x == y -> false = true
x, y:t
H:y < x
x == y -> false = true
x, y:t
H:x < y

x == y -> false = true
intros EQ; rewrite EQ in H; elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive _ H).
x, y:t
H:y < x

x == y -> false = true
intros EQ; rewrite EQ in H; elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive _ H). Qed. End Compare2EqBool. Module DSO_to_OT (O:DecStrOrder) <: OrderedType := O <+ Compare2EqBool <+ HasEqBool2Dec.
From OrderedType To OrderedTypeFull (adding )
Module OT_to_Full (O:OrderedType') <: OrderedTypeFull.
 Include O.
 Definition le x y := x<y \/ x==y.

forall x y : t, le x y <-> x < y \/ x == y

forall x y : t, le x y <-> x < y \/ x == y
unfold le; split; auto. Qed. End OT_to_Full.
From computational to logical versions
Module OTF_LtIsTotal (Import O:OrderedTypeFull') <: LtIsTotal O.

forall x y : t, x < y \/ x == y \/ y < x

forall x y : t, x < y \/ x == y \/ y < x
intros; destruct (compare_spec x y); auto. Qed. End OTF_LtIsTotal. Module OTF_to_TotalOrder (O:OrderedTypeFull) <: TotalOrder := O <+ OTF_LtIsTotal.

Versions with boolean comparisons

This style is used in Mergesort
For stating properties like transitivity of leb, we coerce bool into Prop.
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Hint Unfold is_true : core.

Module Type HasLeb (Import T:Typ).
 Parameter Inline leb : t -> t -> bool.
End HasLeb.

Module Type HasLtb (Import T:Typ).
 Parameter Inline ltb : t -> t -> bool.
End HasLtb.

Module Type LebNotation (T:Typ)(E:HasLeb T).
 Infix "<=?" := E.leb (at level 35).
End LebNotation.

Module Type LtbNotation (T:Typ)(E:HasLtb T).
 Infix "<?" := E.ltb (at level 35).
End LtbNotation.

Module Type LebSpec (T:Typ)(X:HasLe T)(Y:HasLeb T).
 Parameter leb_le : forall x y, Y.leb x y = true <-> X.le x y.
End LebSpec.

Module Type LtbSpec (T:Typ)(X:HasLt T)(Y:HasLtb T).
 Parameter ltb_lt : forall x y, Y.ltb x y = true <-> X.lt x y.
End LtbSpec.

Module Type LeBool := Typ <+ HasLeb.
Module Type LtBool := Typ <+ HasLtb.
Module Type LeBool' := LeBool <+ LebNotation.
Module Type LtBool' := LtBool <+ LtbNotation.

Module Type LebIsTotal (Import X:LeBool').
 Axiom leb_total : forall x y, (x <=? y) = true \/ (y <=? x) = true.
End LebIsTotal.

Module Type TotalLeBool := LeBool <+ LebIsTotal.
Module Type TotalLeBool' := LeBool' <+ LebIsTotal.

Module Type LebIsTransitive (Import X:LeBool').
 Axiom leb_trans : Transitive X.leb.
End LebIsTransitive.

Module Type TotalTransitiveLeBool := TotalLeBool <+ LebIsTransitive.
Module Type TotalTransitiveLeBool' := TotalLeBool' <+ LebIsTransitive.
Grouping all boolean comparison functions
Module Type HasBoolOrdFuns (T:Typ) := HasEqb T <+ HasLtb T <+ HasLeb T.

Module Type HasBoolOrdFuns' (T:Typ) :=
 HasBoolOrdFuns T <+ EqbNotation T <+ LtbNotation T <+ LebNotation T.

Module Type BoolOrdSpecs (O:EqLtLe)(F:HasBoolOrdFuns O) :=
 EqbSpec O O F <+ LtbSpec O O F <+ LebSpec O O F.

Module Type OrderFunctions (E:EqLtLe) :=
  HasCompare E <+ HasBoolOrdFuns E <+ BoolOrdSpecs E.
Module Type OrderFunctions' (E:EqLtLe) :=
  HasCompare E <+ CmpNotation E <+ HasBoolOrdFuns' E <+ BoolOrdSpecs E.

From OrderedTypeFull to TotalTransitiveLeBool

Module OTF_to_TTLB (Import O : OrderedTypeFull') <: TotalTransitiveLeBool.

 Definition leb x y :=
  match compare x y with Gt => false | _ => true end.


forall x y : t, leb x y <-> x <= y

forall x y : t, leb x y <-> x <= y
x, y:t

leb x y <-> x <= y
x, y:t

match x ?= y with | Gt => false | _ => true end <-> x <= y
x, y:t

match x ?= y with | Gt => false | _ => true end <-> x < y \/ x == y
x, y:t
GT:y < x

false -> x < y \/ x == y
x, y:t
GT:y < x
x < y \/ x == y -> false
x, y:t
GT:y < x

false -> x < y \/ x == y
x, y:t
GT:y < x

x < y \/ x == y -> false
x, y:t
GT:y < x
LE:x < y \/ x == y

is_true false
x, y:t
GT:y < x
LE:x < y \/ x == y

x < x
x, y:t
GT:y < x
LT:x < y

x < x
x, y:t
GT:y < x
EQ:x == y
x < x
x, y:t
GT:y < x
LT:x < y

x < x
now transitivity y.
x, y:t
GT:y < x
EQ:x == y

x < x
now rewrite <- EQ in GT. Qed.

forall x y : t, leb x y \/ leb y x

forall x y : t, leb x y \/ leb y x
x, y:t

leb x y \/ leb y x
x, y:t

x <= y \/ y <= x
x, y:t

(x < y \/ x == y) \/ y < x \/ y == x
destruct (compare_spec x y); intuition. Qed.

Transitive (fun x y : t => leb x y)

Transitive (fun x y : t => leb x y)
x, y, z:t

leb x y -> leb y z -> leb x z
x, y, z:t

x < y \/ x == y -> y < z \/ y == z -> x < z \/ x == z
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x < y
Hyz:y < z

x < z \/ x == z
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x < y
Hyz:y == z
x < z \/ x == z
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x == y
Hyz:y < z
x < z \/ x == z
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x == y
Hyz:y == z
x < z \/ x == z
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x < y
Hyz:y < z

x < z \/ x == z
left; transitivity y; auto.
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x < y
Hyz:y == z

x < z \/ x == z
left; rewrite <- Hyz; auto.
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x == y
Hyz:y < z

x < z \/ x == z
left; rewrite Hxy; auto.
x, y, z:t
Hxy:x == y
Hyz:y == z

x < z \/ x == z
right; transitivity y; auto. Qed. Definition t := t. End OTF_to_TTLB.

From TotalTransitiveLeBool to OrderedTypeFull

le is leb ... = true. eq is le swap le. lt is le ¬swap le.
Local Open Scope bool_scope.

Module TTLB_to_OTF (Import O : TotalTransitiveLeBool') <: OrderedTypeFull.

 Definition t := t.

 Definition le x y : Prop := x <=? y.
 Definition eq x y : Prop := le x y /\ le y x.
 Definition lt x y : Prop := le x y /\ ~le y x.

 Definition compare x y :=
  if x <=? y then (if y <=? x then Eq else Lt) else Gt.


forall x y : O.t, CompSpec eq lt x y (compare x y)

forall x y : O.t, CompSpec eq lt x y (compare x y)
x, y:O.t

CompSpec eq lt x y (compare x y)
x, y:O.t

CompSpec eq lt x y (if x <=? y then if y <=? x then Eq else Lt else Gt)
x, y:O.t

x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y (if y <=? x then Eq else Lt)
x, y:O.t
x <=? y = false -> CompSpec eq lt x y Gt
x, y:O.t

x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y (if y <=? x then Eq else Lt)
x, y:O.t

y <=? x = true -> x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y Eq
x, y:O.t
y <=? x = false -> x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y Lt
x, y:O.t

y <=? x = true -> x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y Eq
x, y:O.t
H:y <=? x = true
H0:x <=? y = true

eq x y
split; auto.
x, y:O.t

y <=? x = false -> x <=? y = true -> CompSpec eq lt x y Lt
x, y:O.t
H:y <=? x = false
H0:x <=? y = true

lt x y
split; congruence.
x, y:O.t

x <=? y = false -> CompSpec eq lt x y Gt
x, y:O.t
H:x <=? y = false

lt y x
destruct (leb_total x y); split; congruence. Qed. Definition eqb x y := (x <=? y) && (y <=? x).

forall x y : O.t, eqb x y <-> eq x y

forall x y : O.t, eqb x y <-> eq x y
x, y:O.t

eqb x y <-> eq x y
x, y:O.t

x <=? y && y <=? x <-> x <=? y /\ y <=? x
case leb; simpl; intuition; discriminate. Qed. Include HasEqBool2Dec.

Equivalence eq

Equivalence eq

Reflexive eq

Symmetric eq

Transitive eq

Reflexive eq

x <=? x /\ x <=? x
destruct (leb_total x x); auto.

Symmetric eq
x, y:O.t

x <=? y /\ y <=? x -> y <=? x /\ x <=? y

Transitive eq
x, y, z:O.t

x <=? y /\ y <=? x -> y <=? z /\ z <=? y -> x <=? z /\ z <=? x
intuition; apply leb_trans with y; auto. Qed.

StrictOrder lt

StrictOrder lt

Irreflexive lt

Transitive lt

Irreflexive lt

complement lt x x
unfold lt; red; intuition.

Transitive lt
x, y, z:O.t

x <=? y /\ ~ y <=? x -> y <=? z /\ ~ z <=? y -> x <=? z /\ ~ z <=? x
x, y, z:O.t
H1:is_true (x <=? y)
H2:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y <=? z)
H3:z <=? y -> False

is_true (x <=? z)
x, y, z:O.t
H1:is_true (x <=? y)
H2:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y <=? z)
H3:z <=? y -> False
H0:is_true (z <=? x)
x, y, z:O.t
H1:is_true (x <=? y)
H2:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y <=? z)
H3:z <=? y -> False

is_true (x <=? z)
apply leb_trans with y; auto.
x, y, z:O.t
H1:is_true (x <=? y)
H2:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y <=? z)
H3:z <=? y -> False
H0:is_true (z <=? x)

x, y, z:O.t
H1:is_true (x <=? y)
H2:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y <=? z)
H3:z <=? y -> False
H0:is_true (z <=? x)

is_true (z <=? y)
apply leb_trans with x; auto. Qed.

Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) lt

Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) lt

Proper (eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl) lt
x, x':O.t
Hx:eq x x'
y, y':O.t
Hy':eq y y'
H:lt x y

lt x' y'
x, x':O.t
Hx:x <=? x' /\ x' <=? x
y, y':O.t
Hy':y <=? y' /\ y' <=? y
H:x <=? y /\ ~ y <=? x

x' <=? y' /\ ~ y' <=? x'
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False

is_true (x' <=? y')
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y' <=? x')
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False

is_true (x' <=? y')
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False

is_true (x <=? y')
apply leb_trans with y; auto.
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y' <=? x')

x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y' <=? x')

is_true (y <=? x)
x, x', y, y':O.t
H0:is_true (x <=? x')
H1:is_true (x' <=? x)
H2:is_true (y <=? y')
H3:is_true (y' <=? y)
H4:is_true (x <=? y)
H5:y <=? x -> False
H:is_true (y' <=? x')

is_true (y <=? x')
apply leb_trans with y'; auto. Qed.

forall x y : O.t, le x y <-> lt x y \/ eq x y

forall x y : O.t, le x y <-> lt x y \/ eq x y
x, y:O.t

le x y <-> lt x y \/ eq x y
x, y:O.t

x <=? y <-> x <=? y /\ ~ y <=? x \/ x <=? y /\ y <=? x
x, y:O.t

x <=? y -> x <=? y /\ ~ y <=? x \/ x <=? y /\ y <=? x
x, y:O.t
LE:is_true (x <=? y)

x <=? y /\ ~ y <=? x \/ x <=? y /\ y <=? x
case_eq (y <=? x); [right|left]; intuition; try discriminate. Qed. End TTLB_to_OTF.