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Require Import BinInt.
Require Import Zeven.
Require Import Zorder.
Require Import Zcompare.
Require Import ZArith_dec.
Require Import Sumbool.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Boolean operations from decidability of order

The decidability of equality and order relations over type Z gives some boolean functions with the adequate specification.
Definition Z_lt_ge_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z_lt_ge_dec x y).
Definition Z_ge_lt_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z_ge_lt_dec x y).

Definition Z_le_gt_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z_le_gt_dec x y).
Definition Z_gt_le_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z_gt_le_dec x y).

Definition Z_eq_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z.eq_dec x y).
Definition Z_noteq_bool (x y:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Z_noteq_dec x y).

Definition Zeven_odd_bool (x:Z) := bool_of_sumbool (Zeven_odd_dec x).


Boolean comparisons of binary integers

Notation Zle_bool := Z.leb (only parsing).
Notation Zge_bool := Z.geb (only parsing).
Notation Zlt_bool := Z.ltb (only parsing).
Notation Zgt_bool := Z.gtb (only parsing).
We now provide a direct Z.eqb that doesn't refer to Z.compare. The old Zeq_bool is kept for compatibility.
Definition Zeq_bool (x y:Z) :=
  match x ?= y with
    | Eq => true
    | _ => false

Definition Zneq_bool (x y:Z) :=
  match x ?= y with
    | Eq => false
    | _ => true
Properties in term of if ... then ... else ...
n, m:Z

if n <=? m then n <= m else n > m
n, m:Z

if n <=? m then n <= m else n > m
case Z.leb_spec; now Z.swap_greater. Qed.
n, m:Z

if n <? m then n < m else n >= m
n, m:Z

if n <? m then n < m else n >= m
case Z.ltb_spec; now Z.swap_greater. Qed.
n, m:Z

if n >=? m then n >= m else n < m
n, m:Z

if n >=? m then n >= m else n < m
n, m:Z

if m <=? n then n >= m else n < m
case Z.leb_spec; now Z.swap_greater. Qed.
n, m:Z

if n >? m then n > m else n <= m
n, m:Z

if n >? m then n > m else n <= m
n, m:Z

if m <? n then n > m else n <= m
case Z.ltb_spec; now Z.swap_greater. Qed.
Lemmas on Z.leb used in contrib/graphs
n, m:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> n <= m
n, m:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> n <= m
apply Z.leb_le. Qed.
n, m:Z

n <= m -> (n <=? m) = true
n, m:Z

n <= m -> (n <=? m) = true
apply Z.leb_le. Qed. Notation Zle_bool_refl := Z.leb_refl (only parsing).
n, m:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (m <=? n) = true -> n = m
n, m:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (m <=? n) = true -> n = m
n, m:Z

n <= m -> m <= n -> n = m
apply Z.le_antisymm. Qed.
n, m, p:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (m <=? p) = true -> (n <=? p) = true
n, m, p:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (m <=? p) = true -> (n <=? p) = true
n, m, p:Z

n <= m -> m <= p -> n <= p
apply Z.le_trans. Qed.
x, y:Z

{(x <=? y) = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
x, y:Z

{(x <=? y) = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
x, y:Z
H:(x <=? y) = true

{true = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
x, y:Z
H:(x <=? y) = false
{false = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
x, y:Z
H:(x <=? y) = true

{true = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
left; trivial.
x, y:Z
H:(x <=? y) = false

{false = true} + {(y <=? x) = true}
x, y:Z
H:(x <=? y) = false

(y <=? x) = true
x, y:Z
H:y < x

(y <=? x) = true
now apply Z.leb_le, Z.lt_le_incl. Defined.
n, m, p, q:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (p <=? q) = true -> (n + p <=? m + q) = true
n, m, p, q:Z

(n <=? m) = true -> (p <=? q) = true -> (n + p <=? m + q) = true
n, m, p, q:Z

n <= m -> p <= q -> n + p <= m + q
apply Z.add_le_mono. Qed.

(1 <=? 0) = false

(1 <=? 0) = false
reflexivity. Qed.

(n <=? 0) = false -> (1 <=? n) = true

(n <=? 0) = false -> (1 <=? n) = true

0 < n -> 1 <= n
apply Z.le_succ_l. Qed.
Properties in term of iff
n, m:Z

n <= m <-> (n <=? m) = true
n, m:Z

n <= m <-> (n <=? m) = true
n, m:Z

(n <=? m) = true <-> n <= m
apply Z.leb_le. Qed.
n, m:Z

n >= m <-> (m <=? n) = true
n, m:Z

n >= m <-> (m <=? n) = true
n, m:Z

m <= n <-> (m <=? n) = true
n, m:Z

(m <=? n) = true <-> m <= n
apply Z.leb_le. Qed.
n, m:Z

n < m <-> (n <? m) = true
n, m:Z

n < m <-> (n <? m) = true
n, m:Z

(n <? m) = true <-> n < m
apply Z.ltb_lt. Qed.
n, m:Z

n > m <-> (n >? m) = true
n, m:Z

n > m <-> (n >? m) = true
n, m:Z

m < n <-> (n >? m) = true
n, m:Z

m < n <-> (m <? n) = true
n, m:Z

(m <? n) = true <-> m < n
apply Z.ltb_lt. Qed.
n, m:Z

n < m <-> (n <=? m - 1) = true
n, m:Z

n < m <-> (n <=? m - 1) = true
n, m:Z

n < m <-> n <= m - 1
apply Z.lt_le_pred. Qed.
n, m:Z

n > m <-> (m <=? n - 1) = true
n, m:Z

n > m <-> (m <=? n - 1) = true
n, m:Z

m < n <-> (m <=? n - 1) = true
n, m:Z

m < n <-> m <= n - 1
apply Z.lt_le_pred. Qed.
Properties of the deprecated Zeq_bool
x, y:Z

x = y <-> Zeq_bool x y = true
x, y:Z

x = y <-> Zeq_bool x y = true
x, y:Z

x = y <-> match x ?= y with | Eq => true | _ => false end = true
x, y:Z

(x ?= y) = Eq <-> match x ?= y with | Eq => true | _ => false end = true
destruct Z.compare; now split. Qed.
x, y:Z

Zeq_bool x y = true -> x = y
x, y:Z

Zeq_bool x y = true -> x = y
apply Zeq_is_eq_bool. Qed.
x, y:Z

Zeq_bool x y = false -> x <> y
x, y:Z

Zeq_bool x y = false -> x <> y
rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool; now destruct Zeq_bool. Qed.
x, y:Z

if Zeq_bool x y then x = y else x <> y
x, y:Z

if Zeq_bool x y then x = y else x <> y
x, y:Z

(Zeq_bool x y = true -> x = y) -> (Zeq_bool x y = false -> x <> y) -> if Zeq_bool x y then x = y else x <> y
destruct Zeq_bool; auto. Qed.