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Definition udiv := {|
  c_source :=
    "#include ""stdint.h""

     typedef struct {
       uint32_t quot; …";
  riscv_elf :=
    [x7f; x45; x4c; x46; x01; x01; x01; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00;
     x02; x00; xf3; x00; x01; x00; x00; x00; x54; x00; x01; x00; x34; x00; x00; x00;
     x0c; x02; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x34; x00; x20; x00; x01; x00; x28; x00;
     x06; x00; x05; x00; x01; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x00; x01; … ] |}.

= #include "stdint.h" typedef struct { uint32_t quot; uint32_t rem; } udiv_t; udiv_t udiv(uint32_t num, uint32_t denom) { uint32_t q = 0; while (num >= denom) { num -= denom; ++q; } return (udiv_t) { .rem = num, .quot = q }; }: string
= 00010054 <udiv>: 10054: 00 05 07 93 mv a5,a0 10058: ff 01 01 13 addi sp,sp,-16 1005c: 00 00 05 13 li a0,0 10060: 00 b7 f8 63 bgeu a5,a1,10070 <udiv+0x1c> 10064: 00 07 85 93 mv a1,a5 10068: 01 01 01 13 addi sp,sp,16 1006c: 00 00 80 67 ret 10070: 40 b7 87 b3 sub a5,a5,a1 10074: 00 15 05 13 addi a0,a0,1 10078: fe 9f f0 6f j 10060 <udiv+0xc> : list Byte.byte