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Binary Integers : results about Z.compare
Initial author: Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France
It is now almost entirely made of compatibility formulations
for results already present in BinInt.Z.
Require Export BinPos BinInt. Require Import Lt Gt Plus Mult. (* Useless now, for compatibility only *) Local Open Scope Z_scope. (***************************)
Proof Z.gt_lt_iff.forall n m : Z, (n ?= m) = Gt <-> (m ?= n) = LtProof eq_sym (Z.compare_antisym n m).n, m:ZCompOpp (n ?= m) = (m ?= n)
Proof Z.lt_trans.forall n m p : Z, (n ?= m) = Lt -> (m ?= p) = Lt -> (n ?= p) = Ltforall n m p : Z, (n ?= m) = Gt -> (m ?= p) = Gt -> (n ?= p) = Gtforall n m p : Z, (n ?= m) = Gt -> (m ?= p) = Gt -> (n ?= p) = Gtn, m, p:Z(n ?= m) = Gt -> (m ?= p) = Gt -> (n ?= p) = Gtn, m, p:Zn > m -> m > p -> n > pn, m, p:Zm < n -> p < m -> p < nnow transitivity m. Qed.n, m, p:ZH:m < nH0:p < mp < n
n, m:Z(n ?= m) = (- m ?= - n)n, m:Z(n ?= m) = (- m ?= - n)apply Z.compare_opp. Qed.n, m:Z(- m ?= - n) = (n ?= m)
n, m:Z(n ?= m) = Gt -> exists h : positive, n + - m = Z.pos hn, m:Z(n ?= m) = Gt -> exists h : positive, n + - m = Z.pos hn, m:Z(n - m ?= 0) = Gt -> exists h : positive, n + - m = Z.pos hn, m:Z(n + - m ?= 0) = Gt -> exists h : positive, n + - m = Z.pos hnow exists p. Qed.n, m:Zp:positive(Z.pos p ?= 0) = Gt -> exists h : positive, Z.pos p = Z.pos h
n, m, p:Z(p + n ?= p + m) = (n ?= m)apply Z.add_compare_mono_l. Qed.n, m, p:Z(p + n ?= p + m) = (n ?= m)r:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n ?= m) = r -> (p ?= q) = r -> (n + p ?= m + q) = rr:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n ?= m) = r -> (p ?= q) = r -> (n + p ?= m + q) = rr:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n - m ?= 0) = r -> (p - q ?= 0) = r -> (n + p - (m + q) ?= 0) = rr:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n + - m ?= 0) = r -> (p + - q ?= 0) = r -> (n + p + - (m + q) ?= 0) = rr:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n + - m ?= 0) = r -> (p + - q ?= 0) = r -> (n + p + (- m + - q) ?= 0) = rdestruct (n+-m), (p+-q); simpl; intros; now subst. Qed.r:comparisonn, m, p, q:Z(n + - m ?= 0) = r -> (p + - q ?= 0) = r -> (n + - m + (p + - q) ?= 0) = rn:Z(Z.succ n ?= n) = Gtn:Z(Z.succ n ?= n) = Gtapply Z.lt_succ_diag_r. Qed.n:Zn < Z.succ nn, m:Z(n ?= m) = Gt <-> (n ?= m + 1) <> Ltn, m:Z(n ?= m) = Gt <-> (n ?= m + 1) <> Ltn, m:Zn > m <-> n >= m + 1n, m:Zm < n <-> m + 1 <= napply Z.le_succ_l. Qed.n, m:Zm + 1 <= n <-> m < n
n, m:Z(Z.succ n ?= Z.succ m) = (n ?= m)n, m:Z(Z.succ n ?= Z.succ m) = (n ?= m)apply Z.add_compare_mono_l. Qed.n, m:Z(1 + n ?= 1 + m) = (n ?= m)
forall (p : positive) (n m : Z), (Z.pos p * n ?= Z.pos p * m) = (n ?= m)intros p [|n|n] [|m|m]; simpl; trivial; now rewrite Pos.mul_compare_mono_l. Qed.forall (p : positive) (n m : Z), (Z.pos p * n ?= Z.pos p * m) = (n ?= m)n, m, p:Zp > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (p * n ?= p * m)n, m, p:Zp > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (p * n ?= p * m)n, m:Zp:positiveH:Z.pos p > 0(n ?= m) = (Z.pos p * n ?= Z.pos p * m)apply Zcompare_mult_compat. Qed.n, m:Zp:positiveH:Z.pos p > 0(Z.pos p * n ?= Z.pos p * m) = (n ?= m)n, m, p:Zp > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (n * p ?= m * p)intros; rewrite 2 (Z.mul_comm _ p); now apply Zmult_compare_compat_l. Qed.n, m, p:Zp > 0 -> (n ?= m) = (n * p ?= m * p)
forall (c1 c2 c3 : Prop) (n m : Z), (n = m -> c1) -> (n < m -> c2) -> (n > m -> c3) -> match n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endforall (c1 c2 c3 : Prop) (n m : Z), (n = m -> c1) -> (n < m -> c2) -> (n > m -> c3) -> match n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endc1, c2, c3:Propn, m:ZH:n = m -> c1H0:n < m -> c2H1:n > m -> c3match n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endnow Z.swap_greater. Qed.c1, c2, c3:Propn, m:ZH:n = m -> c1H0:n < m -> c2H1:n > m -> c3m < n -> c3forall (c1 c2 c3 : Prop) (n m : Z), c1 -> n = m -> match n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endforall (c1 c2 c3 : Prop) (n m : Z), c1 -> n = m -> match n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endc1, c2, c3:Propn, m:ZH:c1H0:n = mmatch n ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endnow rewrite Z.compare_refl. Qed.c1, c2, c3:Propm:ZH:c1match m ?= m with | Eq => c1 | Lt => c2 | Gt => c3 endforall n m : Z, n <= m -> match n ?= m with | Gt => False | _ => True endforall n m : Z, n <= m -> match n ?= m with | Gt => False | _ => True endcase Z.compare_spec; trivial; Z.order. Qed.n, m:ZH:n <= mmatch n ?= m with | Gt => False | _ => True endforall n m : Z, n < m -> match n ?= m with | Lt => True | _ => False endintros x y H; now rewrite H. Qed.forall n m : Z, n < m -> match n ?= m with | Lt => True | _ => False endforall n m : Z, n >= m -> match n ?= m with | Lt => False | _ => True endforall n m : Z, n >= m -> match n ?= m with | Lt => False | _ => True endnow case Z.compare_spec. Qed.n, m:ZH:n >= mmatch n ?= m with | Lt => False | _ => True endforall n m : Z, n > m -> match n ?= m with | Gt => True | _ => False endintros x y H; now rewrite H. Qed.forall n m : Z, n > m -> match n ?= m with | Gt => True | _ => False end
Compatibility notations
Notation Zcompare_Eq_eq := Z.compare_eq (only parsing). Notation Zcompare_Eq_iff_eq := Z.compare_eq_iff (only parsing). Notation Zabs_non_eq := Z.abs_neq (only parsing). Notation Zsgn_0 := Z.sgn_null (only parsing). Notation Zsgn_1 := Z.sgn_pos (only parsing). Notation Zsgn_m1 := Z.sgn_neg (only parsing).
Not kept: Zcompare_egal_dec